Pagina 28 din 28

MesajScris: Dum Feb 20, 2005 10:22 am
de nakednoise
i love mute (moonspell)... savuroase versuri, cel putin a 4a strofa e dementiala

Approach and try to live me backwards
then without looking behind
surviving is somewhat confusing
although I never mind

if only silence could ever talk
how loud will be the voice
of this sincerely yours, violently yours

without you I am mute
without you, raped and nude
(without you) [No] (while you are the) one can touch me like I do

If only you could crawl by yourself
and release me from all your weight
would I still love you to the point of hate?

Cherish my guilt and then juggle with it
that paper Jesus on your bedroom wall
will bleed us to redeem

Without you I am mute
without you, raped and nude,
(Without you) [no] (while you are the) one can hurt me like you do

I want to know how it feels
to proceed without sharing it
your devil disguise is breaking
your face is now so crude
conscious blind and deaf and mute
it is the only way to be just near of you
it is the only way to show myself to you

Without you I am mute
raped and nude, without you...

MesajScris: Dum Feb 20, 2005 5:05 pm
de Trinnity

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Blasting and bubbling I fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

MesajScris: Lun Apr 04, 2005 7:08 pm
de dargaard
Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - The River Flows Frozen

Like frozen leaves
We are falling
On to the soil so barren and cold

The rays of sun
No more warming
Our hearts now so cold

Through this field
Of the withered flowers
We go still one more time

The hidden beauty
Forever gone
The river's frozen once again

So came this time
When moonlight blackened my heart:
I can't stand this pain

The chain is broken
It's tearing open my scars:
I want to feel the flame...again

The shine behind
The frozen stream
Reminds me of your eyes

The spark of hope
Still in my heart
Shall dreams become true under the ice?

MesajScris: Joi Apr 07, 2005 3:26 pm
de Duffy
-------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors (Alt: We broke our mirrors)
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles, in a daze
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)

I'm so lonely, but that's okay, I shaved my head ...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard ...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there ...
But I don't care
I'm so horny, but that's okay ...
My will is good
Hey, hey hey (x6)

I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack

I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors (Alt: We broke our mirrors)
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze ...
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)

I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack

Note: On the handwritten lyrics that Kurt Cobain wrote, he marked
the chorus as "Hey" and not "Yeah". That's what's also been reflected here,
even though most would argue that the word "Yeah" is present in the song.

nimic nou sub soare: da-mi, doamne, mintea cea de pe urma!

MesajScris: Mie Noi 16, 2005 2:47 pm
de kant emir
mdeah, carevas'ca asa zice oglinda mea: fire de par alb, ceva kilograme, ceva riduri - iaca pozna! n-are nica (chiar acuma merg sa ma intalnesc cu amicii, mergem la o berica, mai barfim, mai ascultam o muzica, mai jucam o carte - trece timpul !)
uau ce chestie, nu ma asteptam sa te intalnesc! a trecut ceva timp de cand am vorbit ultima oara (ochii tai stralucesc ; felul in care ma privesti ma face sa uit ca au trecut atatia ani peste noi, si ce calda si familiara imi e palma ta!); aa, dar nu pot acum, as sta cu placere sa mai vorbim, dar am niscai trebi, prietenii mei ma asteapta; lasa, tura viitoare mergem si bem ceva, stam la povesti, ne plimbam, k? ai ca te-am pupat, fug c-am intarziat deja, papapapa! si nu-mi vine sa intorc capul, stiu ca privirea ta ma urmareste - ma simt cam naspa - dar ce sa fac, sa las oamenii sa ma astepte? si parca imi lipseste ceva, ce naiba, oi fi uitat sa cumpar ceva? oare n-am lasat nimic pe aragaz?
...asta se intampla in urma cu ... cati ani sa fi trecut? ce dor imi ie, doamne, ce dor! nu mai stiu nimic de tine si ma framanta impresia ca am fost cam... natarau? iaca descoperirea ! da' la ce ma-sa sa-mi mai foloseasca? tare, tare dor

"So we meet again!" and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
"Three long years... and your favourite man...
Is that any way to say hello?"
And you hold me... like you'll never let me go

"Oh c'mon and have a drink with me
Sit down and talk a while..."
"Oh I wish I could... and I will!
But now I just don’t have the time..."
And over my shoulder as I walk away
I see you give that look goodbye...
I still see that look in your eye...

So dizzy Mr. Busy - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon - maybe next time - make it June
Until later... doesn't always come

It's so hard to think "It ends sometime
And this could be the last
I should really hear you sing again
And I should really watch you dance"
Because it's hard to think
"I'll never get another chance
To hold you... to hold you... "

But chilly Mr. Dilly - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the tizzy fizzy idiot things must get done
In a second - just hang on - all in good time - wont be long
Until later...

I should've stopped to think - I should've made the time
I could've had that drink - I could've talked a while
I would've done it right - I would've moved us on
But I didn't - now it's all too late
It's over... over
And you're gone..

I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you so much

But how many times can I walk away and wish "If only..."
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only..."
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only..."

But "If only...."
Is a wish too late...

(ce ie cu rosu se canta in atasament; daca am abuzat, np de sters/modif/mutat postul

MesajScris: Mie Noi 23, 2005 8:22 pm
de gugushtiuc
singurele versuri ca-mi vin in minte acum sunt offspring - dammit , I changed again:

Now I don't see things
The way Idid before
Things I feel today
Just don't matter anymore
It doesn't make any sense
To feel so different everyday

probabil shi pt ca am o zi de shit!

MesajScris: Sâm Dec 03, 2005 8:07 pm
de tzache
englezu ăla cu ochiu stang obosit de la Radiohead (adecă Thom Yorke), zice aşa:

I don't care if it hurts, I wanna have control
I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice, when I'm not around
You're so fuckin special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin here?
I don't belong here

o dedic tuturor celor cu care m-am contrazis zilele astea.
şi celor care nu vor să "toreleze".

MesajScris: Sâm Dec 03, 2005 9:51 pm
de Necko
si daca-mi permiti, tot o dedicatie, dar pentru tine

Oh, whatever what your days may bring,
No use hiding in a corner,
Cause that won't change a thing.
If you're dancing in the doldrums,
One day soon, it's got to stop, it's got to stop.

In the evening - Led Zeppelin

MesajScris: Lun Dec 05, 2005 11:24 pm
de cubu
Dream Theater - Honor Thy Father

[Lyrics by Mike Portnoy]

We're taught unconditional love
That blood is thicker than water
That a parent's world would revolve
Always around their son or their daughter

You pretend I was your own
And even believed that you loved me
But were always threatened by some
Invisible blood line that only you could see

You took advantage of an outreached hand
And twisted it to meet your every need
''Gimme time to re-charge my batteries,
I'll see her when she's older and I'll bounce her on my knee''

Well listen to me you ungrateful fool
Here comes a dose of reality
You'll go to your grave a sad and lonely man
The door is now closed on your pathetic little plan

On and on and on and on it goes
It's so easy to run away with nothing in tow

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the nerve to blame this mess on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
So Ignorant to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree

I tried your 4 bill therapy
I tried to make amends
But nothing could lure you out of your selfish shell again
Expecting everyone to bow and kiss your feet
Don't you see respect is not a one way street
Blaming everyone for all that you've don e wrong
I'll get my peace of mind when you hear this song

On and on and on and on it goes
And with every passing day true colors show

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the balls to blame this mess on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
Oblivious to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree

Watch where you walk
Don't you dare cross the crooked step
Watch the way you talk
Don't cross the crooked step

On and on and on and on it goes
Chauvinistic, heartless, selfish, cold

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the balls to blame this shit on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
So fucking blind to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree.

MesajScris: Mar Dec 06, 2005 2:14 am
de whatever
Mr. Bungle - Ma Meeshka Mow Skwoz

ghfuah blal he chaduduh chee hugh weh chee keh xooo hee hoh
ooooooo cikeetah xoo xeh
eooh le hugx yerheggkkk
ryzl ou hueau
pppddtdptdtt pppddtdptdtt

ue ue fhay goouuhf o lltt chteee
huucgcgudoo wuad!

Poodah paytahy poodah paytahy poodah poodah paytahy paytahy paytahy poodah
fea dugh toog fax
fea dugh toog fax

Beez gbazgen mauz gaysh
bal gonskunn geez woazch
ma meesken loas gouase
geez gonskunn boz mosquiez

heh tzt oly huht
ma meeshka mow skwoz
owm ftt lguf hahg

foo oo oo oo
puooo bieczkaireeaux
rrrd t ch kee bbst seay tssm klt aaaaox

goaduleh skeecs schoadulen mosqelaszz
beez gac goasgun

zoo ma mah manut mamoyugh
xi maa hea doo dauy dohdoyugh
tszeettaa ba doa bau koyugh

ma magh max maynot nolnoyugh
szi deah daddoobaught byugh
xi daa tdey gkao gho gkoyughfouuuuuuu

soan schwedea dn zewa tdieap
soan schwedea dn zewa tdieap
dtoyeum dtoyeum dmdipdihdeaudaht zdwitihdihttumptditutiua

soan schwedea dn zcwa tdieap
soan schwedea dn zcwa tdieap

bboawogh c wha fftyk onsk oooeeh oooeeh yeefm loolt msten

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

feydea tdn fa
feydea tdn fa gaugh
gzcc gmn ooo

ma meeshka mow skowz
ma meeshka mow skowz

soan schwedea dn skatdieap
soan schwedea dn skatdieap
sktoyeum sktoyeum sktoyeum dmdipdihdeaudaht zdwitihdihttumptditutiua

soan schwedea dn skatdieap
soan schwedea dn skatdieap goodeadogit goodeadogit glddehgoot

fea dugh toog fax
fea dugh toog fax

hrrea kcun bahg bumpt

daca aveti nelamuriri, azvarliti intrebari, eu raspund.

MesajScris: Mar Dec 06, 2005 3:12 am
de Aliosha
n-are cum sa le nimereasca la fel de fiecare data

Tapinarii:Imi plac ochii tai

MesajScris: Mie Dec 07, 2005 3:32 pm
de vicious
"imi plac ochii tai
dar mai mult imi plac sfarcurile tale
si poate chiar talpile tale
dar nu cred.

imi plac pasii tai
dar mai mult imi plac soldurile tale
si poate chiar visele tale
dar imi scapa.

imi plac sanii tai
si mai mult imi plac gandurile tale
stiu ca nu ma crezi
dar sunt ca niste petale

si vreau sa ma iubesti
chiar daca-mi plac doar sfarcurile tale
pentru ca stii
asa sunt eu, mai protestatar

imi plac ochii mei
si mai mult imi plac gandurile mele
pentru ca si tie
iti plac ochii mei"

versurile asa seci fara muzica pe fundal nu au asa mare efect so listen to the whole song si si si ..
maybe u`ll love za song as much as i do :D :bounce:
da, da, :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
si ultimele 2 strofe sunt cele "mai" geniale ..


MesajScris: Mie Dec 07, 2005 4:32 pm
de Syd
the Doors:
Crystal Ship,Break on Trough,Raiders on the Storm

MesajScris: Mie Dec 07, 2005 9:32 pm
de whatever
Aliosha scrie:n-are cum sa le nimereasca la fel de fiecare data

pai am 2 clipuri cu melodia asta live, si vreo 5 alte liveuri din diverse concerte, si chiar am incercat sa urmaresc daca nebunia asta poate fi redata la fel live (desigur, ma gandeam mai mult la "versuri") Si, da, se poate! Nu 100%, pentru ca in cateva portiuni unde in mod normal ar trebui sa vina ghfuah blal he chaduduh cheeiurile, mai intervine cu beatboxing si cu alte chestii hiohoparesti, apoi baga ceva sunete de alien, tipete inalte, grohaieli, si mai schimba ceva acolo unde incepe cu zoo ma mah manut mamoyugh. In rest, e aproape identic cum suna piesa asta live, ca si varianta de pe Disco Volante, lasa ca iti trimit pe ym si vb acolo.

scuzat fie offtopicul.

MesajScris: Joi Dec 08, 2005 10:14 am
de wednesday
Satanic Disaster

On a Saturday morning anywhere on this planet
There’s a guy dressed in black renting a camionnette
He's about to leave with a couple of friends
To play a show with their band called RINGLESS WITCHES HANDS
Six hours on the road across half their country
Driving carefully yet possessed by the spirit of the Unholy
How could they've known 'bout the underground curse
(They'd spend) six hours on the road to have the pleasure to rehearse

Every Saturday evening anywhere on this earth
Guys in black plugging amps make the spotlights burst
Try to raise true evil from a bunch of customers
Then negotiate a beer with a close-minded bartender

Underground lives and forever will !
(Bring me the head of the guy who's gonna pay the bill)
Underground force shall rule forever !
Not tonight for this is a satanic disaster
Underground is something funny
Make a step out of it, be considered as trendy
Underground shall rule forever
Not tonight for this is a satanic disaster

The power of the goat nobody can deny
Is unfortunately stuck outside the doors of the bar
Five dark warriors are left with their satanic hits
Invoking forces of darkness before fish and chips

66 Euros and 60 cents
At the toll gate of the motorway
As they were waiting for an evil sign
That’s exactly what they were asked to pay
Useless to call the Dark Lord as you feel lost
They were out to learn that to their cost
Their empty bellies moaning like living dead
Their heavy bodies waiting for a decent bed
Make up melts with sweat and tears
For Satan’s sake, the skin lotion’s near
Yet possessed by the hate of Christ
Yet spitting on the book of lies

Every Saturday evening till the end of time
Angry teens will wait in vain for a satanic sign
They will soon cut their hair and lead a normal life
Never again to reverse the perch of Jesus Christ.

Tels les chiens dans la plaine
Suppurant de sa haine
Transperce la chair
Lí¨che le sang de la haine.

carnival in coal ==D ==D

MesajScris: Joi Dec 08, 2005 6:51 pm
de tzache
Beautiful disaster

Beautiful disaster
Flyin' down the street again
I tried to keep up
You wore me out and left me ate up
Now I wish you all the luck
You're a butterfly in the wind without a care
A pretty train crash to me and I can't care
I do I don't whatever

311 ==D ==D


MesajScris: Lun Ian 30, 2006 1:38 pm
de cubu
Dream Theater - The Glass Prison
Album: Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence

Versurile, dupa cum se vede mai jos, au fost scrise de Portnoy, care a avut mari probleme cu bautura. Cele trei parti reprezinta primii trei pasi din terapia de dezalcoolizare pe care urmat-o. Urmatorii doi pasi se gasesc pe This Dying Soul de pe "Train of Thought", iar pe The Root of All Evil de pe "Octavarium" inca doi. El a declarat ca va continua sa scrie cate un cantec pe aceasta tema, pentru fiecare album ce va urma, pana va termina cei 12 pasi.

[music by Myung, Petrucci, Portnoy, Rudess]
[lyrics by Mike Portnoy]


Cunning, Baffling, Powerful
Been beaten to a pulp
Vigorous, Irresistable
Sick and tired and laid low
Dominating, Invincible
Black-out, loss of control
Overwhelming, Unquenchable
I'm powerless, have to let go

I can't escape it
It leaves me frail and worn
Can no longer take it
Senses tattered and torn

Hopeless surrender
Obsession's got me beat
Losing the will to live
Admitting complete defeat

Fatal Descent
Spinning around
I've gone too far
To turn back round

Desperate attempt
Stop the progression
At any length
Lift this obsession

Crawling to my glass prison
A place where no one knows
My secret lonely world begins

So much safer here
A place where I can go
To forget about my daily sins

Life here in my glass prison
A place I once called home
Fall in nocturnal bliss again

Chasing a long lost friend
I no longer can control
Just waiting for this hopelessness to end


Run - fast from the wreckage of the past
A shattered glass prison wall behind me
Fight - past walking through the ashes
A distant oasis before me

Cry - desperate crawling on my knees
Begging God to please stop the insanity
Help me - I'm trying to believe
Stop wallowing in my own self pity

"We've been waiting for you my friend
The writing's been on the wall
All it takes is a little faith
You know you're the same as us all"

Help me - I can't break out this prison all alone
Save me - I'm drowning and I'm hopeless on my own
Heal me - I can't restore my sanity alone

Enter the door
Fighting no more
Help me restore
To my sanity
At this temple of hope

I need to learn
Teach me how
Sorrow to burn
Help me return
To humanity
I'll be fearless and thorough
To enter this temple of hope

Transcend the pain
Living the life
Opened my eyes
This new odyssey
Of rigorous honesty

I never knew
Soundness of mind
Helped me to find
Courage to change
All the things that I can

"We'll help you perform this miracle
But you must set your past free
You dug the hole, but you can't bury your sole
Open your mind and you'll see"

Help me - I can't break out this prison all alone
Save me - I'm drowning and I'm hopeless on my own
Heal me - I can't restore my sanity alone


Way off in the distance I saw a door
I tried to open
I tried forcing with all of my will and still
The door wouldn't open
[replaced with "but" in this line]

Unable to trust in my faith
I turned and walked away
I looked around, felt a chill in the air
Took my will and turned it over

The glass prison which once held me is now gone
["now" is not heard in this line]
A long lost fortress
Armed only with liberty
And the key of my willingness

Fell down on my knees and prayed
"Thy will be done"
I turned around, saw a light shining through
The door was wide open

MesajScris: Lun Ian 30, 2006 5:04 pm
de LeSharK
o mostra din Terror Art - Zodia cameleonilor:

"Acei care prospera si viata-ti otravesc
Mereu cad in picioare in orice timp doresc
Sunt cei ce ieri erau atei si politruci,
Iar astazi s-au smerit si-si fac sute de cruci
Cu minti gelatinoase si spatele flexibil
Ne fac apologia unui stat imposibil
Cameleoni perfizi.. ti-arunca legea-n fata,
Dar mimetismul lor.. mie - imi - provoaca - greata!"

MesajScris: Sâm Feb 11, 2006 1:56 am
de LeSharK
hop tot eu :D

Critica radicala - Paradisul fad

Sa nu crezi azi nimic.. din ce-ti latra-n urechi
Baronii de carton.. de-acum dar si mai vechi
Caci paradisul fad, banal si grosolan
E putred din rarunchi si pute a canal

Priveste bine-n jur si fii atent la ei
Si-ai sa-ntelegi usor ce vor acesti misei
O lume rupta-n doua de sclavi si de stapani
In care sa fii rob la haita de hapsani

Fanarioti slugarnici ai mondializarii
Ne vand minciuni spoite cu izul bunastarii
In timp ce stai docil si chiar ajungi sa crezi
In vorba cea sterila a tampilor burghezi

Un stat politienesc, armate de spioni
Le ducem in spinare noi, oamenii pioni
Ne urmaresc, ne bat, ne baga-adanc in jug
Sa tragem cu aplomb noi, vitele de plug

Te vor blazat, docil si inregimentat
La cauza tenebroasa tu, vesnicul ratat
Cu biruri colosale si-o leafa de cacat
E simplu de-nteles cum astazi ai clacat

O lume de contraste si plina de cinism
Cu nevrozati atinsi profund de pesimism
Spitalele de nervi sunt suprapopulate
Din vina stapanirii ce-ndeasa-n ea cat poate

Copii bolnavi si palizi cu fete de stafii
Stau nemancati la colturi cu ochii stravezii
Orasele sunt pline de oameni rataciti
Ce-ngroasa azi cortegiul celor napastuiti

Nu astepta zadarnic faramele de os
De la banchetul fast al clanului gretos
Ridica-te si lupta si nu mai astepta
Ca ei sa-si bata joc mereu de viata ta

MesajScris: Dum Feb 12, 2006 2:23 pm
de Beatryce
Well.. sunt multe versuri care imi plac dar in momentul asta.. versurile astea miau intrat in cap and they don't seem to go away..

Something Corporate - Punk Rock Princess/Heroin

Maybe when the room is empty
Maybe when the bottle's full
Maybe when the door gets broke down love can break in
Maybe when I'm done with thinking
Maybe you can think me whole
Maybe when I'm done with endings this can begin
This can begin...this can begin

If you could be my punk rock princess
I would be your garage band king
You could tell me why you just dont fit in
And how you're going to be something

Maybe when your hair gets darker
Maybe when your eyes get wide
Maybe when the walls are smaller there will be
Maybe when im not so tired
Maybe you can step inside
Maybe when the look for things that I cant replace
I cant replace...I cant replace

If you could be my punk rock princess
I would be your garage band king
You could tell me why you just dont fit in
And how you're going to be something
If I could be your first real heartache
I would do it over again
If you could be my punk rock princess
I would be your heroin

I never thought you'd last
I never dreamed you would
You watched your life go past
You wonder if you should

Now you should be my punk rock princess
I would be your garage band king
So you could tell me why you just dont fit in
And how you're gonna be something
If I could be your first real heartache
I would do it over again
If you could be my punk rock princess
I would be your heroin

Whoa oooh, you know
You only burn my bridges
Whoa oooh, you know
You just can't let it sink in
You could be my heroin
You could be my heroin

Sapt viitoare o sa im placa alte versuri si tot asa.. dar deocamdata nu ma pot satura de mel asta. :D

MesajScris: Mie Mar 08, 2006 8:56 pm
de shiona
de cativa ani de cand am auzit melodia am tot ascultat-o si nu m-am saturat de ea...e de cateva luni asta simt...
Anathema - Anyone, Anywhere
No one seems to care anymore
I wander through this night all alone
No one feels the pain I have inside
Looking at this world through my eyes

No one really cares where I go
Searching to feel warmth forever more
The wheels of life they turn without me
Now you are gone... eternally

Don't leave me here
The dream carries (me) on
I know...
Its not too late
Lost moments blown away

Mankind, with your heresy
Can't you see that this is killing me
There's no one in this life
To be here with me at my side

o sa vin si cu versuri in viitoare

MesajScris: Mar Mar 21, 2006 10:48 pm
de gaga

pesa se cheama "sa traiti (bine): si e a moldovenilor de la ohne zucker

n-am mai trecut de mult prin sat
obisnuiam sa trec mai des
amu' is tare ocupat
da' mi-a trimis un sms
vecinu' cela de pe deal
si mi-a zis ca mama-i vie
o mai crescut doi dinti la cal
si tata be' [pe datorie]

vecinu asta-i bou i
mi scrie chestii fara rost
in loc sa-mi spuna ce mai face
dusmanu' meu shefu' de post

eu il urasc pe politzai
da' toate cate s-o-ntamplat
imi ie prea mult sa povestesc
[mai bine fa un rezumat]

intr-o noapte furtunoasa
saream gardu' la o vecina
care nu era acasa
si-am plecat cu o gaina
cand pe strada politzaiu ma opreshte
"cu respecte"
cica gardu' si gaina
i se par treburi suspecte

vorbea cu-n coleg pe statzii ca sa-i povesteasca faza
da' io nuntzelegeam cine dracu-i vulturu si cine-i baza

nici eu n-am stat mai moale si i-am zis atata:
"da-te catz crap capu' cu gaina tutz codu' penalu' ma-tii
cand natura m-o impinge sa ma duc la toaleta
si tin cuculetzu-n mana, adica mana mi-i suspecta?"

da' el nu si nu "amenda"
io ii zic: "bai minte creatza,
daca stiam ca-mi dai amenda
poi luam gaina de la peatza"

iti daruim cu drag o suta de amenzi
sa nu mai razi de noi pe strada cand ne vezi
colegii cu cagula te tin si eu te bat
jucam cu tine baza ia ghiceste cine-o dat.

cine-o pus asfaltu-n drum
ala n-a fost om nebun
da' sa dea domnu' sa turbe
ala care i-o pus curbe
mie-mi trebe strada dreapta
sa nu tre' sa-nvart colacu'
ca de fiecare data intru-n shantz
nu stiu cum dracu'
si-uiteasha din casa mamei
o ramas numai miraju'
ca era la cotitura
si-am uitat sa fac viraju'
lu' mama nu-i venea sa creada cat de multa tocatura
pot sa fac din cal si vaca cand bushesc masina-n shura
dar in dreptul primariei politzaiu' circumspect
imi facu un semn cu mana sprijinind ceva erect.

un par mare cu trei becuri da' era aprins doar unu' rosu
io scot calendaru; "ce, o venit deja craciunu'?"
si scremandu-ma la creier ca un fin cunoscator,
imi dau seama ca agentu' sprijinea un semafor,
apoi povestea prin statie despre nu stiu ce gaina,
da' io ii citeam pe fatza ciuda, ca mi-am luat masina.

"ce tot aperi semaforu' si stai tzapan ca un tzap?
dacatz place ia-l acasa, spala-te cu el pe cap,
pune-i-l in fata soacrei sa arate numa roshu
ca sa inteleag-odata ca de fapt tu esti cocoshu'
si sa nu mai umble noaptea sa izbeasca ushile
cand iti fugaresti femeia ca sa-i pui catushileee"

cum zicea cineva mai sus "de catziva ani asta simt" ~p fatza de militzie ~p

MesajScris: Joi Mar 30, 2006 1:08 am
de hakalbak
old pirates yes they rob i,
sold i to the merchant sips
minutes after they took i
from the bothemless pit

but my hand was made strong
by the hand of the allmighty
we farward in this generation triumphantly

emancipate your self from mental slavery
'cause non but ourselfs can free our mind
have nu fear from atomic energy cause non of them can stop the time

pace spiritului

MesajScris: Mar Apr 25, 2006 6:33 pm
de MistaGrimm
Sunt sigur ca nu multi d aici au auzit de horrorcore si nu ma mira...uite un artist de horrorcore nu foarte cunoscut(o sa intelegeti voi dc nu foarte cunoscut :hades: :hades: :hades: ) ...

Confession this fucking murders and eating these fucking lips
Confession this kid`s stoned and raping your fucking kids
Confession these drive-by`s and killing your golf team
Confession these fallen angels and burning their fucking wings
Confession of sacrifices confession of crucifix
Confession of fucking cops and making that needle click
Confession of smoking weed confession of selling dope
Confession in having visions of killing the fucking Pope
Confession of burning Bibles confession of drinking blood
Confession of eating flesh so bitches you better run
Confession of seeing demons confession of being sick
Confession this OUIJI board surrounded by candlesticks....

....recunoasteti artistul? :axe: ...pot sa mai continui dar deja cred ca va faceti cruce ... :rau: ...asta`i horrorcore`ul...down with the klown till im dead in the
ground!! :rau: :rau: :rau: :rau:

MesajScris: Mar Apr 25, 2006 6:56 pm
de gaga
da search pe versuri ... o sa dai direct in site-uri porn cu violuri si diverse alte ... bunatati rusesti.
sunteti bolnavi bre.

MesajScris: Mar Apr 25, 2006 7:41 pm
de LeSharK
MistaGrimm scrie:....recunoasteti artistul? :axe: ...pot sa mai continui dar deja cred ca va faceti cruce ... :rau: ...asta`i horrorcore`ul...down with the klown till im dead in the [/B]ground!! :rau: :rau: :rau: :rau:
frate.. daca tu crezi ca astea sunt versuri violente/bolnave, du-te si trateaza-te cu niste grindcore..

MesajScris: Mie Apr 26, 2006 8:46 pm
de MistaGrimm
gaga scrie:da search pe versuri ... o sa dai direct in site-uri porn cu violuri si diverse alte ... bunatati rusesti.
sunteti bolnavi bre.

de fapt nici nu ma astept sa intelegi msg pe care il transmite ar trebui sa asculti tot albumu ca sa`l intelegi...priveste dincolo de versurile propriu-zise...

si dc suntem bolnavi? .. ca spunem lucrurilor pe nume la modul cel mai vulgar posibil? ... crezi ca tu esti normal ca asculti manele sau c naiba mai asculti tu? noi tu esti ciudatul :rau2:

MesajScris: Mie Apr 26, 2006 9:40 pm
de whatever
cap one (ala cu versurile de mai sus) e mega necunoscut, si nu cred ca doar in romania. In orice caz, versuri de factura asemanatoare gasesti la psihopatul de G.G. Allin, la Anal Cunt sau Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Pe mine unul astia ma distreaza, totul e asa nu ii iei in serios ...

MesajScris: Lun Iun 19, 2006 10:11 am
de Pinguinu
Skyclad- A Clown Of Thorns

Walking my personal Calvary mile to a do-it-yourself crucifixion,
It's a kingdom of clowns wearing martyrdom's frown -
I must fight for my hammer and nails,
We're an endless procession of lost, dispossessed unbelievers -
Whose prayers go unheard and unanswered,
(unheard and unanswered like junk mail for Jesus).

MesajScris: Dum Iul 02, 2006 7:41 pm
de cubu
Pink Floyd - Mother

Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooooowaa Mother, should I build a wall?
Mother, should I run for President?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mother, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooooowaa Is it just a waste of time?
Hush, my baby. Baby, don't you cry.
Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true.
Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you.
Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing.
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing.
Momma's gonna keep Baby cozy and warm.

Oooo Babe.
Oooo Babe.
Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build a wall.
Mother, do you think she's good enough,
For me?
Mother, do you think she's dangerous,
To me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Ooooowaa Mother, will she break my heart?
Hush, my baby. Baby, don't you cry.
Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.
Momma won't let anyone dirty get through.
Momma's gonna wait up until you get in.
Momma will always find out where you've been.
Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean.

Oooo Babe.
Oooo Babe.
Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me.
Mother, did it need to be so high?