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Forum "Home Recording"

MesajScris: Joi Oct 03, 2002 9:18 pm
de ckride
propun un forum Home Recording, in care sa se vb. despre inginerie aparatura tehnica & stuff like that. Cred ca sunt ceva adepti pe forum, si cum ideea ii apartine lui Tase tot lui cred ca ar trebui sa-i apartina functia de moderator. Who's with me?

MesajScris: Joi Oct 03, 2002 10:00 pm
de sly
buna idee neamtzule fi ff interesant forumul asta. sper sa faca acest forum sopra . eu te sustin!

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 8:28 pm
de cutuma©
excelenta idee, votul meu pt asta.

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 8:50 pm
de sly
mai dar sopra asta ce face? da shi tu prietene un raspuns aici...forumul asta ar fi ff interesant!

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 9:01 pm
de cutuma©
sopra's status on YM : "Not At My Desk"...we'll just have 2 wait & see...

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 9:43 pm
de Sopra Tutt1
pai... ar merge asa ceva... dar am sa il fac ca subforum in muzica, e ok?
Ash dori o descriere pentru el.

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 10:09 pm
de cutuma©
pai poate ar merge "sound-uri ca la mama acasa"

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 10:26 pm
de Sopra Tutt1
gata, e up!

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 10:47 pm
de cutuma©
shi cu faza cu tase cum ramane? userul se numeshte rthodox . Garantam eu shi Neamtzu k e cel mai potrivit.

MesajScris: Vin Oct 04, 2002 11:20 pm
de Sopra Tutt1
moderator e Aliosha.

MesajScris: Sâm Oct 05, 2002 2:43 pm
de dadius
bravo mai. cea mai tare idee pe anu asta.

keep up the good work:)

MesajScris: Lun Oct 28, 2002 6:35 am
de JMJ
Initial trimis de Sopra Tutt1
pai... ar merge asa ceva... dar am sa il fac ca subforum in muzica, e ok?
Ash dori o descriere pentru el.

E bine ca este si aceasta sectiune a forumului...insa e prost aleasa locatia...Sorry dar ergonomia forumului sala de dorit!
Eu datorita subiectelor discutatea acolo consider ca ar trebui bagata la partea TEHNICA a forumului...adica undeva pe aici: "Computers-tot ceea ce tzine de computere"... etc. Nu de alta dar daca te uiti la subiecte toate sint si se vor a fi tehnice!

MesajScris: Lun Oct 28, 2002 2:37 pm
de as xxl
acu' ca am vazut shi eu, are dreptate jemeje asta mic ... mai bine s-ar incadra la "hardware".

MesajScris: Dum Noi 03, 2002 3:55 pm
de Sopra Tutt1
nu este forum care sa apara pe pagina principala... iar cum pe hardware vizitatorii sunt ca si inexistenti, mai nimerit e sa fie subforum pe muzica, parerea mea. Daca o sa tzinetzi cu dintzii sa il mut, am sa-l mut, dar risca sa intre in anonimat.

MesajScris: Dum Noi 03, 2002 4:18 pm
de JMJ
Initial trimis de Sopra Tutt1
nu este forum care sa apara pe pagina principala... iar cum pe hardware vizitatorii sunt ca si inexistenti, mai nimerit e sa fie subforum pe muzica, parerea mea. Daca o sa tzinetzi cu dintzii sa il mut, am sa-l mut, dar risca sa intre in anonimat.

Totusi incearca sa-l muti la promit ca o sa-l fac mai animat! Incercarea moarte nu are!

Re: Forum "Home Recording"

MesajScris: Vin Sep 26, 2003 11:15 am
de Amedeo
Ok, si eu sunt de acord!Cu bine!

MesajScris: Sâm Iul 08, 2006 11:55 am
de dadius
Nu stiu cine se ocupa in acest moment de bunul mers al portalului! Ultima data cand am avut o problema am discutat cu Oribilul Mosh. As vrea sa iau legatura pe privat cu un admin pentru a discuta despre sectiunea Home Recording. Propun yahoo mess id'ul meu este dadius2003

Multumesc anticipat.

The Best Ways for Speed Leveling in Wow

MesajScris: Mar Sep 01, 2009 2:00 am
de cdef702
As one of the lowest level characters in your World of Warcraft guild, it can put a damper on your game. Constantly hearing your guild mates tease you about your low level character gets annoying quickly. This is where a World of Warcraft leveling guide can set you apart from other players and take you to the next level so you can enjoy late game content just like the pros. Without anything other than a good World of Warcraft powerleveling guide, you have the ability to lever 70 in record breaking time. The difference between players who use leveling guides and the ones that don't are pretty obvious. The typical player can reach level 70 in 150-170 hours using a good World of Warcraft guide. Without a guild, this is a drastic improvement over the average time of 300-350 hours. Guides are written by people with experience that have gone through every step of the game and put together the best possible route to level your character fastThese guides are written by the experienced players but don't let that fool you, the information is given in step by step form as a result any player can take full advantage and put the methods into practice immediately. Remember that these guides are thoroughly researched, constructed and tested to be practical for any player so it doesn't matter if you are a rookie or a pro, you will easily be able to take your gaming to the next level using a wow power leveling guide. Luckily World of Warcraft is set up in a way that allows players to play as long or as little as they choose. The guides are created so you aren't required to group up or enter an instance to get the experience required. This allows you to be independent and work at your schedule and your own pace so you don't have to depend on the play time of guild mates and fellow players. The most leveling guides offer free lifetime upgrades is the best part about them. You will get completely new up to date content to walk you through the newest material as soon as the game receives an upgrade. In the game having a guide that keeps up with the constant changes is very essential if you don't want to get lost forever in a maze of quests and high level mobs. What is more, a power leveling guide is a must have tool for your arsenal if you are trying to reach the top of the game and level your character as fast as possible. What all you to do are to get your Epic Flying Mounts, speed through levels and join your friends for the latest new content in no time flat. As above, we simply talk about the best ways for speed leveling in World of Warcraft. We do not know whether you get the hang of it. If you have any trouble in it, you are free to ask for our help. At length we also hope that you will have a good time.