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Conferinta internationala de istorie si un weblog aferent

MesajScris: Vin Apr 11, 2003 12:17 pm
de Golem3u
"British Council and the Centre for South East European Studies will hold the third Historians' Workshop in Bucharest, 7-11 April 2003. The theme is 'History and Society since 1970'. The Workshop is run in partnership wth the New Europe College Bucharest, with funding from the British Council and the British Academy.
Join us on the workshop's weblog, at!
Read live reports from the workshop!
Have your say!
Interact with participants and other visitors!
Please forward this e-mail to whom you think it might be of interest."

Lasand la o parte componenta de reclama a quot-ului de mai sus, realitatea este ca majoritatea conferintelor sunt chiar interesante pentru oricine (de la amatori la specialisti) este interesat de istorie, societate, politologie in spatiul sud-est european. Interesant este ca poti sa discuti on-line (in cadrul weblog-ului) pe marginea topic-urilor conferintei, sa schimbi opinii cu nenumarati alti oameni, pe langa aflarea punctelor de vedere discutate la conferinta.

See you there! :-)

MesajScris: Sâm Iun 20, 2009 12:23 am
de eliana
subiect inchis. daca cineva doreste sa-l vada redeschis, rog anunt pe Administrativ.