review Siva Six - live in Bucharest

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review Siva Six - live in Bucharest

Mesajde djHypnos » Sâm Noi 26, 2005 5:40 pm

review Siva Six - live in Bucharest

Acum trei ani, am avut nepretuita sansa si ocazie de a-i vedea live in Romania, din fericire, nu in Bucuresti, pe "Das Ich". La vremea aceea, la fel ca si acum, tot ce tinea de cultura underground, indiferent de maniera si manifestare, speria onoratul public bizonian romanesc, sau in cel mai bun caz, il lasa rece.
Siva Six au aparut in contextul in care, de la Das Ich pana la ei, nici-o alta trupa din genul asta sau mai bine zis, de calibrul asta, nu mai calcase pe plaiurile mioritice. Ne-am obisnuit deja, cu maniera de mediatizare a evenimentelor de genul asta, adica aproape deloc, totusi mica incinta a clubului "Viking" a devenit neincapatoare, cu mult inaintea inceperii vreuneia dintre "cantari". Club in care, metalul este "rege" - ceea ce nu-i rau si chiar laudabila "deschiderea" de care au dat dovada ownerii locului - ma intrebam, oare ce impact va avea o trupa ca Siva Six. Cu un sound absolut dement, linii melodice stranii, si un look cu totul neasteptat, baietii au reusit sa-si construiasca un public ad-hoc, format din metalisti care cu siguranta, acasa, in initimatea lor, pe cu totul si cu totul alt gen de muzica isi zboara creierii. Am observat indivizi care, nu intelegeau de ce le place. In afara de un mic grup de avizati, publicul era de cu totul alta factura. Siva Six s-au descurcat de minune in acest context, reusind un concert de zile mari.
Chestia asta ar trebuie sa puna pe ganduri anumiti domni care s-au erijat in manageri sau organizatori, ca poate da domnul si mai iesim dracu' din marasmul asta tiganesc-oriental in care ne zbatem de ceva vreme. In alta ordine de idei, nu stiu daca merita sa discutam despre ce gen sau stil de muzica abordeaza Siva Six, notiuni ca "noise", "EBM", "industrial", sunt mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute, iar fiecare le interpreteaza in functie de cat si cum il duce mintea. Conteaza ca trupe precum Siva Six vin, cam rar ce-i drept si ne fac sa ne punem tot soiul de semne de intrebare.
Siva Six ne-a "spart" prin look, sound, atitudine. Piesele primului lor album, ne-au urcat pe toti cei prezenti in seara aceea intr-un malaxor scapat de sub control timp de mai bine de patruzeci de minute, ca sa ne lase dupa aceea sa ne decantam. Dupa parerea mea, au rezultat trei tipuri de "victime": cei care au orgasmat instant si neconditionat, rezonand la aceeasi lungime de unda, cei care au descoperit ca muzica mai inseamna si altceva decat asculta prin gasca, pe MTV sau piata romaneasca de profil, si din nefericire, cei care nu au inteles si nu vor intelege niciodata nimic, pentru ca asa le este scris, dar care bineinteles, au opinii, impresii si din pacate sunt cateodata manageri, organizatori, producatori.
Oricum, Siva Six au fost BETON, sunt clar de urmarit si ascultat, iar eu unul indraznesc sa sper, in virtutea faptului ca Grecia nu-i departe, ca am sa-i mai vad performand live.

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Mesajde djHypnos » Sâm Noi 26, 2005 9:01 pm

english version:
Three years ago, I had the never dreamed chance to see live in Romania - happily, not in Bucharest - Das Ich. At the time, as well as nowadays, everything related to undetground culture, in its every of way of expression, was scaring the shit out of the Romanian "honest" buffalo audience or, at the best, kept it insensible.
Siva Six arised in the next framework: since Das Ich - till them, no other act in this genre or better said, of this gauge, stepped into our shepherd areal. We got already accustomed with the mass-mediating style of such events here, id est: almost null; nevertheless, the small enclosure of the Viking club became scanty, long time before any of the "singing" started. A club where "metal is the king" - a thing not so bad, and the "opening" prooved by the owners of the place is praiseworthy - I was just wondering what impact would have such a band like Siva Six. With a absolutely "mad" sound, outlandish melodic lines and a totally unforseen look, these guys came off to build themselves an ad-hoc audience, made of metalists which, absolutely - when home, in their privacy, used to "blow their brains out" on a totally different kind of music. I noticed people which just didn't get it why they liked it. Except a small "witting" group, the audience was from a totally different area. Siva Six came off capitally in this framework, attaining a thundering performance.
This thing should determine certain gentlemen that pose as managers or organizers in here, to reflect on, maybe God helps and we get the hell out of this gipsy-oriental slough we wallow into from some time. Otherwise, I don't know if it's worth to talk about what music genre or style Siva Six approaches, concepts as "noise", EBM", "industrial" are more or less known, and everyone interprets them according to his brain level in here. What really matters is that bands like Siva Six are coming, quite seldom to be honest, and they determine us to rise ourselves big question-marks-thoughts of all kinds.
Siva Six actually tore us up by their look, sound, attitude. The songs of their first album pushed us up, all that ones present that evening - into a mixing machine totally run out of control for more than 40 minutes - just in order to let us afterwards ungear. In my opinion, there were ensued three kind of "victims": the ones that came to climax instantly and unconditioned, covibrating onto the same frequency; the ones that discovered that music means something more though than what they listen in their gap, on MTV or from the Romanian profile market and, unhappilly, that ones that haven't understood and never will, a thing, because it is their fate, but who, of course, estimates and have opinions and are, tragically sometimes managers, organizers, producers.
Anyway, Siva Six were TIGHT, they are broad to follow and listen to, and I myself venture to hope, by reason of Greece not being so far, that I will maybe see them performing live again.

review by SB [email]******[/email]
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Membru din: Mie Noi 24, 2004 12:00 am
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Mesajde djHypnos » Sâm Noi 26, 2005 9:02 pm

Siva Six in Romania (and what a show!)

All industrial lovers were delighted a month ago when (what a shock!) an authentic industrial band from Greece, Siva Six, visited Romania. This event happend on the 22-nd october in Viking club where also bands as Deviant (RO) or Inactive Messiah (GR) performed. But from my point of view the Greeks from Siva Six smashed completly the stage, emanating energy and installing a connection between them and the public.
Z (vox), he was unstopable: his shouts, his climbing on tall objecs and surfaces, his scenic acts in concordance with Noid (keyz)’s harsh beats created dynamism, a special experience in which both the public and artists were deeply involved. The concert unleashed the madness and mesmetized the public feeded so far only with metal ratios. Industrial is indeed an underground-ed music here in Romania, and many rockers confuse it with house...very it is highly difficult to organize electronic/industrial concerts and have public for it. But Siva Six canceled all the rules and limits in the Romanians’ conservatory minds: it made even the „angryâ€Â
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Mesajde djHypnos » Dum Noi 27, 2005 1:29 pm

Magic, bliss, electro spells, horrored untill ecstatic beats and submissive love stories...This is the world in which I was projected Saturday night going to the concert of Siva Six in a club from Bucharest too modest for such a performance and spirit...
I reached on purpose exactly before Siva was going onstage. I had heard only few days before about this Greek act, and after I found their album and listened to them only few times, I said "they sound interesting" and that was all....but when you listen more the sound of this guys, their music "grows like a plant on radioactive fertilizer" as some enchanted listener of them once said...
So, without being en garde of what will happen to me, I went in front of the stage with my camera, among the people that were there, too little for a valuable act and too many for the electro genre development in my country...
The Greek duo, from its very first moment of getting on stage, brutally blissed our senses with a floor-shaking assault veining to all subgenres, from Dark Electro to Aggro. The harsh-EBM terorrist NoiD (keyz) bewitched the audience with inexorable power-and-energy beats mixed harmonically with industrial atmosphere, dark ambience distorted sounds at times blacked-out by futurist samples, children voices, afflicted cries, choirs, the lusting plead of a girl...all those taking you into a trip of claustrophobia, lust and pain...
On top of that horrified ambience comes Z's vocals, sadistically fierce, delivering a rhytm of their own, bestial possesive and dominant, having dark and apocalyptic resonances. Z, with his deep understanding of rhytm delivery and his guttural accent fusioning the beat, is genuinely threatening and devouring and gives you the insensate thrill that there is no escape..."You're on fours and realize, I'm a beast with dirty eyes, What I give you cannot take, Away from K I stay awake"...All his thunder-and-lightning lapped in a dance of sugestive gestures, acting out the grief of fire, the frightened agression and the pleasure in domination. Brutal bliss balet dancer, he enraptures with his soulfulness and spontaneous gestures of asking beers to the audience, climbing, singing and dancing on top of all possible obstacles arround the stage and establishing eye-contact and gesture exchange with the listeners in front of him...
And all this industrial massacre being about things like: the violence in sacrifying flesh as a highway lover, the grief that metamorphoses into an inhuman creature of fire, the pleasure in being abused and in abusing, the need for erasing all the surrounding human limits, the taste for extreme, the magic and mayhem we'll all breathe...Their songs are haunted by sensual BDSM love stories, rising human flesh questions and responding always with pain...An alluring vision that ascended us for a moment on a higher level of our lustfullness...On top of all these, an inedited enactment of a magic spell that prooved us finally we have no return... As Morticia Devine says "Siva Six possesses your soul and its devouring you from the inside"...
So, in the end we found ourselves as a waving in amaze audience, our screaming-for-dance body offered as an immolation to the sudden hellenic gods that kept possessing our senses. Spellbound by the magic put on us, we were not even given the chance to answer "Yes, please" as the only option to this public punishment. I keep a memory from the fiery performance of Siva Six.... during some song break, a guy with amazed blissed-out eyes came to me and asked "What type of music is that, I've never heard such a thing in my life, I want more of!". What should I have told him, that neither had I (heard such a thing)? He kept asking since then to bring him from my home collection, music from the Electro genre he fell suddenly for, in a moment of truth sponsored by Siva Six... I still haven't done that, I'm afraid I would let him down, as Siva has its own sound - futuristic, original, brand new...I can't compare with anything I ever listened before dot. Concluding, look how this killer Greek act makes fresh victims that are still fascinated with the received pain... "Unaware virgins, do you want to be punished?" "Yes, please..."
Sophisticated dance of the millenium asking for new Faith and self-Religion, a human scream that breaks all the limits toward extreme and wants to exhault all the feelings/embrace all the the namesaked hindu God, Siva Six transformed themselves for the 40 minutes of their gig, both in destroyer-gods and lords of dance...
Their magic performance allowed us perceive for a moment a new world of ideas...about conquering the already known but always re-affirming values of our sexuality and pain...about breaking all the imposed rules, about opening our mind and liberating our senses... What this guys do has indeed "all the fury and violent vigor of life"...
Listening to them, beholding their intense act of expression, being for a moment among them...was maybe the celebration of one new thinking path in my existence, Siva Six is about a whole concept I keep discovering step by step since then...Thank you Siva Six.
Siva is the Hindu destroyer-god and lord of the dance; his dance is the dance of cosmic evolution, primordial, spiraling, coiling, transmutating energy and matter from state-to-state, and, for the human spirit/body, the six states of rebirth — Siva Six expresses the intense motion of the universe, all the fury and violent vigor of life.
Destroy believing!

review by SB [email]*******[/email]
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