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MesajScris: Mar Mar 15, 2005 12:58 pm
de theOffender
The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - 8.2 / 10
Anul: 2002
Stil: Alternativ / Electronic / Ambient
Wayne Coyne / Michael Ivins / Steven Drozd

Cateva cuvinte despre The Flaming Lips
Formata in 1983 in Yoklahoma iar legenda spune ca Wayne Coyne ar fi furat intrumentele muzicale dintr-o biserica. La inceput a fost un trio: Wayne shi fratele lui Mark impreuna cu Steven Drozd. Primul lor album a fost un fel de hard rock / rock progresiv ca stil iar de atunci nici un album nu a semanat intre ele. Ca orice formatzie, The Flaming Lips va trece prin multe patzanii. Tobosharul ishi va pierde o mana, fiindu-i amputata din gresheala dupa ce a fost mushcat / intzepat de un paianjen.

Cateva cuvinte despre Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
E ultimul lor album, 49 de minute. Complet psychaedelic, poate fi comparat cu un album de-al lui Vangelis mai degraba. Se pare ca Wayne e un fan SF iar acest lucru se rasfrange in versuri shi in sunet. Albumul este shi nu este comercial. E mai bine vazut de critica, are trei piese absolut superbe (#3; #9; #1) insa in mod sigur nu va place tuturor. Doar trei instrumente: chitara solo, tobe shi keyboard.

Cand merita ascultat?
O desfatare in mashina, insa nu atunci cand te zbatzi in traficul bucureshtean.

1: Fight Test
2: One More Robot / Sympathy 3000-21
3: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Part 1)
4: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Part 2)
5: In The Morning of the Magicians
6: Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell
7: Are You a Hypnotist??
8: It's Summertime
9: Do You Realize??
10: All We Have Is Now
11: Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (Utopia Planitia)

1: Fight Test (8.5/10)
Prima data cand am ascultat piesa mi s-a parut mult prea similar piesei Father and Son a lui Cat Stevens. Initzial am crezut ca e vorba de replica fiului catre tata. Versurile insa m-au contrazis: e vorba despre doi tipi ce incearca sa cucereasca o fata. (I thought I was smart, I thought I was right / I thought it better not to fight / I thought there was a virtue in always being cool / So it came time to fight, I thought I’ll just step aside / And that the time would prove you wrong / And that you would be the fool). Vocea lui Wayne Coyne are inflexiunile lui Cat Stevens, insa orchestratzie e mult mai moderna.

2: One More Robot / Sympathy 3000-21 (8/10)
Stilul inovator a lui Wayne se face simtzit in aceasta piesa plina de coruri in falset, de efecte digitale ametzitoare (Unit three thousand twenty one is warning / Makes a humming sound - when its circuits / Duplicate emotions - and a sense of coldness detaches / As it tries to comfort your sadness). Spre final devine o orchestratzie electronica, de ambient.

3: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Part 1) (9.5/10)
E melodia care mi-a placut cel mai mult de pe acest album. Simpla (chiar foarte simpla), cu un acord de chitara repetitiv incat te trezeshti fredonandu-l intreaga zi. Versurile (Her name is Yoshimi - she's a black belt in karate / Working for the city - she has to discipline her body - /
Cause she knows that it's demanding to defeat these / Evil machines - I know she can beat them
) parca sunt imagini dintr-un film Manga in care te ashteptzi sa vezi pushtoaice de liceu cu centura neagra in karate atacand aceshti "pink robots".

4: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Part 2) (7.5/10)
Complet intrumentala cred ca ar fi superba intr-un video game. Cu tzipate shi voci pe fundal, partea a doua descrie batalia dintre Yoshimi shi the Pink Robots.

5: In The Morning of the Magicians (8.5/10)
Cu un ritm psychadelic, a cincea piesa de pe album este lenta, dulceaga ("In the morning I'd awake and couldn't remember / What is love and what is hate? - the calculations error / Oh-oh-oh-what is love and what is hate? / And why does it matter? - is to love just a waste How would it matter?). O sunet de chitara simpla acompaniant de efecte digitale, stilul aduce putzin a Fish.

6: Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell (7.5/10)
Un pic cam asemanatoare cu piesa de dinainte, un pic cam filozofica (I was waiting on a moment / But the moment never came / All the billion other moments / Were just slipping all away / I must have been tripping / Just ego tripping)

7: Are You a Hypnotist?? (8.5/10)
Imi plac versurile de la aceasta piesa (I had forgiven you for tricking me again / But I have been tricked again - / Into forgiving you - / What is this?? Are you some kind of hypnotist??)

8: It's Summertime (8/10)
It's summertime - and I can understand if you / Still feel - sad - / It's summertime and though it's hard to see its true / possibilities -
Acelashi stil psychaedelic.

9: Do You Realize?? (9.5/10)
Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face / Do You Realize - we're floating in space - / Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry / Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die
O piesa superba, in topul personal de pe acest album aluneca pe pozitzia a doua doar datorita piesei Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Part 1). C

10: All We Have Is Now (8/10)
As logic stands you couldn't meet a man / Who's from the future / But logic broke as he appeared he spoke / About the Future Penultima piesa de pe album cu o lirica explicita, futurista.

11: Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (Utopia Planitia) (7.5/10)
Ultima piesa, instrumentala, electronica, psychaedelica shi de ambient.

MesajScris: Mie Mar 16, 2005 11:06 am
de theOffender
The Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin - 9.35 / 10
Anul: 1999
Stil: Alternativ Rock / Psychaedelic Rock / Progressive
Wayne Coyne / Michael Ivins / Steven Drozd

Cateva cuvinte despre The Flaming Lips
Numele formatziei are shi el o mica istorie. Se pare ca provine de la numele unui filmo porno. Altzii zic ca Wayne a avut un vis in care fecioara Maria il saruta pe frunte. Oricare ar fi originea numelui, The Flaming Lips este o formatzie care mi-a schimbat definitiv conceptzia ca americanii nu sunt in stare sa produca muzica non-comerciala.
Deci inceputurile au fost Wayne Coyne (chitara solo), Mark Coyne (vocal) shi Michael Ivins (chitara bass). Percutzionistul Richard English se va adauga trupei iar in aceasta formatzie vor inregistra primul lor album, Hear It Is (1986). Mark Coyne se casatoreshte shi paraseshte formatzia.

Cateva cuvinte despre Soft Bulletin
Votat de critica cel mai bun album al anului 1999, Soft Bulletin este total diferit ca orchestratzie de albumul care va urma (Yoshimi Battles...). Bazat mai mult pe acorduri de pian shi avand superba voce a lui Wayne, acest album este cel mai bun album Flaming Lips shi un punct de referintza in muzica rock. In partzi suna foarte aproape de The Beach Boys (Pet Sounds). Succesul acestui album se datoreaza in parte producatorului Dave Fridmann (care a facut minuni cu trupa lui Mercury Rev in albumul Deserter's Songs) Lumea zice ca daca Pink Floyd n-ar fi existat, cineva i-ar fi inventat. Eu zic bine ca cineva a inventat The Flaming Lips caci asha am descoperit ce inseamna muzica de calitate.

Cand merita ascultat?
Foarte seren, calm. Ideal pentru destindere.

1: Race For the Prize (remix)
2: A Spoonful Weighs a Ton
3: The Spark That Bled
4: The Spiderbite Song
5: Buggin' (remix)
6: What Is the Light?
7: The Observer
8: Waitin' For a Superman
9: Suddenly Everything Has Changed
10: The Gash
11: Feeling Yourself Disintegrate
12: Sleeping on the Roof
13: Race For the Prize
14. Waitin' For a Superman (Remix)

1: Race For the Prize (remix) (9.5/10)
(Two scientists were racing / For the good of all mankind / Both of the side by side / So Determined / Locked in heated battle / For the cure that is their prize / But it's so dangerous / But they're determined) Piesa de deschidere, acorduri de vioara, tobele lui Steven Drozd pe fundal.

2: A Spoonful Weighs a Ton (10/10)
(And though they were sad / They rescued everyone / They lifted up the sun / A spoonful weighs a ton / Giving more than they had / The process had begun / A million came from one / The limits now were none / Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun). O piesa atat de calma, in care orchestratzia scoate in evidentza vocea lui Wayne.

3: The Spark That Bled (9/10)
(I accidentally touched my head / And noticed that I had been bleeding / For how long I didn’t know / What was this, I thought, that struck me? / What kind of weapons have they got? / The softest bullet ever shot). In aceasta piesa intrumentatzia capata aspecte de filarmonica, cu un cor de voci pe fundal zicand YEAH.

4: The Spiderbite Song (9.5/10)
(When you got that spider bite on your hand / I thought we would have to break up the band / To lose your arm would surely upset your brain / The poison then could reach your heart from a vein) Piesa dedicata (probabil) tobosharului Steven Drozd care a a avut o mana amputata dupa ce a fost mushcat de un paianjen. Intreg albumul are pasaje superbe de tobe de altfel.

5: Buggin' (remix) (10/10)
(All those bugs buzzin’ ‘round your head / Well, they fly in the air as you comb your hair / And the summertime will make you itch the mosquito bites / The buzz of love is busy buggin’ you / Well, they fly in the air as you comb your hair / And they’re splattered up and down your windshield and the headlights) Piesa care aduce a Beach Boys, se deschide cu un pian shi cu un cor de voci, urmat de tobele lui Stephen. Wayne foloseshte chitara bass in aceasta piesa.

6: What Is the Light? (9/10)
(What is the light / That you have / Shining all around you? / Is it chemically derived? / Cause if it’s natural / Something glowing from inside / Shining all around you / It’s potential has arrived) Pe site-ul lor zice ca acest cantec face referire la ipoteza (nedemonstrata) cf. careia explozia care a cauzxat Bing Bang-ul s-ar datora unui substantze chimice secretate de creier shi care "provoaca" dragostea.

7: The Observer (9.5/10)
E o piesa instrumentala care se deschide cu acelashi ritm de toba (imitand bataile inimii), urmata de pian shi de un cor de armonie.

8: Waitin' For a Superman (9.5/10)
(Asked you a question / I didn't need you to reply / Is it gettin' heavy? / But they'll realize / Is it gettin' heavy? / Well I thought it was already as heavy / As can be) Piesa dedicata tatalui lui Wayne care murise cu putzin timp inainte.

9: Suddenly Everything Has Changed (9/10)
(Asked you a question / I didn't need you to reply / Is it gettin' heavy? / But they'll realize / Is it gettin' heavy? / Well I thought it was already as heavy / As can be) In site-le lor scrie: "Moments of routine and boredom that cause you to daydream or reflect on the nature of reality sometimes with maddeningly melancholy results"

10: The Gash (9.5/10)
(Is that gash in your leg / Really why you have stopped? / ‘Cause I’ve noticed all the others / Though they’re gashed, they’re still going / ‘Cause I feel like the real reason / That you’re quitting, that you’re admitting / That you’ve lost all the will to battle on)

11: Feeling Yourself Disintegrate (9/10)
(Love in our life is just too valuable / Oh, to feel for even a second without it / But life without death is just impossible / Oh, to realize something is ending within us / Feeling yourself disintegrate) Acestea sunt toate versurile, care devin o cacofonie de repetari in finalul piesei.

12: Sleeping on the Roof (9/10)
Instrumentala, pian shi percutzie (foarte slaba), un sunet foarte electronic, o pregatire pentru urmatorul album Yoshimi Battles... shi cu bucatzi imprumutate din "Should We Keep The Severed Head Awake??".

13: Race For the Prize (9.5/10)
(Two scientists were racing / For the good of all mankind / Both of them side by side/.... --> In remix e Both of the side by side) Vioara devine mai palida shi percutzia devine mai puternica (se schimba un pic ritmul percutziei).

14. Waitin' For a Superman (Remix) (9/10)
Un remix al piesei #8 in care se reduce din percutzie.

MesajScris: Joi Apr 07, 2005 12:01 am
de theOffender
Vanilla Ice - Hard to Swallow - 5.15 / 10
Anul: 1998
Stil: Crossover / Rap-Metal / NU-Metal
Vanilla Ice / Lenny Kravitz
Website: (Piesele sunt la download in format wma. Pentru test, #8, #10, #12)

Cateva cuvinte despre Vanilla Ice
Nacut in 1968, Robert Van Winkle va fi cunoscut lumii intregi drept Vanilla Ice. Al doilea white rapper care a intrat in topuri (dupa Beastie Boys), devine faimos in 1990-1991 datorita piesei Ice Ice Baby. Un furt ordinar dupa Under Pressure a lui Freddie Mercury shi David Bowie cuplat cu faptul ca neavand o "street history" shi-a trebuit sa se reinventeze drept un "gansta rapa", Vanilla Ice cade in disgratzie. A avut rolul principal intr-un film submediocru, Cold as Ice, care a fost un fiasco total. Oricat i-ai reprosha, primul album, To the Extreme, s-a vandut extrem de bine (7 milioane de exemplare).
Revine in 1994, cu un stil complet schimbat. Mind Blowin' suna a Cypress Hill. Inclusiv obsesia acestora cu versuri legate de consumul de droguri este reprodusa in lirica acestui album. Reuseshte sa vanda 45 000 de copii, publicul nefiind in stare sa-l suporte. In website-ul lui zice despre album fiind "Kick Ass Party Album". Probabil in inchisoare, unde accesul la muzica buna este limitat.

Intr-un final il descopera pe Dumnezeu ("God has blessed me in more ways than one," Ice said. "I found God when I found myself on the floor with friends dumping cold water on me. I overdosed one night and woke up the next day and found God"). Iar in 1998 inregistreaza Hard to Swallow, album despre care el zice: "I wanted Hard to Swallow to be the most radio unfriendly, unmainstream record. Why? Because I didn't want people to label it a comeback. I wanted people to understand that this was my therapeutical record". Reusheshte sa vanda 100 000 de copii.

Cateva cuvinte despre Hard to Swallow
Are cateva contributzii notabile. Jimmy Pop Ali, vocalistul de la Bloodhound Gang shi chitaristul Lenny Kravitz, prieten bun cu Vanilla Ice shi nashul fetitzei acestuia. In 1998 Kid Rock se relansa cu Devil Without a Cause, o mixtura ciudata intre Hip Hop shi NU Metal. Probabil ca in mintea lui exista sperantza ca daca Foo Fighters shi Cypress Hill se vinde bine, "why the heck mine not too".

Cand merita ascultat?
Imagineaza-tzi ca alcatuieshti o lista cu toate albumele pe care vrei sa le ascultzi pana in clipa in care tragi pe dreapta. In acelashi timp imagineaza-tzi ca pur shi simplu uitzi sa treci pe acea lista acest album. Ei bine, atunci.
Cei drept e ca e mai ushor de indurat sa stai o noapte intreaga pe un ostrov din delta, complet despuiat shi uns din cap pana in picioare cu miere decat sa ascultzi acest album.

1: Living
2: Scars
3: Ecstasy
4: Fuck Me
5: Valley of Tears
6: Zig Zag Stories
7: Too Cold
8: Prozac
9: S.N.A.F.U.
10: A.D.D.
11: Stompin' Through the Bayou
12: The Horny Song
13: Freestyle

1: Living (6.5/10)
(Here it is, a dope hit / Iceman comin with a dope hit / Cause a few suckers need their throats slit / Jealous cause I went multi-platinum / Now I'm gonna blast em in the head till they're dead with my magnum / Lyrics might be simplistic, but I'm no gimp / On the strip, cause I know how to pimp it / Now I got grip and suckers keep sinking in my quicksand / Vanilla Ice, vocal hitman")
Blah-blah-blah, uf ce mult seamana a Cypress Hill.

2: Scars (6.5/10)
(Reality sucks, too much pain / I can't explain why I wanna bash brains / Still I can see it on the other side / Got a new baby, wanna stay alive / Give what I give, give what I got / Make it worth while, cause I got another shot / Broken families that always got pain / I break the chain, refuse to be the same)
Noroc cu Lenny Kravitz.

3: Ecstasy (2/10)
O piesa de 9 secunde. Vanilaa Ice incearca sa experimenteze. Un sunet care suna mai degraba a unuia care incearca sa-shi prinda penisul la fermoarul de la blugi.

4: Fuck Me (6/10)
(As I continue the journey to get your eardrums straight / Now pay attention to this flow, there's no reason to hate / Now watch me show your state, and let me state how I do it / Sit back and just listen to the music / You get sucked up in this melody / Hell'll be the ones that lay down and get caught up in their jealousy / (huh) They're telling white lies now realize I caught it from the top / and I can see it in your eyes)
Jimmy Pop Ali contribuie la piesa asta.

5: Valley of Tears (2/10)
(There is little doubt that behind these words there is still a longing to know g-d; And to find protection in this valley of tears, or this lousy,
stinkin' world.
Hard to Swallow, greu de inghitzit, dupa cum ziceam.

6: Zig Zag Stories (4/10)
(I had a zig zag story just the other day / I rolled a fat blunt and yo, it ripped this way / I took a puff (uh-huh) and what did I see? / Those motherf__kers still wanna I-C-E / To blaze up a sac of that green bombay)
Incercare de rap metal, versuri teribile. Cea mai lunga piesa de pe album (5:26).

7: Too Cold (5/10)
(All right stop, collaborate and listen / Ice is back I got a brand new invention / Something grabs a hold of me tightly / Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly / Will it ever stop? Yo-I don't know / Now turn off the lights (huh) and I'll glow / And to the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal / Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle)
In 2000 Kid Rock va copia stilul in American Bad Ass. Shi da, era vremea lui Ice, ice, babyyyyyyyy.

8: Prozac (4/10)
(Stop as I drop this bomb / Blow up this place like another Vietnam / I'm heavy like a Holyfield blow to the dome / Back up son, now give me room, give me room / I set it off like this, don't give it up (uh) / I'm all up in you till you just can't get enough / I'm Real hard to the bone you want more / I sneak up on you like a sniper at your back door / Phat flavor for your brain you know the time)
Sunt convins ca am mai auzit-o undeva. Foo Fighters?

9: S.N.A.F.U. (6/10)
(Now, the industry has got me thinking twice / Thinking with the treble mix, gotta shake em like dice / Let the whole world know I can't go for that / Girls know that I got gold and stacks / In every cul de sac from the streets to the clubs / I'm making hits and everybody's showing love / Fact is I'm back and I'm rolling like Jackson / Won't stop until I'm back at multi platinum / So I start with some action, I'm the main attraction / Here to lie down to the west crackin / Stackin big chips, holmes, gotta get em / Hauling in lots of residuals, what you got / You can't choose me
Bring it to you live for the year 2G
Rap metal rapid.

10: A.D.D. (6.5/10)
Singura piesa Ok de pe acest album. Doi ani mai tarziu Linkin Park va avea o gramada de piese asemanatoare.

11: Stompin' Through the Bayou (6.5/10)
Cypress Hill din nou.

12: The Horny Song (6.5/10)
(now that ya feelin it I see you're getting weak / you're gettin real close / you're reachin that peak / uh / you're like high altitude in a lear jet / work them hips like a pistons in a corvette / slow down or I'll have to pull ya over / search ya, handcuff ya, and do a move on ya / Lenny Kravitz salveaza piesa. Rap metal, bunicel, stil ulterior copiat de Linkin Park.)

13: Freestyle (5.5/10)
E hip-hop. Dar nu e Ice Ice Baby.

MesajScris: Dum Apr 10, 2005 8:39 pm
de theOffender
The James Gang - Rides Again - 8.77 / 10
Anul: 1970
Stil: Hard Rock / Funk Rock / Classic Rock
Jim Fox (tobe) / Dale Peters (bass) / Joe Walsh (chitara, vocal, keyboards)
Website: http://www. (nu au un website propriu)

Cateva cuvinte despre The James Gang
Trupa a fost creata cu mult inainte de inregistrarea primului album. Jimi Hendrix a declanshat o adevarata revolutzie in domeniul muzicii. In acei ani tumultuoshi au aparut o multzime de talente iar unul dintre ele este Joe Walsh. The James Gang shi-a luat numele dupa trio-ul Frank James, Jesse James shi Cole Younger care intre 1866 - 1881 s-au tzinut de furturi (banci, diligentze shi trenuri) in vestul salbatic. Joe Walsh a inregistrat trei albume cu The James Gang parasindu-i pentru o cariera solo. In 1975 se alatura celor de la Eagles shi inregistreaza faimosul album Hotel California. Va ramane cu aceshtia pana la destramarea lor. In 1994 Jow Walsh se alatura celor de la Eagles pentru turneul-album Hell Freezes Over. The James Gang vor canta in 1996 intr-un turneu pentru realegerea lui Bill Clinton.

Cateva cuvinte despre Rides Again
Al doilea album al lor, Rides Again are toate elemnetele hard rockului clasic, cu influentze din Led Zeppelin shi Uriah Heep. Vocea shi chitara lui Walsh creaza atmosfera necesara iar albumul se va vinde foarte bine (gold) shi va fi un album de referintza in 1970 pentru genul hard rock.

Cand merita ascultat?
Intr-o petrecere rock ar suna superb. N-au greutatea Zeppelinilor, sunt mult mai soft insa au un rock de calitate.

1: Funk #49
2: Asshtonpark
3: Woman
4: The Bomber
5: Tend My Garden
6: Garden Gate
7: There I Go Again
8: Thanks
9: Ashes the Rain and I

1: Funk #49 (9/10)
Cu stil funk rock, stil adoptat de Led Zeppelin in albumul "Houses of the Holly", piesa de deschidere a fost un hit instantaneu shi imediat de recunoscut ulterior. Piesa incepe cu Joe Walsh la chitara, imprumutand stilul bizar de deschidere al lui Jimi Hendrix. Urmeaza 40 de secunde solo -ul de tobe a lui Fox (fodatorul trupei).

2: Asshtonpark (8/10)
Instrumental, doua minute, in piesa aceasta se simte cel mai bine influentza chitarei lui Jimi Hendrix.

3: Woman (8.5/10)
Piesa care poate fi asemuita cu Dazed and Confused a celor de la Led Zeppelin. Devii adict ritmului datorita contrastului dintre bassul puternic shi chitara solo.

4: The Bomber (9.5/10)
Probabil ca e piesa care aduce cel mai mult a Led Zeppelin de pe intreg albumul. Dupa circa un minut shi jumatate se pot observa nishte influentze Uriah Heep precum shi imitarea lui Jimmy Page in soloul de chitara din Dazed and Confused (folosirea unui arcush de vioara peste corzile chitarei). Dar in intreg amalgamul acesta partea ce-a mai buna este Bolero de Ravel sustzinut la chitara de Walsh shi la tobe de Jim Fox.

5: Tend My Garden (9/10)
E o balada superba, in care instrumentatzie este palida pe-alocuri, dandu-i ocazia lui Walsh sa-shi expuna calitatzile vocale. Chitara bass, tobe, chitara solo shi pian.

6: Garden Gate (8.5/10)
O piesa country, chitara solo shi vocal.

7: There I Go Again (8.5/10)
Un omagiu pentru Neil Young shi stilului sau country-rock.

8: Thanks (8.5/10)
Stilul piesei precedente este reciclat.

9: Ashes the Rain and I (9.5/10)
Cred ca in aceasta piesa se observa cel mai bine geniul celui care in 1975 va creea Hotel California.

MesajScris: Dum Apr 10, 2005 11:42 pm
de theOffender
Slipknot - Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) - 8.32/10
Anul: 2004
Stil: NU-Metal / Alternative Metal / Rap Metal
DJ Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison (tobe), Paul Grey (bass), Chris Fehn (percutzie), James Root (chitara), Craig Jones (programator), Shawn "Clown" Crahan (percutzie), Mick Thompson (chitara), Corey Taylor (vocal)

Cateva cuvinte despre Slipknot
A mult mai interesant de vorbit despre Slikpnot decat despre albumele lor. Originari din Des Moines, Iowa, loc despre care Bill Bryson, originar din acelashi loc cu Slipknot, spunea in cartea lui The Lost Continent: "I came from Des Moines. Somebody had to. When you come from Des Moines you either accept the fact without questioning and settle down with a local girl named Bobbi and get a job at the Firestone factory and live there forever and ever, or you spend your adolescence moaning at lenght what a dumb place it is and how you can't wait to get out, and then you settle down with a local girl named Bobbi and get a job at the Firestone factory and live there forever and ever." Cei noua trupetzi au insa alte planuri dar cu toate acestea nu ma indoiesc ca au avut la un moment dat sex cu local girls named Bobbi.

Pui doi tipi impreuna shi obtzii Simon & Garfunkel. Pui 3 shi ai Green Day. Patru, Led Zeppelin. Cu noua membrii ai o mini orchestra. Dar cu doi tipi la percutzie shi un toboshar (total 3 in matematica euclidiana) te lamureshti foarte repede ca nu ai de a face cu orchestra simfonica din Viena. Mai adaugi un DJ shi un programator shi ingredientele pentru ceva deosebit sunt acolo, gata de a rabufni. Influentza scenica a lui Marlyn Manson se face simtzita in prezentza lor scenica shi in lirica pieselor. Totzi sunt imbracatzi in salopete de protectzie shi poarta mashti de Halloween pe fatza. Corey Taylor a lucrat intr-un shop porno.

Primul lor album a fost pus spre vanzare in 1999 dupa care a urmat o perioada mai nefasta avand in vedere ca Des Moines a trecut printr-o perioada (2000-2001)... gotica. Adica Nightwish, Lake of Tears, Epica et comp.

Cateva cuvinte despre Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
Cel mai bun album al lor, fara nici o urma de indoiala. Cu toate acestea au dfevenit un pic prea comerciali. Unele piese sunt inspirate a la Linkin Park shi System of a Down, piese care le-a adus notoritatea acestora din urma shi odata cu ele vanzari masive. Pe alocuri absolut superb, inovator, pe de alta parte enervant shi prea comercial.

Cand merita ascultat?
In diverse situatzii: trebuie sa tai lemne, eshti fugarit de politzie dupa ce ai jefuit o banca sau atunci cand fata de la magazinul din coltz nu tzi-a dat restul corect.

1: Prelude
2: The Blister Exists
3: Three Nil
4: Duality
5: Opium of the People
6. Circle
7: Welcome
8: Vermilion
9: Pulse of the Maggots
10: Before I Forget
11: Vermilion Part 2
12: The Nameless
13: The Virus of Life
14: Danger - Keep Away

1: Prelude (8/10)
O piesa destul de lenta pentru tonul general al albumului, ne da oare de intzeles ca nu va mai exista un Slipknot (?).

2: The Blister Exists (9/10)
O piesa intr-adevar deosebita, o piesa lucrata spre o (aproape) totala desavarshire.

3: Three Nil (7/10)
Nimica nou, Fear Factory cu 9 membri. Sau mai bine zis Linkin Park extrem, nemelodic, se incheie intr-o calvacada de tobe (au destule).

4: Duality (9/10)
MDah, Linkin Park intr-o versiune heavy-heavy. (Push my fingers into my eyes / It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache)

5: Opium of the People (8.5/10)
Inceputul e superb, pacat de continuarea neinspirata.

6. Circle (8.5/10)
Vocea lui Corey Taylor e aproape poetica iar orchestratzia excelenta. O piesa in care Craig Jones shi DJ Sid shi-au adus din plin contributzia. O piesa foarte melodica care parca nu-shi are locul pe acest album.

7: Welcome (6/10)
O piesa dedicata celor care n-au dureri de cap shi nu shtiu metoda infailibila de a face rost de cateva. Atunci cand ai o trupa de 9 trupetzi shi-atatea instrumente la dispozitzie te ashteptzi la ceva mai mult decat copycat balck metal.

8: Vermilion (9.5/10)
O piesa excelenta, care dupa 4 acorduri de chitara se rasfrange intr-o cacofonie de tobe urmata de vocea calma, aproape siropoasa a lui Corey Taylor. Tobele shi chitarile ishi fac de cap aici, schimbari de ritm multiple.

9: Pulse of the Maggots (8/10)
Slipknot shi-au cashtigat admiratzia publicului atunci cand au inceput sa-shi alinte fanii cu termenul de "maggot" (viermi). O piesa care intra in categoria "industrial". Sunete de sirene, ritmuri interminabile de tobe shi-o chitara care-a luat-o razna. Plus ca, am impresia, ca aproape fiecare
membru al trupei incepe sa urle ceva iar Corey le spune "Say it again, say it again".

10: Before I Forget (7/10)
Uf, putzine elemente deosebite aici.

11: Vermilion Part 2 (8/10)
O piesa lenta, dansabila. Daca tzatza Leana care-a cumparat albumul din gresheala incepe ascultarea cu piesa #11, va fi complet satisfacuta. Plus ca se vede ca maladia de gotic a anilor 2000-2001 din Des Moines a lasat nishte urme.

12: The Nameless (9/10)
Hei, hei, hei. Scrie peste tot: licentza System of a Down. Alternantza dintre lent, atat de siropos incat dai in diabet shi heavy, atat de heavy incat pulsul trece de 220.

13: The Virus of Life (10/10)
Instrumentala cu un amalgam de voci pe fundal, o compozitzie originala, grea. Craig Jones shi DJ Sid shi-au facut de cap aici.

14: Danger - Keep Away (9/10)
Iar in incheiere, o piesa lenta, o piesa in care Craig Jones mentzine repetitiv chitara bass.

MesajScris: Mie Iul 27, 2005 9:57 am
de theOffender
Insane Clown Posse - Bizaar - (sound: 8.36/10; lyrics: 8.59/10; general: 8.47/10)
Anul: 2000
Stil: Rap Metal / Rap
Violent J / Shaggy 2 Dope

Cateva cuvinte despre Insane Clown Posse
In mod sigur canta rap. Chiar unul de buna calitate. Hip-Hop? Poate. Doar ca sa-i faca in ciuda lui Eminem. Metal? Pe ici pe colo. ICP sunt in scena de multa vreme (inceputul anilor '90) insa deoarece versurile lor l-ar face pe cel mai marinar dintre marinari sa se inrosheasca de rushine radio-ul, televiziunea, practic intrega medie a audio visualului i-a ignorat in sperantza ca vor da ortul popii. Nu numai ca nu s-a intamplat asta, chiar contrar ashteptarilor, cateva dintre albumele ICP "went platinum".

Originari din Detroit, vecini de-ai lui Eminem, au fost in permanentza insultatzi de catre acesta in albumele lui. Violent J shi Shaggy 2 Dope (Insane Clown Posse cu alte cuvinte) au avut grija sa-i plateasca lui Eminem cu aceiashi moneda: "And we plan on fucking again / All right I’ll talk to you later / Peace eminem" - Please Don't Hate Me sau "A bitch who suck on dick like eminem mama / I need a bitch, I need a slut / I need a bitch who like bananas in her butt" - Cherry Pie (I Need a Freak).

Cateva cuvinte despre Bizaar
ICP are la activ 7 albume "oficiale". Shapte jokeri. Insa au inca 10+ "colaborari" sau "proiecte" sau ce-or fi ele. O sa fac recenzii la 4 dintre albume: Bizaar / Bizzar, dublu album 2000, The Wraith: Shangri-La in 2003 shi ultimul, The Calm - 2005.
Bizaar e prima parte a unui dublu album. A doua parte se intituleaza Bizzar. Banuiesc ca titlul e suficient de sugestiv. In opinia mea (but of course) e cel mai bun album ICP.

Cand merita ascultat?
Am pus mana pe lama de barbierit shi-am eliminat orice aluzie de par de pe craniu-mi incat Mr. 47 ar da in icter de gelozie. O pereche de ochelari negri, costum, cravata. ICP in stereo-ul din mashina. La intersectzie politzishtii imi fac semn cu mana sa trec pentru ca sa opreasca circulatzia incepand cu prima mashina din spatele meu. E drept, e o arta. Faptul de a fi antisocial.

Track list
1: Intro (2:07)
2: Take Me Away (4:39)
3: Fearless (4:14)
4: Rainbows & Stuff (4:11)
5: Whut (4:54)
6: Still Stabbin' (4:03)
7: Tila-A-Whirl (3:57)
8: We Gives No Fuck (3:39)
9: Please Don't Hate Me (4:18)
10: Behind the Paint (4:33)
11: My Homie Baby Mama (4:09)
12: The Pendulum's Promise (21:25)

1: Intro (xxx/10)*
In stilul caracteristic albumelor Rap / Hip-Hop, albumul incepe cu un Intro de mare angajament. Hilar.

2: Take Me Away (sound: 8/10; lyrics: 7.5/10) (But the Dark Carnival will take your soul away / And give you mythical adventure in a magical way )
Piesa se deschide cu "welcome to the dark carnival" pentru ca apoi Violent J shi Shaggy 2 Dope sa inceapa un rap antrenant.

3: Fearless (sound: 9.5/10; lyrics: 9.5/10) (I'll go to Alaska, bitch slap a polar bear and take its food / I'll mow the fuckin lawn, on a land mine field like what, / boom)
Daca ai ajuns pana aici de buna seama ca n-ai idee de ceea ce se petrece in jur. Adica ashtia doi alearga de nebuni pe scena cu fetzele pictate iar Violent J are un baltag in mana (nu boule, nu ala alu Victoria!).

4: Rainbows & Stuff (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (This one goes out to that special someone in my life / We all have somebody special, this is for them)
Doua inhalari shi un curcubeu zbiara in spatele tau. Asta in timp ce un cor de preshcolari canta o oda cuiva.

5: Whut (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (In church I'll wrestle a nun, Whut / Fuckin twist ya nipples then run, Whut)
Piesa asta e periculoasa. Te trezeshti pe coridor fredonand: Whut, whut! Insa atentzie sa nu fie prea multe persoane imbracate in alb.

6: Still Stabbin' (sound: 8.5/10; lyrics: 8.5/10) (I stab people like everyday folks / skinny people any people I chop off their throats)
Cu nishte tobe pe fundal shi rabufniri de chitara bass, asta in timp ce doi clowni canta rap.

7: Tila-A-Whirl (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (Here you go sir have a seat / You’ve got to take this ride, it’s neat / Tell ya now the ride is fast / Might want me to hold your cash / We gonna spin until your soul / Leaves your body dead and cold / Tilt-a-whirly sprayin’ blood / All over the neighborhood)
Va aducetzi aminte de Clawfinger - Nigger? Chitara bass e puternica, ritmul e energizant, tobele-shi fac datoria. Iar versurile sunt ICP classic.

8: We Gives No Fuck (sound: 6.5/10; lyrics: 6/10) (Hey, we gives no fuck! / Million dollar house? We gives no fuck! / Lavish cars? We gives no fuck! / Bling bling blang blang! We gives no fuck!)
Iar piesa asta e Kid Rock - Fuck off!...

9: Please Don't Hate Me (sound: 9.5/10; lyrics: 10/10) (What up dogg? / What you been up to? / Oh yeah well that’s cool, check it out / Me and you we been down for while, right? / We been here and there we been pretty tight / Something happened last night that you might get upset about / But hear me out / I didn’t mean nothing by it, i’ma make this quick / I gave your mama this dick)
Prin 2000 era la moda o piesa de-a lui Shaggy, It Wasn't Me ("Yo man / Yo / Open up man / Wadyou want man? / My girl just caught me / You let her catch you? / I don't know how I let this happen / With who? / The girl next door you know"). ICP preiau tema shi elimina orice urma de pudoare. Tonul e clar direct shi foarte vizual: "Please don’t hate me, but I been fucking your mommy lately / Please don’t hate me, I never said I loved the ho." Cred ca Eminem a intzeles cum sta situatzia.

10: Behind the Paint (sound: 8/10; lyrics: 8.5/10) (behind the paint will be the shell of a used up man)
Orchestratzia de la piesa asta a fost folosita shi de Eminem ulterior. Versurile sunt foarte descriptive (Remember me bitch, 8th grade / ball park, skinny ass well-fare aid / Ustler and Bruce brothers we was the shit / Dungeons, Dragons, and Bruce Lee flicks / quit school, nobody missed us, / nobody hugged and kissed us, only dissed us / now look at these beautiful model type high class women / takin' my dick in em') insa chiar shi-asha ICP incearca sa strecoare un mesaj.

11: My Homie Baby Mama (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 10/10) (I don't know. She ain't even looking that good. (kinda fat) Even so, i think i'd probably fuck her if i could. (kinda fat like that))
Hei, ideea de la 9 e preluata intr-o noua prezentare. And it ain't looking bad.

12: The Pendulum's Promise (sound: 6/10; lyrics: 7/10) (Where the fuck is this bitch, she makes me sick / I'm guessin' right now she's got a mouth full of dick)
Piesa de incheiere, un amalgam de sunete shi versuri menite sa te scoata din sarite. Foarte literar.

*Nu intra in calculul notei finale.

Piesele de mai jos sunt la 64

MesajScris: Joi Iul 28, 2005 7:02 am
de theOffender
Insane Clown Posse - Bizzar - (sound: 7.52/10; lyrics: 8.68/10; general: 8.10/10)
Anul: 2000
Stil: Rap Metal / Rap
Violent J / Shaggy 2 Dope

Cateva cuvinte despre Insane Clown Posse
Muzica celor doi (impropriu zis doi, deoarece de obicei canta impreuna cu altzi DJs and rappers) e o muzica antisociala. In mod sigur n-o sa auzi muzica lor intr-o familie cu copii preshcolari. E prea explicita. Un fel de "explicit" care probabil are nevoie de o eticheta speciala pe coperta CD-ului. Nu e vorba de un "fuck off" sau "bitch", e atat de explicit incat potzi sa vizualizezi: "I need a bitch, a special bitch / I need a bitch who pussy poppin' booty switch / I need a bitch, felatio" - Cherry Pie sau "Your mom’s ass look like oat meal yo / It’s bumpy and grainy, I like to feel though / And I ain’t trying to diss her either / I’m only saying that I’d wish she’d trim her beaver some / Every hair is like a foot long / Bitch looks like a werewolf wearing a thong sometimes." - Please Don't Hate Me.

Cand cineva spune ca-i place Insane Clown Posse se refera exclusiv la versurile lor. Pe scena ICP sunt imbracatzi in clowni shi au fetzele vopsite. Stilul, muzica lor, versurile sunt la fel de ridicule precum e infatzisharea lor. Intalneshti tot felul de indivizi cum ar fi trupetzii de la S.L.O.T. (nume generic pentru talentul de toaleta) care au pretentzia la versuri sublime, care, pe langa faptul ca suna precum un grohait continuu itzi lasa un gust amar in gura astfel incat un grapefruit o sa te faca sa te-mbolnaveshti de diabet aproape instantaneu.

ICP nu sunt raperii anoshti, aia de dupa blocuri, complexatzi de gabori shi de curcani shi de cine shtie ce alte entitatzi. ICP ishi bate joc de tine ca futzi shi-ai uitat sa-tzi dai jos ciorapii din picioare. Iar in acelashi timp te ridiculizeaza pentru ca tzi-ai scos ciorapii, rushinat de batjocura anterioara. Life is short, get on with it.

Cateva cuvinte despre Bizzar
Bizzar e partea a doua a unui dublu album. Prima parte se intituleaza Bizaar.

Cand merita ascultat?
Arta de a fi antisocial. Muzica celor de la ICP este dedicata acelori indivizi care-tzi fac observatzie ca de ce scuipi pe strada iar cand ajung acasa fura ziarul din poshta vecinului. Bine, asta numai in cazul in care crezi in "nushtiuce" mesaj divin ascuns printre versuri.

Track list
1: Intro (1:55)
2: Bizzar (3:36)
3: Cherry Pie (I Need a Freak) (4:33)
4: Questions (5:44)
5: Mr. Happy (4:43)
6 Radio Stars (4:33)
7: My Axe (3:52)
8: If (3:39)
9: Let's Go All the Way (3:35)
10: Let a Killa (4:56)
11: Juggalo Paradise (3:41)
12: Crystal Ball (22:44)

1: Intro (xxx/10)* (This ongoing event has been upgraded to a national emergency. It has been a sleepless night here in Metro Detroit as panic and terror has swept the streets. [..] Its almost as if they see what others cannot heeding an inaudible call that silently pierces this calm before the storm. )
In stilul caracteristic albumelor Rap / Hip-Hop, albumul se deschide cu un intro de mare angajament.

2: Bizzar (sound: 6/10; lyrics: 8/10) (Shh. It's a dead body in my trunk / Wanta see it? Fuck around and you'll be it)
Prima melodie de pe album, un almagam de voci shi sunet. Shi una din melodiile de referintza de pe acest album deoarece defineshte stilul foarte clar: un stil bizar.

3: Cherry Pie (I Need a Freak) (sound: 9.0/10; lyrics: 10/10) (I need a bitch in a cheap hotel / So I don't know which one to blame for the smell / I need a bitch, that doesn't care / She like to finger fuck her booty in the mirror / Cherry pie, my cherry pie)
Uf, absolut superba piesa aceasta. Se deschide cu Billy Bob Thornton shi replici preluate din deja celebrul Bad Santa. Ritmul e sexy shi involuntar incepi sa te mishti pe ritm. Dar, hei, stai o clipa ce-s cu versurile astea: "I need a bitch pukin', bent over my toilet / The bitchy bitch, bitchin' about nothin' / I need a bitch to jizm in her bellybutton / I need a bitch, a prostitute / She'd fuck my homies and we could split the loot".

4: Questions (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 9/10) (Why, every time I choke a friends neck, he don't come back, why / Why, every time I stab my eyes with an ice pick, I cant see shit, why / Why, every time I play chicken with a train, it wins the game, why)
Violent J se preschimba asemenea unui varcolac intr-un filozof. Bineintzeles ca piatra filozofica e pipa plina de ierburi: "why, every time I stab somebody, I always get my clothes bloody,/ why".

5: Mr. Happy (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 9/10) (I love you, so hand me you neck / let me teach you about love and respect / respect the fact that I love to kill / wait a minute y'all I gotta take my pill / Zanoffs.. it works : down to only 3 people a day)
Contrastul dintre fericire shi modalitatea de a ajunge sa fi fericit.

6 Radio Stars (sound: 6.5/10; lyrics: 9.5/10) (The pathetic attempts never cease. / The moronic music onslaught continues to insult the intelligence of the savvy consumer / How much more can an audience be asked to endure?)
Probabil cel mai bun exemplu de anti-muzica.

7: My Axe (sound: 8/10; lyrics: 9.5/10) (My axe iz my buddy, I bring him when I walk / me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk)
A venit shi ziua in care impodobeshti bradul de Craciun. Cand ultimul glob din cutie shi-a gasit locul lui pe una dintre crengi iar beteala straluceshte la lucshii unui bec de 60W, ei bine, atunci shi numai atunci, scotzi zippo-ul din blugi shi-i dai foc (evident ca bradului, you idiot!). Dupa care pui mana pe "cleaver" deoarece rimeaza cu "beaver" shi dansezi semi-dezbracat (tzii ciorapii in picioare ca-i frig) in jurul bradului iluminat.

8: If (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (if i was a rock on the moon i'd be chillin like sup / if i was a butthole i'd just be an exit )
Violent J devine soft and philosophical. Asta numa daca te-ai lasa cucerit de linishtea aparenta.

9: Let's Go All the Way (sound: 7.5/10; lyrics: 7/10) (look at that scrubby (jus chillin) / wit a hottie on his side / look at them rich kids, poor kids / everybody / together on the same side / and they down to ride)
Ritmul se schimba, e mai greu, mai rau. E rap metal.

10: Let a Killa (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 9/10) (That's right an don't call me sexist cuz I aint sexist / I'm the sexiest but I aint sexist / If I'm sexist then I'm the sexiest sexist / Bitch call me sexy sex sexy sexist!)
In afara faptului ca e sexist, Violent J in esentza iubeshte femeile. De asta cand li se adreseaza, le cheama pe nume: bitches.

11: Juggalo Paradise (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 8.5/10) (I'm sweating again, I always do, / I should probably take another pill or two / In the mirror, I see the face of Frankenstien, / And that face is mine)
Al doua piesa care poate fi considerata rap metal.

12: Crystal Ball (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 7/10) (Welcome, my curious sisters and brothers / first, put a twenty in the jar with the others / (that's right take a seat) / ain't no smokin in here, I need to keep my ball clear / there spirits in there)
Shi uite-asha se incheie shi albumul... Uf, il am pus pe "Repeat".

*Nu intra in calculul notei finale.

Piesele de mai jos sunt la 64.

MesajScris: Vin Iul 29, 2005 6:11 am
de theOffender
Interpol - Antics - 8.75/10
Anul: 2004
Stil: Punk Rock / Alternative Rock / Psychaedelic Rock
Paul Banks (voce, chitara) / Daniel Kessler (chitara, voce) / Carlos Dengler. (chitara bass) / Sam Fogarino (tobe) / Blasco (keyboard)

Cateva cuvinte despre Interpol
Cand i-am ascultat pentru prima oara (Antics a fost primul album pe care l-am ascultat shi al doilea album Interpol) mi s-au parut Flaming Lips cu o alta voce. Sau mai exact sunt rezultatul unei incrucishari genetice intre Flaming Lips shi Pixies. Probabil ca asta se intampla cand pui impreuna un englez shi un new yorkez. E bine totushi ca rezultatul nu e un hibrid intre un chow-chow shi un ogar afghan. Shi nu spun asta pentru ca ar fi fost comparatzi cu The Afghan Whigs.

Cateva cuvinte despre Antics
Toate review-urile pe care le-am vazut pe net mentzioneaza urmatorul lucru: Antics nu e la identic shi la fel cu primul lor album, Turn on the Bright Lights, asha ca am crezut de cuviintza sa mentzionez acest fapt shi pe romaneshte. In primul rand sunt mai putzine piese, pe urma numele pieselor de pe Antics e diferit fatza de cele de pe Turn on the Bright Lights.
Turn on the Bright Lights e punk. Antics nu e.

Cand merita ascultat?
Imagineaza-tzi ca eshti un bar shi incerci sa seduci o roshcata cu flacari in priviri shi cu un piercing in spranceana dreapta. Shi imagineaza-tzi ca focul din parul ei s-a mutat mai jos de cureaua blugilor tai. Daca vrei sa ai "punct ochit - punct nimerit" roaga barmanul sa vare CDul acesta in zí£ player. Bineintzeles ca trebuie sa ai shi marimea potrivita ca shi aia conteaza in cele din urma.

Track list
1: Next Exit (3:20)
2: Evil (3:35)
3: NARC (4:07)
4: Take You on a Cruise (4:54)
5: Slow Hands (3:04)
6: Not Even Jail (5:46)
7: Public Pervert (4:40)
8: C'mere (3:11)
9: Length of Love (4:06)
10: A Time to be Small (4:50)

1: Next Exit (8/10) (We ain't going to the town / We're going to the city / Gonna track this shit around / And make this place a heart / To be a part of / We ain't going to the town / We're going to the city / Gonna track this shit around / And make this place a heart / To be a part of / Again)
Odata cu prima piesa ar trebui sa se creeze acea atmosfera "lipicioasa" intre roshcata shi tine. Asta presupunand ca ai trecut de faza introducerilor. Banks are grija sa creeze o atmosfera hipnotica, ecstaziastica. Ar trebui sa fi concentrat pe fatza ei, plimbandu-tzi privirea de la buze la nas. De la nas la ochi, shi-apoi la buze din nou. Bineintzeles ca te vei intreba cam ce gust au, daca rimelul are gust de capshuni sau lamaie.

2: Evil (9/10) (Rosemary, Heaven restores you in life / You're coming with me / Through the aging, the fearing, the strife / It's the smiling on the package / It's the faces in the sand / It's the thought that moves you upwards / Embracing me with two hands)
E cazul sa zici ceva, formal. La inceput. Spre exemplu, o observatzie inocenta de genul: "e cald in seara aceasta shi nu cred ca e din cauza ta". Ar trebui (as in cazul in care nu ai nici o shansa sa fi selectat pentru rolul lui Yeti sau Hing Hong - versiunea koreana a lui Peter Jackson) sa obtzii un zambet. Daca nu, schimba roshcata pe blonda de la bar.

3: NARC (9/10) (Touch your thighs, I'm the lonely one / Remember that last sweat 'cause that was the right one / Oh, all your mysteries are moving in the sun / And show some love and respect / Wanna get some love and respect / Baby you can see that the gazing eye won't lie / Don't give up your lover tonight / Cause it's just you, me and this wire, alright / Let's tend to the engine tonight)
Tentatzia de dans e enorma, insa trebuie sa-tzi stapaneshti instinctele. Sa nu incepi sa-tzi mishti capul in ritmul muzicii - exista pericolul de a fi catalogat drept bolnav cu Parkinson. Ca sa nu zic ca aratzi la fel de ridicol precum un bivol cu o semi-erectzie.

4: Take You on a Cruise (8/10) (I see that you've come to resist me, I'm a pitbull in time. / The pretense is not what restricts me, / It's the circles inside. / The anatomy of kisses and a teacher who tries, / Who knows how we'll disappear. / Would like to be my missus, / And in future with child? / You know that we can't get back from here. / But we can get away.)
E timpul sa demonstrezi din ce aluat eshti plamadit. Invit-o la dans.

5: Slow Hands (8.5/10) (We spies, we slow hands / You put the weights all around yourself / We spies, oh yeah we slow hands / You put the weights all around yourself)
E unul dintre cele mai importante piese de pe album. Ar trebui sa fie piesa in care obtzii primul sarut shi descoperi ca rimelul de pe buzele ei are gust de portocale. Undeva, pe-aproape, focuri de artificii erup.
Discleimí£r: Acest curs introductiv de Interpol este, bineintzeles, dedicat celor cu alergii la peanut butter.

6: Not Even Jail (9.5/10) (When personality is scar tissue / It travels south with disuse / I'm subtle like a lion's cage / Such a cautious display / Remember take hold of your time here / Give some meanings to the means / To your end / Not even Jail.)
Cea mai buna piesa de pe album. Toba shi basu mare in deschidere, vocea calma a lui Banks concomitent cu chitara solo a lui Kessler. Daca ai actzionat cum trebuie in tentativa de seducere a roshcatei, in timpul acestei piese mainile tale ar trebui sa fie peste tot iar ea sa atinga climaxul cand, spre final, apare a treia chitara...

7: Public Pervert (9.5/10) (If time is my vessel, then learning to love / Might be my way back to sea / The flying, the medal, the turning above / These are just ways to be seen / We all get paid / Yeah some get paid before they die / But the stars we will navigate / Through the holes in your eyes)
Au ashezat piesa aceasta doar ca sa-tzi faca in ciuda. E runda a doua, intreab-o unde fuge?

8: C'mere (9/10) (It's way too late to be this locked inside ourselves / The trouble is that you're in love with someone else / It should be me. Oh, it should be me / Your sacred parts, your getaways / You come along on summer days / Tenderly, tastefully )
E runda a treia. Nu mai e ca la-nceput, insa ritmul e acelashi.

9: Length of Love (8/10) (This could be destiny / Oh sweetheart / I've had no sense of time / Since we started / I got friends in need / Oh sweetheart / I'd go lengths and lengths and lengths of love / Since we started this thing now)
Dupa obtzinerea climaxului dorit, Interpol va ureaza in auditzie stereo unul dintre cele mai frumoase solo-uri de chitara.

10: A Time to Be Small (9/10) (We saw you from the ocean's side, from under the boat / We saw you making knots, we saw you get the rope / The boy's appearing on the deck and making it lurch / And the bubble of your interests ready to burst)
Fara a uita nota de plata, multzumeshti barmanului iar in gand celor de la Interpol pentru ca n-au complicat albumul foarte tare. Exista intr-adevar posibilitatea sa te intrebi cand va apare urmatorul album. Shi daca vor schimba tehnica. Poate e timpul sa cumperi Kamasutra.

Nota bene: in unele societatzi sexul in locuri publice intra sub incidentza legii shi este categorisit drept exhibitzionism. For those who haven't got the balls as well for those with sizes small and medium in order to avert offending the public opinion, a private room in a hotel is highly suggested.

Attachments: Din motiv de plug in expirat n-am cum sa. Insa voi incerca sa imit; titititinanananatititittinanana...

MesajScris: Sâm Iul 30, 2005 2:35 pm
de theOffender
The Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen - 9.03/10
Anul: 1993
Stil: Punk Rock / Alternative Rock / Groove / Hardcore
Greg Dulli (voce, chitara solo) / Rick McCollum (chitara solo principala) / John Curley (chitara bass) / Steve Earle (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre The Afghan Whigs
Legendele spun cum ca de Halloween in 1986 Greg Duli s-o-mbatat shi a gasit foarte amuzant faptul de-ai shterpeli shapca militzianului de serviciu. Se shtie, documentat sau nu, ca legea nu shtie de gluma. Iar oamenii de ordine sunt atletzi inascutzi. Intotdeauna pun mana pe tine atunci cand eshti mai beat decat ei. Shi in racoarea noptzii petrecute la loc de taina, Dulli il intalneshte pe Rick McCollum. Legenda nu spune prea multe despre motivele pentru care Rick McCollum se afla in aceashi celula. Ramane doar de presupus ca a fost arestat. Shi intre o partida de sheptica shi una de shaishase cei doi se plictisesc shi-n loc s-o puna de-o sodomie se hotarasc sa se-apuce de cantat. Dupa ce ascultzi de cateva zeci de ori albumul Gentlemen o sa fii de acord cu faptul ca muzica buna a avut numai de cashtigat.
In foarte multe privintze se pot face destule comparatzii intre Afghan Whigs shi Led Zeppelin. La fel precum vocea lui Plant are o amprenta unica, shi cea a lui Dulli are inflexiuni pe care le recunoshti cu ushurintza odata ce l-ai ascultat.
Numele e preluat de la o banda de motociclishti islamishti albi din California care aveau drept motto: make love not war. Probabil ca islamishtii zilelor noastre shi-au schimbat motto-ul in "make war and fuck" insa la fel, acest lucru nu este documentat in legende.

Cateva cuvinte despre Gentlemen
Al patrulea lor album, Gentlemen, reprezinta apogeul creatzional al celor de la Afghan Whigs. In primul rand Greg Dulli tocmai incheiase (dezastruos) o relatzie de lunga durata - versurile de pe album sunt foarte graitoare: "Now I'm OK, but in time I'll find I'm stuck / 'Cause she wants love, and I still want to fuck". Plus ca trupetzii s-au maturizat. Au devenit cunoscutzi, au inceput sa fie apreciatzi. Perioada garajelor shi-a concertelor pe scenele universitatzilor era demult intrata in istorie.
Albumul a fos inregistrat in Memphis. Greg Dulli a petrecut nenumarate noptzi navigand printre cetzurile de pe Mississippi shi ascultand Elvis - Blue Moon ("He sounds like he's singing it from beyond the grave").

Cand merita ascultat?
E un album multi-purpose. E inspiratzional atunci cand te citeshti shi fertilizezi in toaleta din hol. E energizant cand te gandeshti sa recidivezi cu roshcata de mai sus.

Track list
1: If I Were Going (3:05)
2: Gentlemen (3:53)
3: Be Sweet (3:37)
4: Debonair (4:14)
5: When We Two Parted (5:47)
6: Fountain and Fairfax (4:21)
7: What Jail Is Like (3:30)
8: My Curse (5:46)
9: Now You Know (4:10)
10: I Keep Coming Back (4:51)
11: Brother Woodrow / Closing Prayer (5:39)

1: If I Were Going (9/10) (What should I tell her? / She's going to ask / If I ignore it, it gets uncomfortable / She'll want to argue about the past / Still I think she believes me / Every word I say / I think I'm starting to believe it all myself / Go ask the gentlemen who play it / But hate to pay)
Memphis parca ar fi un orash fantoma. Ceatza itzi intra in oase iar chitara solo a lui McCollum are grija sa mentzina atmosfera sub control. Pe fundal se aud palid nishte tobe. Asistam la o invocare de spirite. Iar Greg incepe "And it don't bleed, and it don't breathe / It's locked it's jaws and now it's swallowing / It's in our heart, it's in our head / It's in our love baby, it's in our bed..."
Deoarece m-ai sapunit shi barbierit scalpul pentru cei de la ICP nu am fire de par care sa se revolte. Altfel ash arata ca un werewolf.

2: Gentlemen (9.5/10) (Your attention, please / Now turn off the light / Your infection, please / I haven't got all night / Understand, do you understand? / Understand, I'm a gentleman)
Greg Dulli-shi varsa of-ul. Shi-o face ritmat shi hotarat. Ma gandesc ca respectiva tipí£ cu care tocmai o rupse de-a binelea a meritat. Ma refer ca a meritat sa fie impreuna cu ea, pentru ca piesa e sclipitoare.

3: Be Sweet (9.5/10) (Ladies, let me tell you about myself / I got a dick for a brain / And my brain is gonna sell my ass to you / Now I'm OK, but in time I'll find I'm stuck / 'Cause she wants love, and I still want to fuck / Now that I'm ashamed, it burns / But the weight is off / Now that you're out of the way / I turn and I can walk / You showed no sympathy, my love / And this was no place for you and me to walk alone)
Stilul e balada iar vocea efectiv te unge pe suflet (grija mare diabeticii ca are foarte mult zahar). Shi asemenea Led Zeppelin-ilor balada degenereaza pe alocuri in solouri de chitara shi tobe.

4: Debonair (9.9/10) (Hear me now and don't forget / I'm not the man my actions would suggest / A little boy, I'm tied to you / I fell apart / That's what I always do / This ain't about regret / My conscience can't be found / This time I won't repent / Somebody's going down)
E piesa care a avut un videoclip pe care MTV l-a difuzat non-stop in acea perioada. Shi stilul acestei piese va inspira epoca post punk-rock/ groove. Billy Idol in Rat Race de pe noul album suna foarte similar.

5: When We Two Parted (9.5/10) (Baby, I see you've made yourself all sick again / Didn't I do a good job of pretending? / You're saying that the victim doesn't want it to end / Good. I get to dress up and play the assassin again / It's my favorite / It's got personality)
Greg il imita pe Leonard Cohen in aceasta balada <epitet superlativ>. E timpul sa ridici tricoul shi sa descoperi ca roshcata are un cercel in buric. Nu l-ai remarcat prima oara sau poate ca nu-l avea. Hoops, mai are unul. Unde, nu pot sa spun deoarece I'm a gentleman <Greg nods>.

6: Fountain and Fairfax (9.5/10) (Angel, I'm sober / I got off that stuff / Just like you asked me to / Angel, come closer / So the stink of your lies / Sinks into my memory)
Blestemul betzivului: sa se trezeasca sober. Incepe cu un ritm sacadat de chitara sustzinut de tobe iar vocea e "rea", demonica.

7: What Jail Is Like (8.5/10) (I'll warn you, if cornered, I'll scratch my way out of the pen / Wired, an animal / The claustrophobia begins / You think I'm scared of girls / Well maybe / But I'm not afraid of you)
O piesa care la randul ei (prin stil shi instrumentatzie) va influentza mutitudinea de punk-eri care vor veni.

8: My Curse (8/10) (You hurt me baby / I flinch so when you do / Your kisses scourge me / Hyssop in your perfume / Oh, I do not fear you / And slave I only use / As a word to describe the special way I feel for you)
Marcy Mays de la Scrawl preia rolul de vocalist. E un pic straniu sa auzi o voce feminina pe album, ai impresia ca player-ul a luat-o razna. E un fel de Avril Lavigne a anilor 90.

9: Now You Know (9.5/10) (Since you're aware of the consequences / I can pimp what's left of this wreck on you / Bit into a rotten one, now didn't you? / Now I can watch you chew / Did you have blinders on my dear / Or were you just willing? / Or was I unaware of the damage a lie can do? / I thought you knew)
Piesa e "grea", e grunge. Toate chitarile in acelashi timp, tobele bubuie frenetic.

10: I Keep Coming Back (9/10) (I wanna leave you / But I just can't leave you / I keep coming back for a little more of Your love / I wanna go away But honey, I just can't stay / I keep coming back for a little more of your love)
Nu e Baby I'm Gonna Leave You in interpretarea lui Dulli insa e ca Baby I'm Gonna Leave You.

11: Brother Woodrow / Closing Prayer (9.5/10) ()
O piesa instrumentala, o piesa de incheiere. Un lullaby. Thank you Greg.
"I am, maybe even to the point of obsession, fascinated by the secrets that people keep from each other, in the interest of making everything fine and dandy. And people ask me a lot in interviews, 'Why do you write about this stuff?' and I say, 'Well, why do you think?' It's everywhere you know. I'm not making this stuff up." - Greg Dulli, 1996.

MesajScris: Mar Aug 02, 2005 10:27 am
de theOffender
Demons & Wizards - Touched By The Crimson King - 7/10
Anul: 2005
Stil: Heavy Metal / Progressive Metal / Power Metal / Gothic Rock
Hansi Kürsch (voce) / Jon Schaffer (chitara) / Bobby Jarzombek (tobe) / Rubin Drake (chitara bass) / Jim Morris (chitara solo)

Cateva cuvinte despre Demons & Wizards
Cu doua albume la activ, Demons & Wizards este colaborarea dintre Hansi Kürsch de la formatzia germana de metal progresiv Blind Guardian shi chitaristul Jon Schaffer de la formatzia americana Iced Earth. Daca te uitzi la datele de aparitzie a celor doua albume (1999 shi 2005) realizezi ca pentru un motiv oarecare conlucrarea celor doi nu este "productiva". Exista elementul acela gothic shi ritmul de metal nordic care uneori se imbina armonios insa de cele mai multe ori itzi pui intrebarea "why"?

Cateva cuvinte despre Touched By The Crimson King
Al doilea album e greu sa-l integrezi intr-un gen anume: pe alocuri e power metal, pe alocuri gothic, progresist, etc. Versurile sunt foarte epice shi invoca atmosfera de basm a la Tolkien. Combinatzia atator stiluri e nefericita deoarece in final, pe acorduri de Led Zeppelin, itzi pui intrebare legitima: despre ce e vorba totushi? Bineintzeles ca Crimson King nu are nici o legatura cu King Crimson.

Cand merita ascultat?
Niciodata. Cu toate acestea iubitorii de muzica gotica precum shi cei carora baladele le sunt raspunsul pentru amoruri pierdute sau inexistente, albumul Touched By The Crimson King poate parea satisfacator.

Track list
1: Crimson King
2: Beneath These Waves
3: Terror Train
4: Seize the Day
5: The Gunslinger
6: Love's Tragedy Asunder
7: Wicked Witch
8: Dorian
9: Down Where I Am
10: Immigrant Song

1: Crimson King (8/10) (Show me your banner / Come show me your sign / The Crimson King's eye / Is the mark to reveal you are mine / I am your master / I will make your dreams come true / I'm your messiah / A twisted one as you may know )
E o piesa interesanta, in care alternantza de lent / rapid creaza atmosfera. Spre final acordurile imprumutate din Carmina Burana (Carl Orff) parca vin sa garanteze promisiunea unui album interesant.

2: Beneath These Waves (7/10) (The ocean’s beauty / No longer moves my heart / It’s black and empty / My aim’s so for a part / I’m madness maddened / Driven by the waves of hate / It’s him or me well / That’s in the hands of fate )
Fragilul inceput este contrazis foarte repede.

3: Terror Train (6/10) (I'm awake so / You better feed me now / I won't slow down / Once we have left this town / Rhymes and riddles / I'm still sleepy so / You must hurry / Please take your seats / You'll stay with me / Be with me / I'll be with you / I'll be with you )
Albumul degenereaza intr-un power metal unde artistul principal e Jon Schaffer.

4: Seize the Day (7.5/10) (On and on this is my way / I've made up my mind / But will I find what I search for / Soon I will reach the western shore / Far behind in the distance / Lie the fires of doom / There's a voice deep inside me / "The tower knows who you are")
Dintre toate baladele e singura care mi-a placut cat de cat.

5: The Gunslinger (7/10) (Song of Turtle / And the Cry of the Bear / Awake / I can sense it / Still I'm afraid / Tower Road lies ahead / Commala-come-ka / Ka has come to me / Grey old fellow / If you finally failed the test / What would it mean? / We're getting near / We're getting near / Maid of sorrow / Your time goes by )
Shi iata-ne ajuns la mijlocul albumului. Bineintzeles ca nici vorba sa intzelegi ce se petrece. Piesele parca sunt neterminate, nefinisate. Dupa un inceput calm, shovaielnic, piesa erupe intr-un tempo rapid.

6: Love's Tragedy Asunder (6/10) (Here in the shadows / There's no wishing well / May the Blessed one forgive me / Like so many times before / There's no saviour at the door / It won't matter anymore )
Aici devine frustrant. Dumnezeu shtie de ce a fost nevoie de piesa aceasta.

7: Wicked Witch (7/10) (There is a demon / An evil mind / Inside us / Oh I know, I know / We all know the rules / When water will be shed / The wicked witch is.)
Incepi sa realizezi ca albumul are prea multe balade. Evident intrebarea e: cand se termina?

8: Dorian (7/10) (Amuse me / Sweet son of love / Sweet son of death / Adore me / And keep in every word I've said / Time is a bitter foe / A bitter foe / Until the end / And grace is like you my friend / My handsome one / My handsome one )
Cea mai lunga piesa, enervant de lunga chiar.

9: Down Where I Am (7/10) (Isn't it great to see how life begins / Things may change, let the joy begin / Can you hear this new life crying / Breed it out, it will be worth it / Show me your newborn smile )
Shezi copila, shezi langa foc caci e vremea poveshtilor... Balada se deschide gothic, cu vocea lui Kürsch shi chitara solo a lui Schaffer calme in primele 2 minute pentru ca mai apoi atmosfera sa se-ncinga. Nu e o balada neinspirata sau proasta insa am auzit altele mai bune.

10: Immigrant Song (7.5/10) (Ah, ah, / We come from the land of the ice and snow, / From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. / The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, / To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming! / On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.)
Un cover de-al Led Zeppelin-ilor. O interpretare OK a originalului iar purishtii ar trebui sa fie satisfacutzi (versurile n-au fost schimbate iar linia melodica mentzinuta, deshi chitarile mi se par mai heavy). Totushi cu zece piese pe album dintre care ultima e un cover, albumul mi se pare o lucratura de prost gust.

MesajScris: Mie Aug 03, 2005 8:36 am
de theOffender
Insane Clown Posse - The Wraith: Shangri-La - (sound: 8.30/10; lyrics: 8.41/10; general: 8.35/10)
Anul: 2003
Stil: Rap Metal / Rap
Violent J / Shaggy 2 Dope

Cateva cuvinte despre Insane Clown Posse
Mascatzi shi vopsitzi probabil cu vopsele furate din trusa de machiaj a celor de la Kiss, ICP sunt diferitzi daca-i compari cu hip-hop-ul / rap-ul modern. Violent J alearga pe scena cu un baltag. Intr-unul din concerte s-a impiedecat pe scena shi shi-a spart capul. Nu se cunoashte daca a avut urmari nefaste pentru sanatatea lui. Mentala, pentru ca vine de la menta.

Adevarul e pe la mijloc. Intr-o lume de Hip Hop dominata de nume celebre (altele decat Insane Clown Posse, evident) trebuie sa vii cu ceva nou, diferit. Ashadar, se imbraca ei in clowni insa in acelashi timp au spirit mercantil (vorbesc de Violent J shi de Shaggy 2 Dope, you morron).

Cateva cuvinte despre The Wraith: Shangri-La
Al shaselea album. Zic ei. Am numarat shi mi-au ieshit mai mult de cinci albume precedente. Evident e inutil sa te certzi cu indivizii. Cert e ca la un moment dat in cariera lor ICP declarasera ca au fost "vizitatzi" de un "dark carnival" shi ca au de lansat publicului un mesaj. Sub forma de jokeri.

Cand merita ascultat?
Un album interesant. E mult mai "greu" decat cele precedente. Cu toate acestea parerea mea e ca instrumentatzia din Bizaar / Bizzar era mult mai... ICP.

Track list
1: Walk Into the Light (5:09)
2: Welcome to the Show (3:12)
3: Get Ya Wicked On (1:47)
4: Murder Rap (2:32)
5: Birthday Bitches (1:18)
6: Blaaam (3:39)
7: It Rains Diamonds (5:26)
8: The Staleness (3:58)
9: Hells Forecast (2:58)
10: Juggalo Homies (4:32)
11: Ain't No Bidness (4:49)
12: We Belong (2:22)
13: Cotton Candy and Popsicles (3:42)
14: Crossing Thy Bridge (4:14)
15: The Raven's Mirror (2:59)
16: The Wraith (3:33)
17: Thy Unveiling (7:37)

1: Walk Into the Light (sound: 8.5/10; lyrics: 9/10) (The crows have overlooked, we gave you all they gave, the carousel will spin on
through the night. In Oz I'd be the Wizard, 'cause Im overwhelmed, bur we hoped the Jokers Cards would point you out to the light /So you will be tight/ Right
Nu va lasatzi amagizi de aparentul calm al acestei piese.

2: Welcome to the Show (sound:7/10; lyrics: 8/10) (Welcome to the show, shangri la of the dark carnival. welcome to the show, bitch boy you dead. Welcome to the show, shangri la of the dark carnival. welcome to the show, dead dead dead dead.)
E timpu' sa-tzi pui perechea ceea de blugi cu extra buzunare. Daca eshti prea slab indeasa o perna sa pari B.I.G.

3: Get Ya Wicked On (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (I like to murder those provokin (he does) / I swing quick, and leave a motherfucker's throat hangin open / I drink the blood of a street rat (he does))
ICP a inceput sa asculte Kid Rock in ultima vreme. Piesa aceasta shi cea care urmeaza suna similar cu Kid Rock.

4: Murder Rap (sound: 9.5/10; lyrics: 9/10) (Violent J is the name that I go by / Wakin up with blood on my hands and I don't know why / You motherfuckers tryin to get in my path / Don't be surprised when you get a shotgun up your ass)
Deci cum ziceam, Kid Rock.

5: Birthday Bitches (sound: 8/10; lyrics: 9/10) ([Lady:] / Okay everybody, it's clown time, a clown is here. / Everybody sit around right here. / Because Shaggy the clown has a present for everybody. )
Piesa e prea scurta sa apuci sa-tzi dai seama ce se intampla, insa baltagu cela muica e pentru chop-chop! Thai spagetti!

6: Blaaam (sound: 9.5/10; lyrics: 9.5/10) (Now I am a king, You're the lucky one / I have everything, nothing's challenging / Nothing makes me proud, You're the lucky one / I stand out in the crowd, while others beg out loud)
Imi place piesa aceasta. Se deschide cu un ritm oriental pentru ca ulterior sa "degenereze" in acorduri dure de chitara shi tobe.

7: It Rains Diamonds (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 7/10) (have you ever tried, to get the fuck up your hole, / fall right back inside, once again denied / have you ever seen, people turn into thy devil, / over money green, Tell me what it means)
Imprumutand nishte ritmuri moderne din metal, piesa exceleaza la toate capitolele neimportante.

8: The Staleness (sound: 8/10; lyrics: 7/10) (How you gonna give me a straight jacket when I'm crooked? Took it and shook it, ripped it and unzipped it and waited for thy nurse guy to bring me my tray, jumped him from behind and turned his head backwards my way, took all his keys and a crate of Methadone)
Rap-rap-rap, rap you idiot!

9: Hells Forecast (sound: 6/10; lyrics: 6/10) (I found safety a shelter I'm under a tree; only fingers and organs come falling on me, / I lay sleepless for days as thy raining continued, thy heat of thy sun baking corpses like food )
O mixtura intre rap shi metal, unnecessary noise.

10: Juggalo Homies (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (Let me ask you this about this life we live / And let me try to swerve some of this attention you give / To them distant ass relatives over ham dinner / If they really missed you so much)
Prima ICP videoclip difuzat de MTV. Piesa are un sunet distinct fatza de intreg albumul shi am impresia ca a fost inclusa in album numai cu scop mercantil.

11: Ain't No Bidness (sound: 9.5/10; lyrics: 10/10) (Maybe i dont even like you, but i gotta front cuz your a record label guy (mother fucker) / What if i dragged you by the hair, into the street, and beat your ass, and put a boot up in your eye (Puh! Bitch!) / Maybe i would rather fuck a Missy Elliot before a Tony... "Braxton" / Maybe i would rather fuck a Mecy Grey before a Janet... "Jackson" / Maybe i dont have no self esteem so i like to pick on everbody else)
Piesa e bine cladita cu coruri, rap, metal...

12: We Belong (sound: 7.5/10; lyrics: 6/10) (And some cant afford a free phone call / but some of us's equal us all, / think about that.)
Carnavalul e in orash shi cei doi clowni au scapat din lesa. Daca ieshitzi pe strada la ora asta, luatzi-va nishte injectzii antirabice.

13: Cotton Candy and Popsicles (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 8/10) (I don't wanna watermelon cherry baby / Don't you wanna / I don't wanna tropicana berry baby / Don't you wanna / I don't wanna blue banana sherry baby / Don't you wanna mix?)
O melodie cu o tema interesanta: zí£ dick. Cine n-are sa-tzi tzina gura inchisa.

14: Crossing Thy Bridge (sound: 9.8/10; lyrics: 10/10) (But then again who am I / I'm just some typical guy / I ain't no fuckin hero / I've just been wondering why)
In website, Violent J scrie: "What strange days these are my friends. We're giving away the first single off the 6th Joker's Card on our web site today. It's called "Crossing Thy Bridge" and it's one of the more rock-and-roll-ish sounding tracks on the 6th. "Crossing Thy Bridge" to us is about some of the questions an everyday common man would probably like to ask God if givin' a chance. It's some deep shit, I tell ya."
O fi in acorduri de Another Brink in the Wall insa ICP nu-i Pink Floyd. Bine-ntzeles ca shi ei shtiu asta asha ca fuck off!

15: The Raven's Mirror (sound: 9/10; lyrics: 9/10) (Am I asleep or not, I / Don't know, / My body is rotting and I feel pain, / Gimmie to heaven or hell but don't leave me dead inside this thing, / My body wont let me go)
Rapin' & metal, iar destul de similar cu ce produce Kid Rock.

16: The Wraith (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 7.5/10) (Always uninvited / fuck off / unrespected, sometimes he creeps other times he's expected / He hangs out in bad neighborhoods up at thy park)
ICP imprumuta nishte ritmuri metal moderne pentru a face din ele ceea ce shtiu cel mai bine: fuck them!

17: Thy Unveiling (sound: 9.9/10; lyrics: 10/10) (Carnival of Carnage, / The Ringmaster, / The Riddle Box, / The Great Milenko, / The Amazing Jeckel Brothers, / and The Wraith / looks like were all out of time brother! / Everybodys out of time! / Fuck It, We gots to tell them / All secrets will now be told / no more hidden messengers / this is it yall / times up / everything be out right here / no need for the reverse talking / the truth.)
O ploaie rece pe fundal, nishte tunete, un orologiu care bate ora 5 (probabil seara, probabil dimineatza) pentru ca mai apoi pe un ritm imprumutat de la Pink Floyd sa asistam cu gurile ude de la bautura la revelatzia suprema: "When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean? Truth is we follow GOD, we`ve always been behind him, The Dark Carnival is GOD and may all Juggalos find him!"

Thank you! ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us
We hope you`ve enjoyed the Wraith's exibit of Shangri-La
and soon as you die, this will be yours!
Thank you for joining us! Thank you byyyatch!
hahahaha, always remeber to fuck off!
Fuck Off! good bye!

MesajScris: Joi Aug 04, 2005 7:27 am
de theOffender
Seether - Karma & Effect - 7.89/10
Anul: 2005
Stil: Grunge / Alternative Rock / NU Metal
Shaun Welgemoed (voce, chitara) / David Cohoe (voce, tobe) / Dale Stewart (voce, chitara bass)

Cateva cuvinte despre Seether
Ma intrebam cine fute in ultima vreme la Amy Lee (vocea de la Evanescence) shi am aflat. E Shaun Welgemoed, solistul de la Seether. Me fancy her as well, deshi gurile rele spun cum ca cica n-ar canta prea bine. Eh, nobody's perfect. Deci cum trebuie sa aratzi ca sa-i intri in voia precum shi in chilotzii lu' Amy: Afrikaan, descendent al burilor, suficient de lat in umeri incat sa nu intre pe usha de-a dreptul shi cu un fizic suficient de mare (a nu se citi gras) astfel incat in cazul in care renuntza la NU Metal ishi gaseshte oricand o pozitzie de inaintash in prima linie la rugby.

Africa de Sud a oferit lumii pe Charlize Theron, Springboks (!), minunate fluuffy girls cu minunate fluuffy chestii ("u"-ul dublu e pus numa la mishto, bineintzeles - aduce a Afrikaans) albastre care ridica din picioare shi fac multe alte chestii care sa desfate privirile celor ce privesc (nu se numesc majorete se numesc... ei bine nu shtiu cum se numesc; cele de la Natal Sharks sunt numite flashers deoarece alearga in fatza multzimii shi expun minunatele litere N.A.T.A.L. inscriptzionate direct pe sursa, adica sani). Shi Springbok Nude Girls (amatorii de porn au luat-o in mana caci e vorba de o formatzie rock formata din masculi, probabili fani ai). Iar din Johannesburg in Mai 1999 s-a inventat pe sine insushi Saron Gas (ehehe) care in 2001, odata cu trecerea Oceanului cel Mare inspre Statele Unite a lui Leland shi-a schimbat numele in Seether. Evidend paranoia americana nu putea inhala o a doua formatzie cu nume infectzios (suficient ca trebuie sa suporte Antrax).

In primii doi ani de strabatut orashele Africii de Sud Seether a avut multe de patimit. Radiourile refuzau rand pe rand sa le difuzeze muzica in eter. "It's too heavy" (there is no such thing! - Ed). Shaun Welgemoed e cunoscut in America de Nord drept Shaun Morgan (creca americanilor nu le place varianta Afrikaans).

Cateva cuvinte despre Karma & Effect
Al patrulea album cronologic vorbind. Insa primul album, Fragile e inregistrat sub numele de Saron Gas, primul album in State e Disclaimer care contzine majoritatea pieselor de pe Fragile plus cateva noi (printre care Gasolline) pentru ca al 3lea album sa se numeasca Disclaimer II shi sa contzina toate piesele de pe Disclaimer plus cateva noi (de fapt albumul a aparut sustzinut de DVD in care se gaseshte shi videoclipul de la Broken, piesa care-a aparut pe coloana sonora a filmului The Punisher, videoclip in care apar cei doi (sau doua, depinde cum vrei sa faci acordul) lovebirds). Initzial albumul s-a numit Catering to Cowards iar studioul de inregistrari a specificat: no swearing. Nici macar in gluma. Banuiesc ca pus fatza in fatza cu o astfel de situatzie nu-tzi ramane altceva mai bun de zis decat: "Fuck off, let's do it".

Cand merita ascultat?
Chestia e ca e NU Metal ca gen. Ca asemanare: Creed, Linkin Park, Nickelback, etc. Cei frumoshi shi dejteptzi considera astfel de muzica drept anti-muzica. Shi au grija sa vocifereze mult shi bine iar in cazul in care ii vei lega de scaun shi-i vei pune sa asculte Seether, ishi vor inghitzi limba, sufocandu-se, numa ca sa-tzi demonstreze ca ei au dreptate iar tu ascultzi anti-muzica. In cazul in care cineva reusheshte sa comita un astfel de act de abominabila bunatate (i.e. legat de scaun -> moarte prin sufocare), sa ma contacteze. Voi trimite un sicriu din 3 scanduri shi un buchet de scaietzi atat de ofilitzi incat potzi face ikebana cu ei.

Nu cred ca albumele precedente merita sa fie recenzate cum de altfel nu cred ca Shawn Morgan Welgemoed se va transforma in Edith Piaf al NU Metal. Cu toate acestea exista multe piese pe acest album shi pe Disclaimer II (Gasolline, Broken - cu Amy Lee - shi Driven Under) care pot alcatui o selectzie de NU Metal menita sa le dea dureri de cap agentzilor de circulatzie.

Track list
1: Because of Me (3:36)
2: Remedy (3:27)
3: Truth (3:50)
4: The Gift (5:34)
5: Burrito (3:51)
6: Given (3:46)
7: Never Leave (4:59)
8: World Falls Away (4:40)
9: Tongue (4:05)
10: I'm the One (2:49)
11: Simplest Mistake (5:28)
12: Diseased (3:40)
13: Plastic Man (3:53)
14: Bonus Track (2:16)

1: Because of Me (6/10) (Here she comes again / She's feeling like she's already won / I believe it's gonna end again, all for naught / My philosophy is things are just as wrong as they seem / I believe it's gonna end this way, atrocity / Do you believe in love / Like I believe in pain / Nobody died for you, somebody pray for me)
Daca zgomotul ar fi o persoana reala shi ar fi pus pe banca acuzatzilor sa dea socoteala pentru cele 3 minute juma de destrabalare, fac pariu ca va pierde. Stilul e hard & heavy cu recidivari in metal. Nimica nou sub soare.
Toate peste toate dar versurile sunt interesante. Sa fie oare relatzia Shawn / Amy Lee "in trouble"? Sper ca nu, pentru ca alfel nu gasesc o explicatzie normala pentru lirismul patetic ce razbate din fiecare rima a acestora.

2: Remedy (8/10) (Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me / And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see)
Prima piesa grunge de pe album. Suna a Stone Temple Pilots. Chiar prea mult, ash adauga

3: Truth (8/10) (If I gave you the truth, would it keep you alive? / Though I'm closer to wrong / I'm no further from right / And now I'm convinced on the inside that something's wrong with me / Convinced on the inside, you're so much more than me, yeah / No there's nothing you say that can salvage the lie)
Stilul e tot grunge pentru piesa aceasta. Cand vorbeshti despre Africa de Sud vorbeshti despre braai. Pentru ca in primul rand Africa de Sud e gazda in fiecare an a campionatului mondial de BBQ. In timp ce savurezi o halca de antilopa facuta pe gril, piesa ajuta la digestie.

4: The Gift (8/10) (Hold me now I need to feel relief / Like I never wanted anything / I suppose I'll let this go and find a reason I'll hold on to / I'm so ashamed of defeat / And I'm out of reason to believe in me / I'm out of trying to get by)
Prima balada de pe album. Au vrut sa fie hard & heavy cand incepusera sa cante. Dupa care a venit casa de discuri shi le-a explicat ce se poate vinde shi ce nu. Seether a binecuvantat sugestia, shi-odata cu axeasta idee am inceput sa curga baladele, in marea lor parte atat de "comerciale" incat...

5: Burrito (9/10) (Try to hide myself / Give this to someone else / My hands are stained with scum / Wish I could wash it away / You keep taking, taking away / And keep breaking, breaking, break)
Te-ai ashtepta ca dupa doi ani de ascultat muzica gotica, te-ai ashtepta ca Shawn sa-shi fi schimbat stilul, sa-l fi "sofisticat" putzin. Piesa aceasta demonstreaza cum ca Shawn e un tip foarte incapatzanat. A inceput cu un stil shi va continua cu stilul respectiv. Cel putzin pana acum.

6: Given (8.5/10) (Trust all the things / I tell you are true / Dress up in your best / So I can be proud of you / And never believe I won't turn on you / And never believe I do this for you...)
A doua balada. Nu sunt ipocrit. Mi-a placut. Totushi daca n-ar scrie pe coperta cine canta te-ai jura ca-i Nickelback.

7: Never Leave (8/10) (Will I fall again into dismay? / Will I be ashamed of crying? / And I know it's never been the way that I described / But I am afraid of trying / She's the one who keeps me all excited / She keeps me begging for more / She's the one who deems me uninvited / Now it's over)
La meciurile de rugby din SA orice "hottie" care-shi face aparitzia dezinvolta e numita "'poppy". In Afrikaans inseamna un fel de "airhead". E perfect normal shi permis sa te duci shi s-o-ntrebi: sanii ashtia sunt de plastic sau "natural 100%, no preservatives added". La care bineintzeles vei fi invitat sa-i atingi shi sa-tzi formezi singur parerea. Dupa gust itzi dai seama ca-s naturali.

8: World Falls Away (9.5/10) (Must be something they're hiding / Must be reasons that no one will dare to tell / Must be something inside me / But I don't think so anymore / It's hurting again now / And I don't need friends when I have foes like you / It's hurting again now / It's killing me to be here all alone / Go away it's all the same / There's more for me)
Piesa aceasta parca a fost menita sa ajunga radio-hit.

9: Tongue (6/10)
Enervanta piesa. Foarte enervanta.

10: I'm the One (7/10) (Here she's coming and she's drunk again / She's only seventeen / Her daddy said "well that's enough of that come be my little queen" / And now he's touching her wrong again / He's gonna give her disease / He never wanted it anyway / He only does as he please)
Cand tzii carbuni arzand in mana ai grija cum ii manevrezi ca s-ar putea sa te arzi. Ah, shi un sfat: n-asculta piesa aceasta.

11: Simplest Mistake (8.5/10)
La americani nimica niciodata nu este prea "heavy". Oricat de heavy ar parea la prima auditzie. Shi chiar daca are o constructzie de balada. Parca ar fi Linkin Park.

12: Diseased (9/10)
Constatare: piesele de la final suna mult mai bine decat cele de la inceputul albumului.

13: Plastic Man (9/10) (I am a plastic man, wish I can be the one you could be proud of. / I'm losin heart again, wish I could show you what you think I'm made of. / Someday I know I'll find my place, someday I know this pain will fade.)
Un fluture a murit. Un om de plastic nu-shi gaseshte locul. Balada.

14: Bonus Track (6/10)
Bonus track-ul apare pe CD-ul lansat in Africa de Sud.

Ajustat la 10 000 caractere, futui...

MesajScris: Vin Aug 05, 2005 6:49 am
de theOffender
Insane Clown Posse - The Calm - (sound: 6.64/10; lyrics: 6.42/10 general: 6.53/10)
Anul: 2005
Stil: Rap Metal / Rap
Violent J / Shaggy 2 Dope

Cateva cuvinte despre Insane Clown Posse

Cateva cuvinte despre The Calm
Ultimul lor album. Probabil ca au epuizat vocabularul limbii engleze. Totzi cei 150 000 + 200shinushtiucatdemii de termeni medicali. Or fi facut ei candva mishto de intreaga lume, un circ continuu insa au dat-o-n bara rau de tot cu albumul acesta. Au mai putzin de 30 de minute de sunet (nu e muzica).

Cand merita ascultat?
Niciodata. Albumul e atat de prost incat if face pe Snoop Stupid Doggg sa sune angelic.

Track list
1: Intro (1:29)
2: Rollin Over (3:42)
3: Rosemary (3:40)
4: Crop Circles (3:49)
5: Deadbeat Moms (3:07)
6: We'll Be Alright (4:37)
7: Like It Like That (3:02)
8: Off the Track (3:53)

1: Intro (xxx/10)* (The tempest. Tearing down forests into feilds reveiling crop circles. The Tempest. Who will be left, Who will still be around in the end. The Tempest. Who will survive long enough to join us for the new dawn. ICP is rollin' over.)
Cel mai bun minut de pe albumul acesta.

2: Rollin Over (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 7/10) (I got three body's stuffed in my trunk i'm blowin' red lights and bet i'm blowin' heads off before / i'm read any rights baby i'm outlaw. painted up and packin the bombs I stomp preps in the streets and / sound fire alarms bitch run for your life we keep it)

3: Rosemary (sound: 8.5/10; lyrics: 7/10) (Let me in this bitch. Let me get some change shit. Man fuck this dress code bitch. i can dance
muthafucka. i can daaannncccee.

4: Crop Circles (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 8/10) (The sun rises and sets on time every day of the year / But sporadically the circles appear / Baffling all through the history of known man / Since fuckin’ with the mystery of stone hedge / Aliens, cults, witches with lawn mowers, mind blowers)
Stai sa ma gandesc: prost.

5: Deadbeat Moms (sound: 6/10; lyrics: 6/10) (Bitch back up cause your dimmin’ my shine / You got nine kids, only two of them mine / I get you cigarettes, weed, pampers, and similac / Bitch start giving back, fuck hittin’ that / Your shit loop like a bowl of soup / And every time I’m with you, I’m smelling nothing but baby poop)
Nah, prost.

6: We'll Be Alright (sound: 6/10; lyrics: 5/10) (Mad Pills, Drink spills / black out at night, my hands kill / wake naked, can't take it / yo, wrap me up in that blanket)

7: Like It Like That (sound: 5/10; lyrics: 5/10) (I’ll ride a fucking pogo stick all over your face / With Shaggy on my shoulders adding to the weight / We like it like that, fuck you / We like it like that, so fuck ya’ll)
Extraordinar de prost.

8: Off the Track (sound: 7/10; lyrics: 7/10) (I battle samurais, they fight like little bitches to me / Ive murdered everybody i need some switches for me / Take me some place nobody ever knew existed / Gone like the missle that missed it and gone balistic)
Bine ca s-a terminat.

*Nu intra in calculul notei finale.

MesajScris: Lun Aug 08, 2005 4:50 pm
de theOffender
Billy Idol - Devil's Playground - 8.11/10
Anul: 2005
Stil: Pop Rock / Punk Rock / Classic Rock
Billy Idol (voce) / Steve Stevens (chitara)

Cateva cuvinte despre Billy Idol
"Everybody got it wrong. I said I was into porn again, not born again." dupa un accident de motocicleta (Wikiquote).

S-a nascut in 1955 in Middlesex, Anglia sub numele de William Michael Albert Broad. A urmat universitatea din Sussex. Anglia anilor '70 era sub influentza punk rock-ului, in special Sex Pistols, Malcolm McLaren, etc. Va adera la Bromley Contingent, un grup de fani inraitzi ai celor de la Sex Pistols. Din acelashi grup va face parte shi Siouxsie Sioux (leaderul viitoarei formatzii Siouxsie & the Banshees).

Nu va trece multa vreme pana cand tanarul William sa-shi dea seama ca poate deveni foarte ushor solistul vocal al unei trupe punk. Ishi insuseshte numele de Billy Idol shi formeaza Generation X cu care inregistreaza 3 albume (Generation X, Valley of the Dolls shi Kiss Me Deadly).

Il va intalni pe Steve Stevens (a luat un Grammy pentru soundtrack-ul de la Top Gun) iar impreuna vor lansa Billy Idol (1982), Rebel Yell (1984), Vital Idol (UK) (1985), Whiplash Smile (1986) dupa care cei doi se despart pentru a se reuni in 1999 in turnee in Australia shi US.

Cu parul per-oxidat shi cu atitudinea de bad-boy, Billy Idol se va impune cu un punk rock accesibil, pe alocuri cu tenta de pop shi dance ("White Wedding", "Dancing with Myself", "Sweet Sixteen"). Albumul Cyberpunk (1993), a fost o incercare de a se reinventa (ishi schimba frizura, lasandu-shi dreadlock-uri, incearca sa devina mai "creativ"). Publicul n-a gustat noul Billy Idol iar acesta incepe sa se drogheze.

La 50 de ani, Billy Idol e din nou prezent pe scena rockului mondial, intr-o incercare de a reanima vechi pasiuni shi de a declansha un nou cult Billy Idol.

Cateva cuvinte despre Devil's Playground
George Michael anul acesta a declarat ca nu va mai lansa alte albume. Vremea lui a trecut. Am fost foarte surprins sa vad ca Billy Idol a revenit cu un nou album. Shi mi-am zis ca probabil ca a ramas fara bani pentru cocaina shi-atunci e explicabila revenirea aceasta. Shi mai surprins am fost dupa ce-am ascultat albumul. Este un album muncit, ingrijit. Are o parte comerciala, pop, care sa-i garanteze accesul la publicul care prefera un pic mai lent, mai disco (o chestie care accentueaza "comercialitatea" acestui album este faptul ca shi ritmul / stilul sunt moderne, complet diferite de ceea ce canta Billy Idol cu 20 de aniin urma).

Cand merita ascultat?
Un album ushor shi simpatic, nostalgicii Billy Idol vor fi satisfacutzi. Are vocea lui, cu inflexiunile caracteristice, chitara e superba.

Track list
1: Super Overdrive (4:18)
2: World Comin' Down (3:33)
3: Rat Race (4:17)
4: Sherri (3:17)
5: Plastic Jesus (4:53)
6: Scream (4:43)
7: Yellin' at the Xmas Tree (4:14)
8: Romeo's Waiting (3:43)
9: Body Snatcher (3:57)
10: Evil Eye (4:32)
11: Lady Do or Die (4:37)
12: Cherie (3:47)
13: Summer Running (4:30)

1: Super Overdrive (7.5/10) (In the Devil’s Playground / With an Idol mind / Straight up, ready to go / Announce the time)
Ritmul de la Super Overdrive e Billy Idol clasic. E prea Billy chiar. E singura piesa de pe album care-aduce catushi de cat cu ceea ce canta acum 20-25 de ani.

2: World Comin' Down (8/10) (For the kids in the schools / And the teachers are fools / And you just want to break / Well you’re close to the edge / And you’re pissed at your work / And the boss is a jerk)
Influentzele punk-ului modern ishi fac simtzita influentza. Suna atat de mult a Blink 182. Punk rock bineintzeles, acelashi punk rock pe care l-a adus la perfectzie cu Rebel Yell in 1984. Numai ca acuma suna prea... not Billy. Shi sa nu ma-ntzelegetzi greshit, nu suna deloc rau.

3: Rat Race (9/10) (Wake me from my sleep / A cautionary tale / A walk in infancy / A way to derail / I wanted only you / The walls are falling down)
Cea mai buna piesa de pe album shi favorita mea. O combinatzie White Wedding shi Dancing with Myself pe un ritm de Linkin Park. Chitara e superba, schimbarile de ritm itzi ridica parul pe shira spinarii iar vocea e dulce toata lapte shi miere pentru ca sa se schimba in rupturi hard & heavy.

4: Sherri (8.5/10) (Come home, it’s a brand new day / Come home, my Sherri, Sherri runaway / Come on, there’s a devil to pay / Come home, my Sherri, Sherri runaway)
O piesa foarte apropiata de rock anthems ai anilor 1980.

5: Plastic Jesus (8.5/10) (I don’t care if it / Rains or freezes / As long as I’ve got my / Plastic Jesus / Ridin’ on the dashboard / Of my car)
Aproape inocenta bucata asta. Oricum e vorba de Billy Idol asha ca inocentza incepe mai incolo, dupa primele 2-5 dezvirgirginari, 4-5 doze de cocaina.

6: Scream (8.5/10) (Ooh yeah / You can fill my cup / You can fill my bowl / This train is ready to roll / Your eyes of fire / Have stole my soul / Still coming back for more / You are the lock / I am the key / Climb up my lemon tree / You are the one / You’re on your knees / You are my little queen / You know just what I mean / Climb up my lemon tree)
Primul single de pe album.

7: Yellin' at the Xmas Tree (8/10) (When I was a small boy / Here in London town / Seasons snow was falling on the ground / All the friends and family / Here on Christmas Eve / Gather round to dress / The Christmas tree / But daddy’s down at the pub / Full of Christmas cheer / Probably won’t come home / Until next year)
Daca n-ar fi vocea ai jura ca-s Blink 183. E drept ca aceshtia din urma au concertat foarte mult in Australia in 1998-2001. Poate ca s-au intalnit in culise shi-au facut schimb de partituri.

8: Romeo's Waiting (7/10) (Cocaine and innocence / And Romeo’s waiting / Candies and sugar daddies / They never stop wasting your time / Time to dance to the top / With champagne indifference / And I sit salivating / If I could touch you there / Would you be liberated? / Ah yeah)
Un innuendo la perioada in care coctailul zilei contzinea: heroine cocaine lsd shi ecstazy. Era cat pe ce sa devina un Michael Hutchence sau Cobain.

9: Body Snatcher (8/10) (Full moon glow / Steals the light / When headless horsemen ride / In the distance hellhounds cry / And banshee wails arise / Turn your fear into fantasy / Concealing all the pain / You the victim of perfection / The dark side gets its way / The dark side gets its way)
Chitara rapida shi tobe.

10: Evil Eye (8/10) (There wasn’t a thing to say / As we drove past to the desert way / Through silent seas of sand / Feel time running through my hands / And the sun is burning bright / And the air says life is tight / And my brain says that someone dies / When she shows me the endless lies)
Inceputul e destul de inspirat, pacat de continuare.

11: Lady Do or Die (9/10) (What it takes / It takes a dog to cry / What it takes a boy must die / What it takes sometime / Before midnight / What it takes / It takes a life)
O balada country (oarecum asemanatoare cu cea a lui Alice Cooper - The Saga of Jesse Jane de pe Dirty Diamonds, 2005).

12: Cherie (8.5/10) (Like the moon moves the tides / You influence my mind / Like the planets and the stars / Keep the rhythm to your time / Are you happy with him? / Yes I let you go)
O alta reminiscentza a rock-ului anilor 70.

13: Summer Running (7/10) (We spent the summer running / Scared of what they might do / After we spent the winter crying / In the mist we came all unglued / Sometimes back to school / It seems so sad / And nothing’s new / Until I spent the summer running / Just we two / Just we two)
Piesa de incheiere, o balada cu Steve la chitara solo shi Billy Idol la chitara clasica punctata de tobe shi viori pentru ca sa erupa spre final intr-un ritm rapid.

MesajScris: Mar Aug 09, 2005 11:38 am
de theOffender
Silverstein - When Broken Is Easily Fixed - 7.35/10
Anul: 2003
Stil: Metalcore / Hardcore / Punk Rock
Shane Told (voce) / Neil Boshart (chitara) / Josh Bradford (chitara) / Bill Hamilton (chitara bass) / Paul Koehler (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre Silverstein
Canadieni, au aparut in 2000 (dintr-o eroare muzicala) in Toronto. Shi-au insushit numele de Silverstein in memoria autorului de cartzi pentru copii Shel Silverstein (care murise in 1999). Dupa inregistrarea unui EP in 2000 (Summer's Stellar Gaze) s-au eventurat in turnee peste turnee. Membru fondator al trupei (care l-a inceput a fost doar un proiect) Richard McWalter paraseshte trupa, locul lui fiind luat de Neil Boshart (ex Maharahj). Blah-blah-blah, total neinteresanta istoria lor.
Singurul lucru demn de mentzionat este ca impreuna cu Hawthorne Heights, A Static Lullaby, Senses Fail, Taking Back Sunday, Breaking Benjamin shi altzii de asemenea calibru au luat cu asalt posturile de radio care difuzeaza in principal punk rock (vechi shi modern).

Cateva cuvinte despre When Broken Is Easily Fixed
Deshi Shane Told tzipa destul de mult asta nu inseamna neaparat ca albumul e hardcore 100%. Deasemena e drept ca pe alocuri vocea lui i-ar face pe blackeri sa se inrosheasca de rushine. Prima parte a albumului e aproape OK.

Cand merita ascultat?
Cand vecinu' de la 3 te agaseaza ascultand Wagner shi tzii mortzish sa-i aratzi care-i definitzia exacta a termenului de hardcore.

Track list
1: Smashed Into Pieces (3:42)
2: Red Light Pledge (3:48)
3: Giving Up (4:12)
4: November (4:15)
5: Last Days of Summer (4:28)
6: Bleeds No More (3:16)
7: Hear Me Out (3:48)
8: The Weak and the Wounded (3:15)
9: Wish I Could Forget You (3:26)
10: When Broken Is Easily Fixed (4:20)

1: Smashed Into Pieces (8/10) (Never again. I’ll slit my throat with the knife I pulled out of my spine. maybe when you find out that I’m dead, you’ll realize what you did to me. and if my lungs still let me breathe, would you be there for me?)
O piesa de inceput destul de inspirata. Un amestec de Green Day shi Blink 182 punctat pe alocuri cu tzipete.

2: Red Light Pledge (7/10) (The ending’s the same, past mistakes that you made come back to haunt you. I made a mistake; I wish I could take back everything that I did.)
Nu prea reusheshti sa descifrezi prea multe taine alcultand piesa aceasta. Spre final ishi revine, oarecum.

3: Giving Up (7/10) (I used to make the light shine for you. the sun has left my sky. velvet walls surround my sorrows. I’ve sacrificed my pride. you’re giving up on me. I’ve laid myself to sleep tonight. I know you’ve played out everything in your mind. and now you throw it all away.)
Albumul e departe de a fi bine lucrat. Shi-aceasta piesa incepe bine shi are ritmuri interesant, pacat ca sunt intercalate cu obsesive repetari "giving up on me" care te indeamna da apeshi pe >next.

4: November (9/10) (Fragile leaves hit the ground. the cold air drifts into my lungs. I see your face through the fog. reminds me of the dreams you lost. I can see it in your eyes. you’re broken down; your hands are tied.)
In opinia mea, cea mai reushita piesa de pe album. Shi poate shi motivul pentru care i-am considerat vrednici de-o ascultare. Primele 30 de secunde sunt pura instrumentatzie, pentru ca vocea lui Shane Told sa le alature perfect tonului shi ambiantzei.

5: Last Days of Summer (7/10) (The bright light beams from her eyes like broken glass. or a broken heart, who would have guessed? you’d leave me here. beneath my eyes I feel the tears, I hold back. I won’t leave this way again.)
Un amestec lent / (prea) violent enervant. Odata cu piesa aceasta albumul ishi pierde din coerentza.

6: Bleeds No More (7.5/10) (My heart bleeds no more; now, it’s been turned to stone. your stomach feels sick for someone else. I’ve broken both my legs falling for you. drag me on the ground. powerless I stand, tarnished blade, cutting through, pushed into my vein. blood still stains my hands.)
Piesa se deschide cu un latrat special. Dupa ce se domoleshte dulaul dumireshti cuvinte precum "blade", "cutting", "vein", "blood". Realizezi ca latratul initzial are shi el cuvinte. Te rogi sa inceteze. Shi brusc, precum a inceput, inceteaza.

7: Hear Me Out (7.5/10) (When everyone has left me here, I’ll make it on my own. just wait and see. maybe if you came back down, you’d see it happening to you. maybe you’d even care. hear me out, I don’t think you’ll make it out.)
Green Day?

8: The Weak and the Wounded (6.5/10) (The end begins. I can’t escape as it pulls me further into anesthesia. tear down my sense of conviction. corrupt my soul. the end begins. in my eyes. in my heart. I have laid upon a deadman’s bed, only to fall into a trap of lies and seduction that rivals the greatest sense of love.)

9: Wish I Could Forget You (7/10) (You won't repeat this for the rest of the crowd. I know they will miss but you'll still feel proud. Say it's gold, say it's fine. The secrets out that you're mine. )
O alta incercare de balada, o vioara se aude pe fundal, un mixaj interesant insa neinspirat.

10: When Broken Is Easily Fixed (7/10) (I can resist everything except temptation. my body breaks, but I am still intact inside. my human instinct, I can love unconditionally. cross my heart and lie to you (my conscience plagues at me, fills me with this despair))
Well, o piesa lunga, ca de-ncheiere. Zambeshti shi te-ntrebi? Mai scot pushtanii aceshtia ceva... mai bun?

MesajScris: Joi Aug 11, 2005 11:12 am
de theOffender
Silverstein - Discovering the Waterfront - 8.18/10
Anul: 2005
Stil: Metalcore / Hardcore / Punk Rock
Shane Told (voce) / Neil Boshart (chitara) / Josh Bradford (chitara) / Bill Hamilton (chitara bass) / Paul Koehler (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre Silverstein
Pentru noul lor album l-au folosit pe Cameron Webb (a lucrat cu formatzii precum Motorhead, Sum 41). Cu doua albume la activ sunt foarte curios cum va suna viitorul. Mi se par un fel de Green Day.

Cateva cuvinte despre Discovering the Waterfront
Un album in care solistul (Shane Told) canta mai mult, latra mai putzin. Ash putea spune "mai matur" insa e o blasfemie. Silverstein e o trupa de pushtani care canta pentru pushtime. Insa e putzin mai sofisticat, shi vorbesc aici de sofisticare intr-un gen de muzica care e limitat in termen de inovatzii. Un amestec de emotzie, acorduri de chitara shi hardcore, muzica lor in mod sigur va fi de gasit pe coloana sonora a filmelor care de-obicei au adolescentzi shi problemele lor (!) in prim plan.

Cand merita ascultat?
Cand, dupa o noapte de amor, te simtzi 16.

Track list
1: Your Sword vs My Dagger (2:58)
2: Smile in Your Sleep (3:13)
3: The Ides of March (3:27)
4: Fist Wrapped in Blood (2:57)
5: Discovering the Waterfront (4:45)
6: Defend You (3:28)
7: My Heroine (3:27)
8: Always and Never (3:49)
9: Already Dead (3:17)
10: Three Hours Back (3:34)
11: Call it Karma (4:14)

1: Your Sword vs My Dagger (8/10) (i'm cutting through, your bleeding heart / and i would tell the truth, but i can't help myself / red rushes out, dissect the nerve / and i'll stop myself before i reach my cell)
Piesa de deschidere, foarte bine lucrata, cu o linie melodica acceptabila shiu cu Paul Koehler la tobe, intr-un solo inspirat. Shi aduce a Blink 185.

2: Smile in Your Sleep (8.5/10) (When I'm lying in your bed play the motions through my head / you know that I'm thinking, I'm thinking... / and I have reasons to believe that I'm not the only / one you spend this time with, but I'll stay...)
Deja se vede ca baietzii au invatzat cum sa manipuleze instrumentele astfel incat sa creeze un sunet cat de cat armonios. Nici n-a inceput bine albumul shi deja am o piesa favorita.

3: The Ides of March (7.5/10) (Tie me up with sheets, and hang me from your tree / I'll stay our here all night, it doesn't even matter / As long as I can see, into your room and feel / Like I'm inside your life, I'll follow you forever / Don't cut me down just yet, I'll make things right again / Don't close your blinds on me, on me...)
O incercare de balada hardcore insa neinspirata.

4: Fist Wrapped in Blood (8/10) (finish me off, follow the plan / break all the bonds, sever the ties / and now your mission is complete, find and destroy me. / torturing me, with words from our lips / filleting my skin, pulling my teeth / please forgive me for not being good enough.)
O piesa foarte... saltareatza. Head banging shi-o dorintza fantastica de a sparge lemne.

5: Discovering the Waterfront (9/10) (I will promise myself I won’t care / distracting myself from your stare / and I've seen this mistake once before / with your games I will never fall for / I've hung up my guns.... / I won’t kill again!)
Suficient de lunga, are de toate. Favorita mea, my favourite, my little bijou. Kiss.

6: Defend You (7/10) (I'll write it down / Where you can see / I have gone to sleep / Try to relate / Can't give in to your temptations (temptations) / All your hopes and dreams, I'll take away / Its time that I forget everything / you've taught me (you've taught me) / When I looked up to you)
Shi-aici apare problema cu pushtanii ashtia. Una calda, una rece.

7: My Heroine (9/10) (The drugs begin to peak / A smile of joy arrives in me / But sedation changes to panick and nausea / And breath starts to shorten / And heartbeats feel softer / You won't try to save me! / You just want to break me! / Your leaving this way! / You taught my heart, a sense I never knew I had. / I can't forget, the times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth)
Imi place #5 da-mi place shi #7. Oare asta ma face ambivalent?

8: Always and Never (8.5/10) (This took my fate, giving in / To your lips, To your Lies / You say that, that it would come back to haunt me / Crooked smile, the reflection in your eyes / That shows Why wait this for Beautiful mistakes)
O piesa rea, care iarashi aduce pe-alocuri cu Blink 181.

9: Already Dead (9/10) (you wont find me here / the place that you expected me to be / in my bed on the 2nd floor / i'm inside your house / i'm closing in on you / and all the times you smiled / you said hello and thought i was ok / i was planning your final struggle)
A treia piesa. Wow, unde-mi stau aliantzele, nici eu nu mai shtiu.

10: Three Hours Back (8/10) (Indifference grows, indifference feeds on me / a sickness fills the pathways were i breathe / miles away from where i want to be, want to be / one day you will see!! / nothing is this simple, this simple / one day you will see!! / it takes its toll on me, toll on me)
Groove baby, yeah....

11: Call it Karma (7.5/10) (Blame it on the weather, but I'm a mess / And this Feburary darkness has been hating everyone / And I know I'll need your comfort, but this summer makes me sick / And the longer I lay here, its harder to get up / Without you! / Lose another day here, lose another year here / I'm with you!)
Retrospectiv, n-a fost un album rau.

In numarul urmator: -> Nightwish review.

MesajScris: Vin Aug 12, 2005 5:36 am
de theOffender
stellastarr* - stellastarr* - 9.5/10
Anul: 2003
Stil: Alternative Rock / Punk Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Excellent Rock
Shawn Christensen (voce, chitara) / Amanda Tannen (chitara bass) / Arthur Kremmer (tobe) / Michael Jurin (chitara)

Cateva cuvinte despre stellastarr* (trupa)
Hai sa discutam la modul serios acuma, care sunt shansele - shi ma refer la shanse reale nu cele inventate sa dea bine in cartzi - ca patru persoane care nu se cunosc, sa se-adune in aceiashi incapere, sa inceapa sa cante pentru ca in final sa iasa ceva exceptzional. Cred ca mai degraba ash fi pescuit de o nava vogoniana in timp ce fac autostopul ca sa ajung la restaurantul de la marginea universului.

Bineintzeles ca am exagerat putzin (partea cu restaurantul de la marginea universului), dar Jurin a fost ultimul care sa se adauge trupei. Shi dupa doar o auditzie, trupa stellastarr* a luat fiintza.

Cu o voce care te face sa scuipi intre sani shi sa pui mana pe telefon pentru a comanda take-away o exorcizare, Shawn Christensen suna identic cu Robert Smith. E adevarat ca Smith are noua vietzi insa sub nici o forma nu l-ash fi crezut in stare de reincarnari. stellastarr* (se scrie cu litera mica) sunt din New York shi au avut un succes in UK mai instantaneu decat Nescafe Instant. Un tribut modern pentru rockul anilor 80, stellastarr* nu fac playback sau cover up. Sunt independentzi, de sine statatori shi fenomenali (bine ca am mentzionat).

Poate ca totushi va vetzi intreba unde e Catch 22. Ei bine, problema e acilea: sunt one-hit-wonder sau au de gand sa scoata un al doilea album care sa se ridice la valoarea primului?

Cateva cuvinte despre stellastarr* (albumul)
E Pixies. Ba nu, e Bowie. Habar n-ai, e Cure. Stai bre ca suna a The Cars. Shi totushi. In fiece an peste 30 000 de albume sunt inregistrate shi puse in circulatzie in Statele Unite. Doar 2-5% dintre acestea primesc "air-time" sau sunt difuzate pe MTV. Cars. stellastarr* (albumul) e un mic juvaer, shi un milion de motive pentru care muzica buna inca exista.

Cand merita ascultat?
Frunzareshti rollerdex-ul shi-alegi aleatoriu, adica la intamplare, numaraul de telefon al unei persoane de gen feminin (bineintzeles, asta dupa ce ai cugetat bine motivele pro-contra) shi-o invitzi la o cina romantica in doi, shi-i explici ca ea va constitui atat felul intai cat shi felu doi. Desertul e ciocolata de banana flambe cu doua linguritze de inghetzata de vanilie shi sirop de miere de acacia.

Track list
1: In the Walls (3:49)
2: Jenny (4:16)
3: A Million Reasons (4:19)
4: My Coco (5:05)
5: No Weather (3:15)
6: Moongirl (5:30)
7: Somewhere Across Forever (3:40)
8: Homeland (3:55)
9: Untitled (5:08)
10: Pulp Song (3:39)

1: In the Walls (9.5/10) (In the walls,in the fall, I can see them all / And the 44 superstores all acrooss the mall / It took a while for me to know I am not alone / It took a while for me to know I'm not alone / Oh Oh Oh [X8])
Am pregatit campul de bataie. Uleiul de masline la indemana. Usturoiul de asemenea (am auzit ca are proprietatzi anticonceptzionale). Nishte tobe shi-o bataie in usha mai tarziu o ajut sa se strecoare in ceva mai lejer. Shi mai nud. Perdele sunt trase, lumanarile aprinse, vinul roshu la temperatura de exact 17 grade inrosheshte paharele.

2: Jenny (9.5/10) ( Jenny was sitting in the lounge / She was talking to herself / Well maybe things like that turn you on / Maybe you felt that for yourself / Well I'm a believer ya ya ya Oh Oh Oh [X8] / So, tell me the dreams that you might have / Tell me the stories in your life / There's a girl who wouldn't stop now / And she'll never be your wife / Well I'm a believer ya ya ya Oh Oh Oh [X8])
E prima data cand Amanda deschide gura. Sa-l sustzina pe Shawn, bineintzeles. Dublu distilat, pun putzin in jurul sfarcurilor, pentru degustare. In timp ce explic ce-am comandat de la restaurantul chinezesc din coltz, ii dau o shansa sa zimbeasca. In fund shi la urma urmei decentza e doar pentru statui.

3: A Million Reasons (9.5/10) (When the shadows washed away / I was painting larger ones / Larger than the canvases / The canvases I can't believe / And I can't understand when things turned gray / I'm not who I was in the morning / And there's a million reasons that I'd like you to stay / Tried to utter the words while you're falling)
Da-mi un singur motiv, imi spune. Shi il arat. Incearca sa ma apuce de mana sa ma atraga spre bucatarie. Insa nu e mana mea ceea ce trage. Umbre ii joaca pe fatza lui Smith. Nici nu mai shtiu daca am vreo cura pentru asha ceva.

4: My Coco (9.5/10) (Cool my brains and soothe my head / Stimulate me my Co-co-co / Sneak into my empty bed / And educate me my Co-co-co / In the summer in the spring / In public places my Co-co-co / On an island far away / Lemonade me my Co-co-co)
Dom'le, cand ai la bass o femeie inspirata se-ntampla ravagii in bucatarie. Piruete dupa firuete, pudra alba de faina zboara prin aer. Uf, Amanda se angajeaza intr-un solo de una singura. Shi-ncepe sa aibe grije de my coco. Sunt cinci minute de destrabalare, ce mai tura - turaaaaaah.

5: No Weather (9.5/10) (Oh my lord, Oh my girl / She left me sitting in the corner without no words / She's taken all my things all my polyester / I can't see I can't see no weather / Barararapapa barararapapapa / Barararapapa barararapapapa)
O mie de plonjoane, o mie de pupaturi o mie de litri de vin, o mie shi una de zgomote, oh my girl!

6: Moongirl (9.5/10)
O piesa instrumentala ce baga fiori pe tine. I-am vazut dansandu-mi pe bratze dupa care-au sarit pe partenera. Noroc cu ritmul acesta repetitiv de tobe care m-ajuta sa-mi pastrez focusul nealterat. Shi tzapí£n.

7: Somewhere Across Forever (9.5/10) (I'll run away with you / We can build a goldmine / We'll cross the Sahara child / I'll be the truth for you / Home life, no life, I've been livin'here without you / New home, New York, I've been livin'here without you / I've been awake, we can build our own world / We can run away from ourselves if we knew who we were)
De undeva din coltz, ranjeshte gothic spre mine Robert Smith in persoana. Dintr-un poster. Baby, poate-o sa fug cu tine, depinde de performantza ta din seara aceasta. Amanda se baga la voce din nou, un murmur de shoapte, un cantec de sirena shi-odata cu el, Ulise-al meu intra in nishte experientze culinare deosebite.

8: Homeland (9.5/10) (At the edge of the day / there was nothing left / and nobody could care about me / in your yard filled with toys / i was passing time / with a friend, imaginary / won't you come, i'll be gone / today / won't you come.)
Departamentul Homeland Security anuntza: acorduri de chitara repetitive, o per(se)cutzie in surdina. Coruri de voce cristalina care tzi se vara in suflet precum un pumnal. Doar doua efecte la chitara: clean shi distorted. Un genunchi imi aluneca la pamant, pe covor, urmat fiind de urmatorul genunchi shi plin de fiori sorb din izvor.

9: Untitled (9.5/10) (There's a great pair of eyes / And their resting in your pretty head / Though I don't know quite why / But I'll never express how I feel / Yes it's true I've been tamed / The past two years I 've really changed / There's a great pair of crimes / The lonliness of you and I)
Amanda a cantat la violoncel. Muzica clasica, pentru ca asemeni unei crisalide sa explodeze intr-o chitara bass care sa sustzina un solo de chitara clasica. Friday I'm in Love, insa de data aceasta mai lent, mai ritmat. Mai lung.

10: Pulp Song (9.5/10) (And we walked a thousand days / There was nothing more to find / Million peoples in our way / Million ways to loose our minds / Met a girl the other day / Didnt know what i should say / Saw myself inside her eyes / There was nothing more to find / We're lying / We've lied to you / We've lied to make our point of view)
Totul a fost o minciuna draga mea. Nu te-am adus aici in scopuri culinare pentru caritate.

MesajScris: Mar Aug 16, 2005 7:30 am
de theOffender
Sevendust - Animosity - 7.34/10
Anul: 2001
Stil: Heavy Metal / NU Metal
Lajon Witherspoon (voce) / John Connolly (chitara) / Clint Lowery (chitara) / Vince Hornsby (chitara bass) / Morgan Rose (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre Sevendust
Cand Pearl Jam n-a mai avut nimic de spus, a aparut Creed. Iar cand aceshtia au ramas fara lipsa de inspiratzie, s-au destramat. Shi-asha a aparut Sevendust, cand lumea avea nevoie de ceva tanar care sa semene la fatza cu Creed shi Pearl Jam, sa aibe cacofonia Antrax-shilor iar in final sa delivereze urmatorul mesaj: daca tot nu shtitzi despre ce e vorba, ia mai ducetzi-va in p... mea.

Lajon Witherspoon, pe numele lui de fata: Jason Perlman, e un negru tuciuriu care-a reushit sa convinga altzi patru atlantishti (adica din Atlanta, U.S.A.) sa formeze Sevendust. In 1997.

Cateva cuvinte despre Animosity
Al treilea album a celor de la Sevendust. Dupa turneul de sustzinere al albumului precedent (Home), cei 5 s-au intors la un cont de banca gol, in prag de faliment. In loc sa ia evenimentul respectiv drept un semn ca a venit vremea sa lase metalul in pacea lui shi sa se apuce de R&B sau Hip Hop, Sevendust, citez, "were able to funnel their bitterness and frustration into Animosity".

Cand merita ascultat?
Albumul e un chin sa-l ascultzi. Dar daca te duci sa-i faci o vizita prietenei shi ai ei te roaga sa tai gramada aia de lemne din spatele casei, pune-tzi cashtile in urechi shi trage tare.

Track list
1: T.O.A.B. (3:39)
2: Praise (3:38)
3: Trust (5:14)
4: Crucified (4:13)
5: Xmas Day (5:14)
6: Dead Set (4:59)
7: Shine (3:43)
8: Follow (4:33)
9: Damaged (4:34)
10: Live Again (4:11)
11: Beautiful (4:11)
12: Redefine (3:41)
13: Angel's Son (3:49)

1: T.O.A.B. (6.5/10) (Tell me something cause I don't know / If that look's for me / Change your face and show me / How is it that you can sleep? / (SHOW ME THAT FACE) Bring it up to me / (SHOW ME THAT FACE) Means nothing to me / (WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME) )
Lajon incearca nishte rap metal a la Antrax, piesa e indicata cand te-apuci sa tai lemne. Grija mare ca langa cel ce se caca shi cel care taie lemne nu e bine sa stai.

2: Praise (7/10) (What did you expect? / Fools often sometimes forget / Who really knows what's the truth / Often dignified / How funny changing the tide / Feels like you already knew / (Praise) like the devil / (Connect) you would never / (Sick Man) running circles / Feels like you already knew )
Influentzele Creed shi Pearl Jam se fac simtzite. Nu m-ar deranja acest fapt prea tare insa modul in care ishi bat joc de muzica e iritant. Ah, shi asta e primul "single" de pe album.

3: Trust (6/10) (When I hold my head down to the ground / And I wish you were here with me / Seems like you're always around / I was blind to see / Too good to be true / you can't stay with me / I wish she was all I need / And it's getting late. and it's cold outside / So cold. so cold / (TRUST))
Ingrozitoare piesa. Sunt cateva silabe strecurate aiurea in al doilea shi-al treilea vers (cel putzin) iar incercarea lui Lajon sa le melodiezeze e teribila. Plus ca iar suna a Creed.

4: Crucified (8/10) (So much pain to ease my simple mind / No hope - I've been crucified / And no one seems to care / (Don't you feel like a bitch) / (Don't promise shit you'll never be) / (Don't you feel like a bitch) / (Don't promise shit you'll never be))
O piesa care mai calmeaza spiritele incitate de primele 3 piese. Chitarile shi percutzie sunt la inaltzime.

5: Xmas Day (6/10) (One step in the dark / Touch her hand just to see / If she's all alone again / Still she hasn't seen sun / But I promise you now when she wakes / There will be none / Don't know how she gets by / Sleeps with a phone on her chest / And a bottle that's totally dry / Forgets the day I was born / But if she saw me right now)
Problema nu consta in faptu ca indivizii n-ar avea talent. Lajon are voce shi instrumentatzia e OK. Insa felul in care linia nemelodica o ia razna e de neconceput. Xmas Day e o incercare de balada.

6: Dead Set (7/10) (Stuck in my bedroom with nothing / But a voice in my head / Once my feeling was dead set / (I watch my will begin to fade) / What did you say am I restless / What can I do to relieve it / As my mind just melts away / Once I say - I can't be saved / No more change / I dodge the grave almost every day)
"A lot of people are like, 'Man, this album's a little soft,' and I'm like, 'You know what, man, read the lyrics. They're heavy as hell," vocalistul Lajon Witherspoon zice prin telefon din Waco, Texas, in timpul unui concert. Nu shtiu cat de serios vrea sa para Lajon insa versurile sunt teribile.

7: Shine (7.5/10) (This is the last time I will talk to you / I feel like I'm in a blocked state of mind / Am I getting through / I'm on a free fall / So hard / Hard for me to shine / Been so long / If you look real closely / You can see right through / The pain I created / I'm putting us through )
Intreg universul s-a oprit intr-o stare de mediocritate iar Sevendust nu-s salvarea pe care-o ashteptzi.

8: Follow (8/10) (Time can take everything that / surrounds you / You can break from everything that / confines you / Some to trust - look in my eyes / I will guide you / So I say / Living to love could remind you)
Catushi de cat mai inspirata decat prededentele. Cu riff-uri de chitara rapide, grele, racnete, tzipete, zbierete, urlaturi. Follow e o Power Ballad iar in videoclip apare Aaron Lewis, vocalistul de la Staind

9: Damaged (8/10) (Didn't you hurt yourself / Couldn't you wash the blood away / Didn't you love yourself / Couldn't you see the truth / Didn'y you wake to see the light / Couldn't you hear the truth )
Partea a doua a albumului e un pic mai reushita decat prima parte.

10: Live Again (7.5/10) (Feeling Nothing / Lonely Empty / You try to walk away but you fall / You cannot understand what's this for / In this world I see it more / The pain you feel that I ignore)
Piesa e similara cu cea de dinainte. Aceleashi riff-uri de chitara, voce temperata.

11: Beautiful (8.5/10) (200 miles per hour / That's how fast I seem to go / With the weight of the world on my / shoulders / Slow down. come and catch us all / WAIT! / Slow Down! / Take! / Slow Down! / Why can't you help me? / Slow Down! )
Beautiful shi Angel's Son sunt piesele mele favorite de pe acest album.

12: Redefine (7/10) (Just sit down right here in front of me / I'll let you see / Connect your face to the fist / I'll show you what you can be / No one to hear all your cries / No one to hear you beg / Listen to me. why can't you see / You are with me / Positioned under me)
Rap metal, enervant, pentru ca sunt 1001 de indivizi care-o fac mai bine. Plus ca ritmul e teribil

13: Angel's Son (8.5/10) (Life is changing / I can't go on without you / Rearranging. I will be strong / I'll stand by you / (You were fighting everyday) / (So hard to hide the pain) / (I know you never said goodbye) / (I had so much left to say))
Cea mai buna piesa de pe album, compusa pentru albumul tribut pentru Lynn Strait (Strait Up - 2000). Strait, vocalistul formatziei de nü-metal Snot a murit in 1998, intr-un accident de mashina. Coruri, orchestra, tot tacamul.

MesajScris: Mie Aug 17, 2005 7:05 am
de theOffender
Sevendust - Seasons - 8.17/10
Anul: 2003
Stil: Heavy Metal / NU Metal
Lajon Witherspoon (voce) / John Connolly (chitara) / Clint Lowery (chitara) / Vince Hornsby (chitara bass) / Morgan Rose (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre Sevendust
Dupa acest album, Clint Lowery va parasi formatzia pentru a se alatura noii infiintzatzilor "Dark New Day". Bafta multa.

Fara a fi extraordinari, ascultandu-i descoperi multe din ritmurile NU Metal la moda, cate-un pic de Creed, cate-un pic de Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, un pic de grunge pe-aici pe-acolo, Sevendust e o formatzie care are succes mai mult in concerte decat in vanzarea de albume.

Cateva cuvinte despre Seasons
Al patrulea album, calitativ superior ultimului, Seasons e un album OK. Nu trebuie sa te entuziasmezi prea tare, nu s-au dat peste cap sa se transforme intr-un prea-frumos Fat Frumos. Cu cateva piese reushite e departe de a impresiona. Lumea totushi zice ca arata bine in concerte. Macar atat.

Cand merita ascultat?
E genu de album care-ajunge din gresheala in CD player-ul tau. Forward la #2, #4, #5, #7 dupa care doneaza-l in scopuri de caritate unui orfelinat plin de copii handicapatzi care-apar la televiziunea britanica. Astfel le faci shi lor un bine.

Track list
1: Disease (3:33)
2: Enemy (3:03)
3: Seasons (3:32)
4: Broken Down (3:23)
5: Seperate (3:41)
6: Honesty (3:30)
7: Skeleton Song (4:22)
8: Disgrace (3:58)
9: Burned Out (3:52)
10: Suffocate (3:22)
11: Gone (3:43)
12: Face to Face (3:54)
13: Rain (UK bonus) (3:34)
14: Coward (UK bonus) (3:35)

1: Disease (7.5/10) (I stuck my head in the sand / Cut my face to hell / There was nothing - nothing but my life unanswered / The truth has died / And in the world you wanted to find / There was nothing - nothing but the unforgiven )
Dupa un inceput promitzator (un scurt sniff de cocaina) Sevendust dezamagesc. Un compinatzie intre Mirabela Dauer shi Holograf.

2: Enemy (8.5/10) (Step up to me - Step up to me / You wanna be a big time player - it's not to be / Look at all the snide ass - actin like a wise ass / I'll fuck up your face and you'll never look back)
Crossover e probabil genul de muzica cu cel mai mare succes zilele acestea. In scopuri pur comerciale, Lajon Witherspoon lanseaza o tirada de rap-metal care suna OK.

3: Seasons (7.5/10) (Do you Feel Like the walls come down / everwhere you stand? / Fill the void / And escape the world with something / Everytime.....Everytime / Everytime.....Everytime)
Piesa care da numele albumului. Versurile sunt teribile.

4: Broken Down (8.5/10) (It takes time / To heal the wound I've made along the way / If I'm blind / Open my eyes 'cause I need to see again / If I can feel again / Will you tell me now / Or wait til I'm broken down again / Save me now / I'm broken)
Pe un album in care e greu sa gaseshti ceva demn de ascultat, broken down suna catushi de cat mai aproape de normal.

5: Seperate (8.5/10) (Could I be the only one here / The one and only mistake / I don't mind the sound of your voice / But I hate the words that you say / That you say.... / Could you Separate / Separate me from the sin / Is it not too late / To try and start again / Can you separate / All the darkness from my eyes / (Try to cover me / 'Cause I'd rather be alone now))
Riff-urile de chitara salveaza atmosfera.

6: Honesty (7/10) (It's not suppsed to hurt this much / But it can never feel the same again / I'm left with nothing / But the memory of the way you used to feel / I guess you finally took the deepest cut / I guess the blade on my tongue was just too much / Every word that I said came from my dark side / Now this emptiness is real)
Alta Power Ballad. Sau cu ce sa ne mai plictisim.

7: Skeleton Song (9/10) (I'll stay right here with all these familiar faces / And shut-out everyone else from the world we created / Instead of becoming the sick and twisted / I'll lose myself in a song again)
Probabil cel mai buna piesa a celor de la Sevendust. Ever.

8: Disgrace (7/10) (I remember almost every time I felt love / Descend down and break away / Til it was gone / My every thought stuck inside / The hell that reminds me that I've just / Given up / Weighing down my soul the thought of it's / To much when I think about it all)
Nu shtiu de ce ashtia de la e-bay livreaza numa chitari ne-acordate.

9: Burned Out (6/10) (Stick around to see the ugly look on my face / You always come around - when my will is broken / And I can bearly stand on my two feet / Was it something, I said - that you can't forget / But you know it's something you need - to make it / All work out - But the fact still remains that / You can never take back what you say - But / I take back everything )
Versiunea neoficiala a lui Gabi Cotabitza.

10: Suffocate (6/10) (Hate all the blood on my hands / And the sins that bleed from my soul / Take it all away make it / Go away / [BRIDGE] Stand up for bein' the last one to control / (But) what you can't see is bein' the last one to know)
E o piesa... sufocanta.

11: Gone (7/10) (Another day away from home another trip / To kill another place I've never been / Another day in hell / Another day in a crowded room...another place / To bleed...another world that your blind to / That I've already seen)
Shi dupa ce te sufoca te-amenintza cum ca cica ar pleca.

12: Face to Face (8/10) (Don't tell me now with a smile on your face / That you're lost...down and out / When there was nothing left in me / You can't stop fuckin' with my head / Stop fuckin' with my head / My silence you break / The smile that you fake (you fake))
Chestia e ca incepe bine dar se continua lamentabil.

13: Rain (UK bonus) (7/10)
Asta e o piesa bonus pentru englezi. Sa-i aibe regina-n paza ei ca nici un d-zeu nu-i va scapa.

14: Coward (UK bonus) (7/10)
Ash fi vrut sa zic: ashes to ashes, dust to dust and what next? Ei bine in doar patru Sevendust vor incerca in Octombrie sa se "redeem themselves" cu un nou album. Next.

MesajScris: Joi Aug 18, 2005 6:38 am
de theOffender
Destroyer 666 - ...Of Wolves, Women and War - 6/10
Anul: 2002
Stil: War Metal
K.K. Warslut (voce, chitara) / Shrapnel (chitara) / S. Berserker (voce, chitara bass) / Mersus (tobe)
Website: (nu e nimica pe-acolo ca cic-o fost un fuckup)

Cateva cuvinte despre Destroyer 666
Corpse Molestation, Bestial Warlust, Bullet-Eater, Angel of Death, Damaged. Cateva nume care mai degraba ar avea legatura cu satanismul shi / sau cultele (era sa zic culturile) satanice. Insa lucrurile nu stau chiar asha, K.K. Warslut, fostul ex de la Corpse Molestation shi Bestial Warlust impreuna cu Bullet-Eater, shi el un fost ex de la Angel of Death la care se adauga Skitz de la Damaged formeaza ceea ce va constitui prima formatzie de epic death amestecat cu black metal shi thrash in Australia. Era anul de gratzie 1994.

Au avut un succes instantaneu in Australia. Shi atat de mare a fost succesul lor incat au deschis portzile unui nou stil in genul metal: war metal.

Cateva cuvinte despre ...Of Wolves, Women and War
Albumul e un EP, dedicat fanilor din Olanda shi lansat pe vinil, 7". Coperta albumului este atat de sugestiva incat cei de la Parent Advisory n-au avut nimic de zis. In 2001 Destroyer 666 a trecut oceanele (au folosit Quantas Airlines) stabilindu-se in Marseilles pentru a inregistra Cold Steel For an Iron Age. Atat de multa inspiratzie era in Marseilles incat le-a mai ramas loc shi de un EP.

1995 - Violence is the Prince of This World
1997 - Unchain the Wolves
1998 - Satanic Speed Metal (single)
2000 - King of Kings (single)
2000 - Phoenix Rising
2002 - Cold Steel... for an Iron Age
2002 - ...Of Wolves, Women and War (EP)
2003 - Terror Abraxas (EP)

Artishti din aceiashi categorie
Abominator, Bestial Warlust, Gospel of the Horns, Hobbs' Angel of Death, Long Voyage Back, Mass Confusion

Cand merita ascultat?
Inainte de slujba de duminica dimineatza. Nerecomandat celor care folosesc aspirina pentru durerile de cap. Pentru durerile de cap se foloseshte securea. E mai ieftin.

Track list
1: Ghost Dance (3:47)
2: Taste the Poison (2:46)
3: Sevens Blood (2:12)

1: Ghost Dance (6.5/10)
Come to the ritual, they say it'll save our souls
Make the demon go away - not so grim and cold
Come and meet your maker, come and sing his praise
Dance onto your death, dance onto your graves

[Chorus: ]

So you've come to give your life to a god with a knife
(But guns strike back at you)
You beat the earth with blood and toil
Dust rises and when it falls...................
(Death shall greet you all!)

Fall to the sound of thunder
Cracks the sky it rains
Your gods are crying blood
Red stains the earth and it's stench
Lurks up from the blood stained death!

E atat de mult zgomot imprejur incat nu se zareshte o pasare pe o raza vizuala de 500 de metri. Dupa ce chitarile-shi fac de cap mai timid la inceput, Warslut sa se dezlantzuie intr-un tzipat in versuri pentru ca finalul sa fie apocaliptic. Dat la maxim acopera orice zgomot facut de Siderurgica Galatzi.

2: Taste the Poison (5.5/10)
Come in, sit down, Your knees on the ground
Woman you hate, Woman you hate your inno-
Sense its racing, pulse its pacing, Bite marks tracing
track marks down your bleeding neck

Is it your skin, your hips,your lips, your touch on my prick,
Or the vision of cum on your lips?
Exciting my flesh, Hot lust breath its waiting,
Taste the poison Demoness!

Woman, your sex is like a cult to me,
Ritualistic Ecstasy!

Versurile de la piesa #2 + coperta rivalizeaza cu ICP.

3: Sevens Blood (6/10)
Wolvin zuigt het levens bloed ! [x2]

Ik ben de vuur namer ! [x2]

The fire it burns in you
And if theres blood,youll take it too
So blood is the life,such blood is true
And it feels to me just like fire!

Karmozyn van haar scheede

Sounds Dutch to me! Asta ar fi o prima reactzie shi-ash fi jurat ca e Afrikaans. Ney, e olandeza. Bloed in Afrikaans inseamna blood. Adica sange. Data la maxim, piesa aceasta are urmatoarea calitate: genereaza un cutremur cu mai multe victime in randul celor care-au sarit pe ferestre sa scape torturii sonore.

MesajScris: Vin Aug 19, 2005 7:23 am
de theOffender
Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel For an Iron Age - 6.27/10
Anul: 2002
Stil: War Metal
K.K. Warslut (voce, chitara) / Shrapnel (chitara) / S. Berserker (voce, chitara bass) / Mersus (tobe)

Cateva cuvinte despre Destroyer 666
Cam ce te potzi ashtepta de la nishte indivizi cu nume de Warslut, Shrapnel, Berserker shi Mersus. Mersus pare un nume mai calm, insa in traducere din latina inseamna "parere de rau", "amaraciune", "bocet". Dintr-o astfel de formatzie lipseshte o Meretricis shi-atunci lucrurile ar fi foarte... lumeshti.

1995 - Violence is the Prince of This World
1997 - Unchain the Wolves
1998 - Satanic Speed Metal (single)
2000 - King of Kings (single)
2000 - Phoenix Rising
2002 - Cold Steel... for an Iron Age
2002 - ...Of Wolves, Women and War (EP)
2003 - Terror Abraxas (EP)

Artishti din aceiashi categorie
Abominator, Bestial Warlust, Gospel of the Horns, Hobbs' Angel of Death, Long Voyage Back, Mass Confusion

Cateva cuvinte despre Cold Steel For an Iron Age
N-ash zice ca-i cel mai bun album al lor, probabil mai corect spus, unul care merita un pic de atentzie. Baietzii de la Destroyer sunt australieni shi Australia a dat lumii, in afara feminismului, multzi rockeri calitatea A. Nu l-ash pune pe Warslut shi Destroyer pe aceiashi treapta valorica cu INXS sau Midnight Oil, insa fara doar shi poate, ceea ce fac o fac bine. Shi cu curaj, ash adauga. Sunt rai shi-o shtiu foarte bine.

Cand merita ascultat?
Il recomand mamelor cu copii mici. Nu ii va opri pe aceshtia din plans insa e suficient zgomot s-acopere bocetele. Iar pentru pushtanii care dau din coate sa intre in randul adultzilor e absolut necesar sa-l asculte.

Track list
1: Black City - Black Fire (3:37)
2: Clenched Fist (3:48)
3: Cold Steel (4:08)
4: Sons of Perdition (4:30)
5: Raped (3:16)
6: The Calling (5:19)
7: Savage Pitch (3:25)
8: Witch Hunter (3:46)
9: Shadow (3:38)

1: Black City - Black Fire (6/10)
When I see all that's been
Forgiveness was my greatest sin
So I took a knife to my pity
To the people in black city

Fire! Black fire!
Fire! Black fire!
Fire! Black fire!
Fire! Black fire!

Bagi CDu in pleier shi te conectezi la 220. Cu un cui. Vrand-nevrand o sa te apuci de dansat.

2: Clenched Fist (7/10)
On a course to fight
To cleave a path with a trail of fire
To the heavens we take
Untarnished blades gripped by clenched fists

The thrill of the kill in the hunters chase
We have exposed the night, from which the feeble flee
Untarnished blades gripped by clenched fists rise
Untarnished blades gripped by clenched fists rise

Ei, nu-i chiar o piesa rea.

3: Cold Steel (7.5/10)
This is retribution!

So come to me all you philosphers
I have a use for all your words
And as for you poets and bards
Syncophants to every scar
And as for you lovers of light
You are prisoners on all sides
And as for you humanists
I give the gift of pestilence

This is tyranny

Cea mai buna piesa de pe album.

4: Sons of Perdition (6/10)
God is dead
Praise hail Satan
Cross has dread
Will to power!

Victory is one!

Satan has rise
Phallus demons break
Jet black fire
Evil they make

Bineintzeles ca versurile sunt imposibil de intzeles in contexul lor muzical, insa odata ce le ai in fatza, nu potzi decat sa-tzi ridici palaria shi sa spui un "Hail Mary" acestui nou tip de Nietzsche-ism.

5: Raped (6/10)
They came to her house in the dead of night
They came to take her
Her mother screamed and her father cried
"Let them take her!"

So the poor little bitch is taken as a witch
To the dungeon
There she is stripped and beaten with a whip
Then they raped her

And she liked it

De la problemele filozofice ale unei lumi haotice trecem la plasticitatea cotidianului: bitches, witches, dungeos, rape. Daca ar fi fost vorba doar de primele 3 elemente, atmosfera e gotica.

6: The Calling (7/10)
Gather 'round all you fire-starters
Whirlwind reapers and comet riders
Come sons of Remus
The beast now calls
Wolf sire children
Daughters of Rome - come!

Gather 'round all you fire starters
Whirlwind reapers and comet riders

In fatza wallabies-ilor pana shi steaua lui Danny (CoF) dispare.

7: Savage Pitch (5/10)
To the victor the spoils
As I lay here seduced by the power of my ill begotten gains
Outside - War! The ruthless slay
Basking in horrors as my tyranny reigns
But even now I can't resist

Pounding bone with my studded fist
Dawn brings promise but I was cursed at birth
To rule or die like a storm upon this earth
As a mercenary first I came to be
Then the armies hailed and bowed to me!

Nu shtiu daca nu e mai bine sa fii fugarit de-o trupa de canibali foarte interesatzi in coaiele tale (le considera afrodisiace puternice) decat sa stai in preajma indivizilor ashtia.

8: Witch Hunter (6/10)
Witch hunter - seeks a scapegoat
Witch hunter - words blow in the wind
Witch hunter - seeks a way out
Witch hunter - know all that is sin

Witch hunter - herald of plagues
Witch hunter - would kill to morality's name
Witch hunter - the virulent keep
The lies of pigs and their fuckin disease

Intr-adevar, sunt momente in care ma intreb de ce ascult asha ceva.

9: Shadow (6/10)
And yea tho' you walk in the shadow of self
Do not be afraid if you find it in hell
Do not be a slave to just what has been
To make the virtue of demons is the "ultimate" sin!

So fear not my friends for the hour draws near
Better to have lived fast, than to die old with fear
Though the old may be wise
No strength to they wield
They envy the young
For by life not death they are killed!

Dupa un solo de chitara interminabil, cortina cade. Spectatori pleaca (unii dintre ei, nearticulatzi). Nauci. Vorba 'ceea, daca nu-i potzi convinge, deruteaza-i.

MesajScris: Joi Sep 01, 2005 3:57 pm
de theOffender
**** (patru stele)

The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang
Anul: 2005
Stil: Classic Rock

Mick Jagger (voce) / Keith Richards (chitara) / Charlie Watts (tobe) / Ron Wood (chitara)


1964: - The Rolling Stones (England's Newest Hitmakers)
1964: - 12 x 5
1965: - The Rolling Stones No. 2
1965: - The Rolling Stones Now!
1965: - Out of Our Heads
1965: - December's Children (And Everybody's)
1966: - Aftermath
1966: - Got Live If You Want It
1967: - Between the Buttons
1967: - Flowers
1967: - Their Satanic Majesties Request
1968: - Beggars Banquet
1969: - Let It Bleed
1970: - Get Yer Ya Ya's Out
1971: - Sticky Fingers
1972: - Exile On Main St
1973: - Goat's Head Soup
1974: - It's Only Rock 'N Roll
1976: - Black and Blue
1977: - Love You Live
1978: - Some Girls
1980: - Emotional Rescue
1981: - Tattoo You
1982: - Still Life
1983: - Undercover
1986: - Dirty Work
1989: - Steel Wheels
1991: - Flashpoint
1994: - Voodoo Lounge
1995: - Stripped
1997: - Bridges to Babylon
1998: - No Security
2004: - Live Licks
2005: - A Bigger Bang

Cateva cuvinte despre Rolling Stones
Un nou album a lu Rolling Stones? Pfui, mi se facu pielea ca de gaina. Cum care Rolling Stones? Aia de scriu la revista aia cu top 500. Acuma pe bune, ca nu recunoshti forma suava a sticlei de Cloca Cola mai treaca mearga da sa nu shtii cine sunt Rollingshii e o dovada clara ca eshti Yeti cel alb ca zapada ce tocmai sa decongelat.

Ii ai pe Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie impreuna in studio, citind Stephen Hawking sa-shi exerseze inpiratzia, nu ca acum 44 de ani cand Jagger shi Richards l-au intalnit pe Brian Jones (pe care l-au asasinat opt ani mai tarziu) pentru a forma fantastica formatzie The Rolling Stones. Tzin minte ca in 1991 radioul in incercarea de a promova rocku' ii traduce: pietrele care se rostogolesc. Well, ce sa faca shi bietzii oameni care cunosc limba materna de la a la z, se-apuca de tradus, cum ce sa faca.

Shi cam atata despre Rolling Stones. Este linkuri destule pe net!

Cateva cuvinte despre album
E un Rolling Stones. O fi el pe punctul de a aparea intr-una din duminicile viitoare insa e un clasic fara doar shi poate. Dupa 40 de ani de rockarit Mick Jagger shi-a cashtigat dreptul acesta. La cei shaizecishidoi de anishori, cand altzii se balbaie silabisind Nabucodonosor (ce-i drept, unii balbaie cuvantul be-re shi n-au decat 30+; de fapt cuvantul suna ca un beeeehait, in silabisirea lor) Micky e mai viril ca oricand. Inca un deget sus pentru viagra. Deget sau ma rog...

Shi totushi albumul nu va fi incapsulat shi trimis in spatziu pentru un randevu cu rasele de oameni extratereshtrii, verzi la fatza precum dolarii shi care sa-shi schimbe planul initzial de invazie a Terrei (cu doi de r deshi in romaneshte se pronuntza doar unul singur) la auzul sublim(al)ului mesaj: piss off! NU, Rolling Stones se multzumesc cu albumul lor going platinum. Ori double platinum. Let it go, see if I care.

Cand merita ascultat?
Cand, descultz in baie, eshti cu o mana pe lama de ras, cu a doua pe matarangí£ iar in CD player umbla naked Rolling Stones shi Marianne Faithfull. Astfel ai realizat urmatoarele: un barbierit aproximativ, un wank binemersi iar in interior eshti numa flower - power. Shi blues.

Track list
1: Rough Justice (3:12)
2: Let Me Down Slow (4:15)
3: It Won't Take Long (3:55)
4: Rain Fall Down (4:54)
5: Streets of Love (5:09)
6: Back of My Hand (3:32)
7: She Saw Me Coming (3:12)
8: Biggest Mistake (4:05)
9: This Place Is Empty (3:16)
10: Oh No, Not You Again (3:46)
11: Dangerous Beauty (3:48)
12: Laugh, I Nearly Died (4:54)
13: Sweet Neo Con (4:34)
14: Look What the Cat Dragged In (3:57)
15: Driving Too Fast (3:56)
16: Infamy (3:46)

Deci, ashadar shi ca urmare: recenzia
Albumul are atat de multe blues-uri incat un lucru e cert: ai de unde alege. Rough Justice e rock shi roll ("One time you were my baby chicken / Now you’ve grown into a fox / And once upon a time I was your little rooster / Am I just one of your cocks?") iar dupa ce ograda s-a golit de animale intra in scena song #2 shi se-ntinde pe langa tine precum pisica ce joaca rolul vampei originale. "I said baby, baby, baby, let me
down real slow'' e sora vitrega a lui Anybody seen my baby. Keith and Ronnie ii tzin companie unui broken hearted Jagger. Curios, deshi se lauda cu peste 3000 de femei penetrate, versurile itzi sfashie sufletu in feliutze mici.

Cu un ritm de New Orleans, Rain Fell Down e funky iar Streets of Love e o balada cu Micky: "I must admit / You broke my heart / The awful truth / Is really sad / I must admit / I was awful bad". Adevaru-i ca nu-nvetzi o vulpe batrana cum sa fure gaina de pe ou fara ca acesta sa simta. Shi in Back of My Hand fantome rasculate din Muddy Waters ishi fac aparitzia. Jagger e o pisica in calduri, bluzu e mishto.
She Saw Me Coming e rocky, atzatzator, pentru ca mai apoi sa urmeze doua melodii superbe, lente. A doua, la pian shi cu Keith in spatel; e vocii e melodia mea preferata. De dansat cu ingeri ce-mi paraziteaza gandurile.

Oh No, Not You Again e piesa cu care Jagger anuntza un nou album shi un nou tur. Te-ntoarce in trecut shi apare tentatzia de atzi verifica ceasul. Mick rezista la orice, mai putzin tentatziilor in Dangerous Beauty.

Laugh, I Nearly Died e suficient de lunga, reminiscehntza a ideii muzicale de pe Bridges to Babylon. Shi bineintzeles e vocea celui care-shi exprima o simpatie deosebita pentru diavol.

#13 e special. Jagger ishi scoate deshtu cel mare din buzunar shi cu neobrazare il varí£ direct in nasul lui Bush: ''You say you are a Christian , I think you are a hypocrite''. Shi-o face in cel mai cavaleresc mod cu putintza: ''How come you're so wrong, my sweet neo-con.'' Super speriatzi cei de la Virgin Records au tzinut mare sfat in US shi au venit cu urmatorul statement: "it's not about Bush or anyone on the White House". Nu-tzi ramane decat sa te tavaleshti pe jos de ras shi sa le zici: Sigur, see ya sucker! - btw sa nu pierdetzi partea unde-i zice lui Bush ca e un bag of shit.

Urmeaza doua rapide cu Jagger in control iar in incheiere Keith preia microfonu. Bravos, well done!

#2; #4; #5; #7; #8; #12

MesajScris: Vin Sep 23, 2005 5:01 pm
de theOffender

HIM - Dark Light
Anul: 2005
Stil: Love Metal

Ville Valo (voce) / Lily Lazer (Linde) (chitara) / Migé Amour (chitara bass) / Gas Lipstick (tobe) / Emerson Burton (sintetizator)


1997:- Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666
2000:- Razorblade Romance
2001:- Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights
2003:- Love Metal
2005:- Dark Light

Cateva cuvinte despre HIM
A fost formata in 1991 de catre Ville Hermanni Valo impreuna cu Mikko Viljami "Linde" Lindstrí¶m (Lily Lazer). Exista speculatzii ca personajul Hermione Granger din seria Harry Potter a fost inspirat de "Hermanni". Initzial HIM era un acronim pentru 'His Infernal Majesty' insa cu timpul trupetzii au renuntzat la 'His Infernal Majesty' shi ca urmare pana in ziua de azi trupa se cheama HIM. E drept ca pentru o scurta perioada de timp, in U.S., a fost cunoscuta sub numele de HER deoarece exista o trupa H.I.M. acolo. Drepturile de autor au fost cumparate shi HER e cunoscuta sub numele de HIM, pentru a evita orice confuzie. Ville a fost intrebat odata care este actorul lui preferat la care acesta a raspuns: "George C. Scott, no doubt about it".

Cateva cuvinte despre album
Al cincelea album de studio, Dark Light contzine 10 traks-hi shi doua piese aditzionale care se afla la download-at pe site-ul lor oficial. Dintre cele zece piese sunt shase singles care spune foarte multe cuvinte despre calitatea acestui album. Andy Wallace, cel care a mixat Nevermind a lui Nirvana, a fost initzial angajat sa mixeze acest album. Ville Vallo a spus ca suna prea american shi ca urmare l-a concediat shi Tim Palmer a fost re-angajat (el e cel care a mixat Love Metal). Andy Wallace printre altele shi-a folosit mixerul pentru albumele de la Faith No More. Tim Palmer a lucrat cu U2 shi cu The Cure.

Cand merita ascultat?
Oricand shi oriunde. Neindicat celor care fac base-jumping.

Deci, ashadar shi ca urmare: recenzia
Albumul se deschide foarte inspirat cu Vampire Heart o piesa cu un inceput antrenant shi un lirism de o duioshie ce te-ndeamna sa plonjezi de pe prima stanca intalnita: "Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close / Paint you my soul, scarred and alone / Waiting for your kiss to take me back home". Despre Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly ce pot sa zic? Absolut superba piesa, aparuta initzial ca un single shi cu clip pe MTV. Chitara e ceva deosebit, superlativ. A ajuns pe locul #10 in UK.

Spank me up and call me Freddy daca Under the Rose ne e cea mai frumoasa balada rock din ultimii 26 de ani: "I dream of the winter in my heart turning to stone / While the ice gives way under my feet / And so I drown with the sun" urmata de Killing Loneliness care se deschide cu un pian care va puncta in continuare intreaga melodie.

Dark Light, piesa care da numele albumului, este de un lirism cutremurator: "Shivers run through the spine / Of hope as she cries / the poison tears of her life delight / In the raven black night / Holding hands with" iar Behind the Crimson Door este o continuare fericita.

Ville, devotat credintzelor stravechi dedica urmatoarea piesa lui God ("I dream what you're dreaming / And feel what you're feeling / Love's our shadow on the wall / With the face of god"). Initzial, zeul suprem pentru finlandezi a fost cerul. Odata cu trecerea timpului credintza acestora a avansat shi astfel cerul a fost numit Taivas iar zeul-cer Ukko, cuvant inrudit cu ungurescul agg shi care-nseamna batran, vechi, moshneag. Printre multele nume pe care le poarta, mentzionez: The Leader of the Clouds," "The Shepherd of the Lamb-Clouds," "The God of the Breezes," "The Golden King," "The Silvern Ruler of the Air," shi "The Father of the Heavens." Ukko de obicei este infatzishat stand pe un nor shi asemenea zeului german Thor, poarta cu el un baros. Este destul de neclar daca despre el este vorba in piesa The Face of God. Drunk on Shadow este o alta capodopera semnata Ville.

In The Nightside of Eden imi aduce aminte de Vincent Price shi vocea lui Christopher Lee de pe piesa lui Manowar.

In final, albumul este un clasic in viatza.

Track list
1: Vampire Heart (4:46)
2: Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly (3:29)
3: Under the Rose (4:49)
4: Killing Loneliness (4:29)
5: Dark Light (4:30)
6: Behind the Crimson Door (4:37)
7: The Face of God (4:35)
8: Drunk on Shadows (3:49)
9: Play Dead (4:36)
10: In The Nightside of Eden (5:39)

Bonus Tracks
11: Venus (In Our Blood) (4:24)
12: The Cage (4:15)

#1; #2; #3; #4; #5; #6; #7; #8; #9; #10

Nota de final: Cenzorul a ascultat Tiamat - Church of Tiamat in timp ce a scris aceasta recenzie. Shi Misanthrope, Metal hurlant.

MesajScris: Mar Sep 27, 2005 12:36 am
de whatever
threadul acesta l-am inchis la rugamintea autorului sau. TheOffender m-a mai rugat sa sterg si ultima recenzie (cea cu HIM) pentru ca e facuta la misto, dar am lasat-o si am acordat albumului nota 2 (pe messenger mi-a dat de inteles ca valoarea albumului ar fi de jumatate de stea)