mersi mult de tot, de fapt nu doar tie, ci tuturor celor care m-au incurajat (sau nu)! Sunt fericita ca pot sa-mi impartasesc melodiile cu niste oameni minunati, care simt la fel ca si mine. Lil'lizard, voi merge in curand la Bucuresti, asa ca nu mi-ar strica sa-mi "pui o vorba buna"
Sunt sigura ca nu vei regreta... By the way, vreau sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti despre textul ultimei mele piese (am scris-o ieri seara, e a 1266-a:)):
"Here I am, the spell was cast...
This is the first shore, not the last;
There's nothing that can stop me now,
I'll maker it through somewhere, somehow (...)
I'll do everything I'll ever want
I'll hold out my hand and touch the skies
I'll do everything my heart desires
I'll have a beautiful life (...)"
Acesta e doar un extras, piesa mai are inca 3 strofe plus un bridge. See you on MTV!