Trade your gmail invites here

Mesajde Shade » Vin Iun 25, 2004 4:14 pm

Postati aici si puneti mailul disponbil in continuare daca vreti invite.
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Mesajde RooT » Vin Iun 25, 2004 4:19 pm

io am cerut ca moft :(
I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist
And I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit
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Mesajde kyde » Vin Iun 25, 2004 6:15 pm

Shade scrie:Postati aici si puneti mailul disponbil in continuare daca vreti invite.

mailu meu

btw --- sa-mi zici cand vrei sa bei berea promisa :D
... why can we remember the past but not the future?
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Mesajde Shade » Vin Iun 25, 2004 7:24 pm

5 to go, kyde check mail
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Mesajde [stryder] » Vin Iun 25, 2004 7:34 pm

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Mesajde kyde » Vin Iun 25, 2004 7:48 pm

Shade scrie:5 to go, kyde check mail

Done ... multzam mult!!! ~a :D
... why can we remember the past but not the future?
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Mesajde Shade » Vin Iun 25, 2004 9:14 pm

4 to go, stryder check it
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Mesajde [stryder] » Vin Iun 25, 2004 9:47 pm

mersi shade!
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Mesajde euglena » Vin Iun 25, 2004 10:25 pm plz daca mai ai..

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Mesajde DarXyde » Vin Iun 25, 2004 10:54 pm

Eu nu l-am cerut ca moft... chiar il vreau adresa mea e ....

Iti multumesc anticipat, DarXyde
Cand totul merge rau si pare sa fie fara speranta, aminteste-ti ca intotdeuna se poate si mai rau !

Alinush the DarXyde
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Mesajde BraXis » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 11:11 am

... minte'ma in gura ma'tii ca te mint si io !
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Mesajde Shade » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:09 pm

trimis la toti 3
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Mesajde DarXyde » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:15 pm

Daca am si eu mailu` subscriu la Braxis.... si beau si eu, chiar daca is antialcoolic... :D sau
Cand totul merge rau si pare sa fie fara speranta, aminteste-ti ca intotdeuna se poate si mai rau !

Alinush the DarXyde
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noul meu mail

Mesajde DarXyde » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:18 pm

Am primit invitatia yupiiiiiiiiiii ......... raman dator Shade...

noul meu mail...

pe yahoo n-am reusit sa-mi fac cu DarXyde... raman dator.... si beau... :P
Cand totul merge rau si pare sa fie fara speranta, aminteste-ti ca intotdeuna se poate si mai rau !

Alinush the DarXyde
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Mesajde euglena » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:20 pm

Multumesc si eu :)
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Mesajde Spawn » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:20 pm

3 bucati cine mai doreste...

Mesajde kshu » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:30 pm

Poate se ajunge sa dam cate 2 in acelasi timp ...
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Mesajde DarXyde » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:36 pm

Drept multumire... pot sa dau si eu mai departe aici invitatii ?... si cum se poate... cred ca mai vor si altii...
Cand totul merge rau si pare sa fie fara speranta, aminteste-ti ca intotdeuna se poate si mai rau !

Alinush the DarXyde
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Mesajde balrogu' » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 7:40 pm

m-am mama , n-am tata...ajutati-ma si pe mine c-o invitatzie la gmail
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Mesajde FaXiU » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 8:06 pm

eu unul as da mai degraba 20$ pe an la yahoo cu 2Gb decat moca la google. nu-mi miroase a bine ceva p-acolo.
faxqiu uai tzarane....
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Mesajde Shade » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 8:36 pm

niste explicatii faxiule?
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Mesajde Opa-Opa » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 8:42 pm

ai carcotit... nu primesti invite... :P

ce te face sa crezi ca cei de la yahoo nu se folosesc de informatiile din mailul tau si-ti mai iau si bani pe deasupra? sau daca nu ei, macar cei de la n$A, c!A sau alte institutii de "aparare"?
"I can't circle/strafe jump for shit but I can blast myself in a general direction with a RL" - DarkNation
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Mesajde 1337 » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 8:45 pm

opa opa vreau filmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :)
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Mesajde FaXiU » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 9:11 pm

pai explicatii aicidar banuiesc fiind ultimul post nu l-au vazut prea multi..Iar pt. yahoo: "Mail Plus offers tougher virus and spam protection, a virtually(nb*) unlimited 2GB of storage, no graphical ads, and more for only $19.99/year." *Nu uitati ca astia mai au si "briefcase" folders etc. Si bagati un ochi si la linkul pus de luminosu'.
faxqiu uai tzarane....
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Mesajde Shade » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 9:28 pm

Unii sunt mai smecheri ca aia de la yahoo :D

The original message was received at Sat, 26 Jun 2004 20:22:17 +0300
from []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 1)
(expanded from: <>)

----- Transcript of session follows -----
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 1

Faxiule, tu macar ai intrat pe mailul ala sa vezi ce facilitati are? Cu ce te deranjeaza ca un program cauta in mailul tau dupa cuvinte cheie si iti arata niste reclame in functie de ce gaseste? In plus reclamele sunt mult mai finute decat la yahoo. Si nu mai compara un serviciu free cu unul care costa numa 20$ pe an. Gmail este o mare realizare luand in considerare numai faptul ca fara el nu aveau yahoo 100mb pe conturile free si 2gb pe conturile de 20$.
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Mesajde Spawn » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 10:01 pm

balrogu' esti rezolvat ; anyone else? 2 left...

Mesajde luminoux » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 10:47 pm

elo again... ai avea tu ceva de spus faxiule... io nu tare ma pricep... dar iti pot prezenta un raspuns la un post de genu la stirea la care am bagat linku'
scuzati de postu imens.. da nu m-am ginit cum sa bag un link incat sa fie totusi in context, si decat sa dau link numa la postu asta, mai bine il pun tot aci pt cei mai lenesi dintre noi :)
ratingul postului: 5, insightful

"Man, I love it when people start whining about a computer searching their e-mail. So i guess yahoo dosen't have a spam filter then? What, hotmail has to parse the text of every e-mail before it determines that that message about penis extensions is spam. How do you think e-mail programs work out that not every mail saying 'Hey, haven't talked to you in a while' is spam
G-mail's problem is not that it scans your e-mail, but rather that the good people are honest and upfront with what they are doing.
I'm sure people would all be thrilled about a virus check if it was billed as 'automatic file parser.' Sure, it might seem weird having a conversation about your favorite jewish actor and getting an add for 'learn hebrew in 24 hours' but that's only because google is utilising what everyone else has. And their only crime was the niavety that people would find this useful. Had they said 'magic pixies work out what you want and sudgest how to get it, while you browse your e-mail,' the tinfoil hate wearing community would embrace it (after all, fairies can't get through tinfoil!).
G-mail is a wonderful, not only because of the unprecedented amoutn of free space, but because of it's intuative and innovative features that help you organise your e-mail while still having that sexy, clean, not 'all up in yo' face' look google is so good for.
If i had to chooose between microsoft and google, i pick the one who vows to 'do no evil' and, so far, has done nothing to make me think otherwise"

P.S. personal opinion: FREE... GOOD !!! :D
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Mesajde catharsis » Sâm Iun 26, 2004 11:32 pm

vb serios cand spun ca vreau si eu invite si ca o sa folosesc contul si ca am mail: :)
there is no catharsis

cathartic media
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Mesajde kshu » Dum Iun 27, 2004 12:15 am

Haideti ma l-ati uitat pe catharsis? :) C'mon ...

Luminoux si eu sunt de acord cu ce a zis ala, chiar mi se par de treaba astia de la google si fara formulari complicate zic adevaru in fatza. GG so far.
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Mesajde tester » Dum Iun 27, 2004 12:29 am

piskeshu si altzii, atasamenturile merg, cu conditzia sa fie pana-n 10 mega.

Cum ziceau shi altzii e beta, deci se mai lucreaza la el, de aici si eventualele probleme.

Pacat ca nu se pot trimite fisiere mai mari, poate mai incolo.
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