Din cugetarile boshorogilor

Cafeneaua muzicii anilor '60, '70 si '80

Din cugetarile boshorogilor

Mesajde river » Vin Feb 06, 2004 11:20 am

M-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa "ne delectam" cu ideile boshorogilor cantareti de-a lungul timpului. Le putem si comenta, impertinent sau nu :D

Pentru inceput, propun cateva "cugetari" apartzinand lui Bob Dylan. De ce Bob Dylan? Pentru ca-l ador :)

"-Care e mesajul tau principal?
- Mesajul meu principal? Intr-un cuvant?
-Da, Bob.
- Mesaj intr-un cuvant? Fii!
- Fii?
-Fii, adica sa fii. Punct.
- Nu mai degraba "iubeste"?
-Iubeste? Mda, e un cuvant BUN, cred, dar e prea uzat."
(Interviu cu Bob Dylan, 1965)
"Uneori se mai intampla insa ca vreun Smochin razvratit sa se catzere pe gard si sa-si ia lumea in cap... "

imi asum ceea ce scriu, cine are de gand sa plagieze o face pe barba lui
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Mesajde b0nechina » Vin Feb 06, 2004 12:19 pm

N-as baga mana in foc ca aici tre' sa postez ce va urma, da' nu ma pot abtine. Citeam acu' multi ani despre Peter Green (ex-Fleetwod Mac) care se pare ca-l iubea precum sarea-n ochi pe Mr slow hand Eric Clapton (din cate stiu, multi chitaristi de blues il indragesc la fel de mult).
O mare supriza a avut cand l-a vazut pe Clapton prestand live, replica lui Green a fost: "Oh shit, he can sing too!". :D
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Mesajde nocturna » Vin Feb 06, 2004 11:21 pm

Roger Waters - "we're never included in the same sentences as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who. I wrote 'The Wall' as an attack on stadium rock, and there's Pink Floyd making money out of it by playing it in stadiums! pathetic. they spoiled my creations."

Ringo Star (daca nu ma insheala memoriile) cu referire la Beatles, evident - nu mai e nevoie sa cantam, acum avem Led Zeppelin.
"Sunt un om. Mi se pare ca e de ajuns"

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replici geniale

Mesajde superbiggy » Sâm Feb 07, 2004 12:30 am

Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) obisnuia sa spuna la aparitia sa pe scena :
Here we are!, now entertain us !

Sa nu uitam cea mai celebra/dramatica replica daca vreti din muzica:
Freddie Mercury - The Show Must Go On !!! ,...
...avind in vedere ca a scos melodia ca un testament catre fani fiind constient ca zilele sale erau numarate, gasesc replica sa EXTRAORDINARA si de neegalat.

Ascultati muzica Oameni buni !,...MUZICA !!!
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Mesajde stefan » Sâm Feb 07, 2004 2:29 am

Nocturno, citatul despre LZ era pe spatele unei carti despre ei aparuta la noi, da' era George Harrison...
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Mesajde nocturna » Lun Feb 09, 2004 10:10 am

deci m-au inshelat memoriile. Harrison! io l-am auzit primash data la activ fm. :D
"Sunt un om. Mi se pare ca e de ajuns"

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Tot din cugetarile lui Bob Dylan

Mesajde river » Lun Feb 09, 2004 11:18 am

"Esti pierdut daca lasi moartea sa se furisheze langa tine si sa-si extinda puterea asupra unei partzi din viatza ta, care ar trebui sa traiasca.
Moartea e un bate la usha. Te trezeshti dimineatza ca este acolo.

Ti-ai taiat vreodata unghiile si parul? Potzi afla cum este moartea!..." (1978)

Interesanta atitudine. Creca d'aia nu ma pot hotari sa ma tund :confused:
"Uneori se mai intampla insa ca vreun Smochin razvratit sa se catzere pe gard si sa-si ia lumea in cap... "

imi asum ceea ce scriu, cine are de gand sa plagieze o face pe barba lui
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Pledoarie pentru plete

Mesajde river » Vin Feb 13, 2004 10:01 am

Tot Bob Dylan (si promit cu asta sa inchei seria "b.d in actziune" :), spunea, intr-un interviu de prin 1966 ceva de genul:

"Situatzia e ca oamenii, de obicei, nu observa: parul lung incalzeshte. Toata lumea vrea caldura. Celor cu par scurt, de multe ori, le este frig. Dar ascund ca le este frig si sunt geloshi pe totzi cei carora nu le este frig. Dupa aceea devin frizeri sau deputazi ( ;m ). O gramada de paznici de inchisori au par scurt.
Cred ca Abraham Lincoln avea par lung din motive de sanatate ( :D ) asa ca sa-l lasam in pace. Dar gandeste-te ca parul, de fapt, acopera si inconjoara creierul fiindca ata e inlauntrul craniului.
Matematic vorbind, cu cat mai mult par itzi creshte din cap, cu atat mai bine. Multzi uita ca degeaba incearca sa gandeasca liber daca au vreun balamuc pe la creier. Dar este evident ca cine ishi lasa parul sa-i creasca din cap, creierul lui va deveni putzin mai liber.
Dar toata povestea asta cu parul lung e doar o farsa!. Au inventat-o nishte domni si doamne: Comitetul Impotriva Fericirii. Te urmaresc. Cred despre totzi ca au ceva de ascuns.
Nu stiu de ce a avut Abraham Lincoln parul lung..."

simpatic, nu?
"Uneori se mai intampla insa ca vreun Smochin razvratit sa se catzere pe gard si sa-si ia lumea in cap... "

imi asum ceea ce scriu, cine are de gand sa plagieze o face pe barba lui
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Mesajde stefan » Vin Feb 13, 2004 10:45 am

Roger Waters despre "The Wall" (dintr-un interviu gasibil aici):

White :
Were you pleased with the movie? I was kind of disappointed with the movie.
Waters :
So was I. I sat with Alan Parker when we fin... and we had a.... It was a nightmare making it. We just screamed and screamed at each other, particularly through the editing of the thing. Then, then I dubbed it with James Guthrie reel by reel and as we got to the end of each reel we would look at the reel and go "Hey, that's not bad you know. It's a little bit busy, but it's okay." But then when we put all 13 reels together and sat and watched it, I felt my heart going lower and lower and lower and sank into my boots. I found it almost unwatchable. Which is why I think it's so successful on video; 'cause you don't have to watch the whole thing. You can watch your favorite bits or you can fast forward or you can... and you don't have to sit there and be bombarded with this unremitting assault on the senses, like you had to in the cinema.

Si o chestie mai haioasa: Beatles prima oara in State, un reporter ii intreaba: "Cum gasiti America?". La care Ringo (cred) raspunde ceva de genul: "Mergem spre Groenlanda si o luam la stanga".
subpolar homesick fane

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John Lennon- A working class hero...

Mesajde river » Joi Feb 26, 2004 8:36 am

Intrebat, intr-un interviu acordat revistei Rolling Stone, in 1971, daca se crede un geniu, John Lennon a raspuns:

"Yes, if there is such a thing as one, I am one. When did you realize that what you were doing transcended -- People like me are aware of their so-called genius at ten, eight, nine. . . . I always wondered, ``Why has nobody discovered me?'' In school, didn't they see that I'm cleverer than anybody in this school? That the teachers are stupid, too? That all they had was information that I didn't need? I got fuckin' lost in being at high school. I used to say to me auntie, ``You throw my fuckin' poetry out, and you'll regret it when I'm famous, '' and she threw the bastard stuff out. I never forgave her for not treating me like a fuckin' genius or whatever I was, when I was a child. It was obvious to me. Why didn't they put me in art school? Why didn't they train me? Why would they keep forcing me to be a fuckin' cowboy like the rest of them? I was different, I was always different. Why didn't anybody notice me? A couple of teachers would notice me, encourage me to be something or other, to draw or to paint - express myself. But most of the time they were trying to beat me into being a fuckin' dentist or a teacher. And then the fuckin' fans tried to beat me into being a fuckin' Beatle or an Engelbert Humperdinck, and the critics tried to beat me into being Paul McCartney. "

Sinceritatea lui Lennon e si amuzanta si trista. Pentru a va convinge de asta, am sa postez pe "Romantism in muzica..." melodia lui, "Working Calss Hero", melodie preluata ulterior de Marlyn Manson. Numai ca, dupa parerea mea, M. M. nu-i deloc convingator!
"Uneori se mai intampla insa ca vreun Smochin razvratit sa se catzere pe gard si sa-si ia lumea in cap... "

imi asum ceea ce scriu, cine are de gand sa plagieze o face pe barba lui
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Mesajde bhuttu » Sâm Feb 28, 2004 5:17 pm

stefan scrie:Si o chestie mai haioasa: Beatles prima oara in State, un reporter ii intreaba: "Cum gasiti America?". La care Ringo (cred) raspunde ceva de genul: "Mergem spre Groenlanda si o luam la stanga".

Suna mai bine in engleza, ca e un joc de cuvine: "How did you find America?" "Went for Greenland and turned left"(citat aproximativ).

Nu sunt convins de autenticitatea fazei, da' stiu ca e inclusa intr-unul din filmele lor. O fi "A hard Day's Night"? Se prea poate.
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Mesajde river » Lun Dec 06, 2004 12:06 pm

Anul acesta Bob Dylan si-a lansat primul volum autobiografic, "Chronicles, Volume One" din care spicuim:

"Sometimes you say things in songs even if there's a small chance of them being true. And sometimes you say things that have nothing to do with the truth of what you want to say and sometimes you say things that everyone knows to be true. Then again, at the same time, you're thinking that the only truth on earth is that this is no truth on it".

Ma duce gandul la... "universal valabil" :D
"Uneori se mai intampla insa ca vreun Smochin razvratit sa se catzere pe gard si sa-si ia lumea in cap... "

imi asum ceea ce scriu, cine are de gand sa plagieze o face pe barba lui
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Mesajde stefan » Dum Ian 23, 2005 10:26 pm

Am gasit acu ceva timp un interviu cu Zappa din '88. Mare parte din el atinge subiecte politice; simpatiile tipului care a luat interviul transpar destul de clar (e de stanga, are simpatii pentru un candidat obscur la presedintia Statelor Unite), si se chinuie de cateva ori sa-i zmulga lui Frank afirmatii care sa aprobe respectivele simparii, repetand ca o masina stricata niste lait-motive, numai pentru a se vedea contrazis (uitati-va si voi sa vedeti de cate ori incearca sa scoata ceva pozitiv despre "stanga" de la Zappa). Cateva pasaje mi s-au parut foarte interesante - e uluitor cat de pertinent poate sa fie acest individ genial, chiar cand vorbeste despre politica.

Despre "stanga vs. dreapta":

Marshall: But you were quite vocal about certain left-wing elements in the Sixties.

Zappa: I don't think that the left wing is anything to invest in. I think that the left wing has probably done as much damage as any other kind of political force. I think common sense is the way to go. There's no ideology for common sense. It's easy to talk about politics in terms of right and left wing because that's the way the news portrays it. And so to a degree, if I talk about political things I have to use the common parlance so people understand it. But I think of myself as a person devoted to practical and commonsense solutions to things that are real problems, and they oftentimes sound weird if suggested simply because people are so attached to the ideological ramblings of the right or the ideological ramblings of the left. They think that you have to choose between these two extremes. On the left you've got Communism. Well, Communism doesn't work. It absolutely doesn't work, and on the right you have Fascism and that doesn't work either.


...the difference here is that the left has often employed artists and creative people in order to further their goals. For the right-wing administration, the artists and dreamers are a threat to their way of life. And for the left-wing guys, the artists and dreamers are propaganda. So there's a danger coming from both directions. [...] There's only one place where you're safe and that's in the middle.

Despre libertatea de expresie in State - daca situatia se pastreaza azi, nu e deloc de mirare ca G.W. Bush a fost reales, ca in mare masura mass-media americana a sustinut razboiul din Irak, etc.

The problem is that the whole myth of the liberal media bias is preposterous because nobody who owns a broadcast license, or a newspaper, is a Democrat. They're all screaming on the right. And the flap about liberal media bias was manufactured by the right wing. The right wing goes to some of their friends in another part of the right wing and says, "You attack my network. You say that CBS is too liberal, and that gives us the license to behave more conservatively in order to appear to be fair". Thereby pushing any liberal idea completely out of their broadcast, and doing it in a way that's saying, "We're doing this to provide balance". Perfect fakeout.

Interviul l-am gasit aici.
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