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MesajScris: Mie Aug 23, 2006 8:11 pm
de gaga
si mie videoclipurile mult

MesajScris: Mar Aug 29, 2006 12:03 pm
de Shaki
vorbeam azi cu cineva despre videoclipuri jenante. dau un link cu primul exemplu care mi-a venit in minte, deshi e vb de una din trupele mele de suflet. nu mai shtiu acu sigur daca a fost facut de un fan sau daca a fost oficial shi l-au retras ei din motive pe care le vetzi vedea... :D

MesajScris: Joi Aug 31, 2006 11:39 am
de LeSharK

GENIAL. (punct)

Music by Scott Ian
Lyrics by Brian Posehn

They’ve killed METAL twice, but it will never really die!
It’s kind of like a zombie or even that Jesus guy...

So grab your friends, some instruments and start a metal band
Just sing about death, Egypt and wizards or rip off Ayn Rand

We’re coming to the end of the first verse...
Then comes the breakdown, a pretty chorus and then the second verse.

I know I just rhymed verse with verse
That’s because I’m sooo METAL, bitch, where’s your fucking purse?


BREAKDOWN!!! In this part it sounds like the singer wants to fight...
BREAKDOWN!!! Don’t be scared, the chorus will make it all alright


Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
Follow these rules and you will see
Cookie monster vocals or yell like a wookie
Metal by numbers, COOKIE, COOKIE, COOKIE
Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
THIS IS THE GAY PART, with melody
Even a baby could do it, just give it a try
Just sound like Maiden or Metallica or Every Time I Die


I have to change my voice to make me sound (gang) MAD!
If I tried to sing clean it would make your ears (gang) SAD!

This is the (gang) GANG VOCAL and I’ll tell you the (gang) TRUTH!
It’s four sweaty dudes yelling in a (gang) BOOTH!

Music really sucks now Posers and trendy(gang) FOOLS
But compared to Coldplay and Nelly, (gang)EVEN SHITTY METAL RULES!
It’s metal by numbers, it’s not arithmetic
John Mayer, Kelly Clarkson...they all can suck my PENIS!


BREAKDOWN!!! In this part it sounds like the singer wants to fight...
BREAKDOWN!!! Don’t be scared, the chorus will make it all alright


Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
Follow these rules and you will see
Cookie monster vocals or yell like a wookie
Metal by numbers, COOKIE, COOKIE, COOKIE
Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
THIS IS THE GAY PART, with melody
Even a monkey could do it, just give it a try
Copy Maiden or Metallica or Every Time I Die

Here it comes! C’mon! All Right!
Shit! I missed it!

(SPOKEN) This is the mosh part! MOSH!!!
Or don’t. It’s your call. I just stand in the back and try not to get hit. Watch out for the shirtless white trash guys. They’ll punch you and they stink. And look out for the screamo kids practicing their karate kicks. Dude, you look gaytarded. Oh no. Here comes a giant Mexican - he looks really pissed. I wish everybody would put their shirts back on, it’s kind of gross. Is this part still going? Here comes the lead break...Oh, not yet. Here it comes... here it comes. GO!



Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
Follow these rules and you will see
Cookie monster vocals or yell like a wookie
Metal by numbers, COOKIE, COOKIE, COOKIE!
Metal by numbers, 1, 2, 3
THIS IS THE GAY PART, with melody
Even a retard could do it, JUST GIVE IT A TRY!
Steal from Maiden or Metallica or Every Time I Die

MesajScris: Joi Aug 31, 2006 4:31 pm
de cubu
Nu e un clip propriu-zis, dar spune multe. Ia vezi, LeShark, asta iti place? E genial cu virgula.

MesajScris: Vin Sep 01, 2006 4:00 pm
de cubu
Tot din ciclul: "teenage punk & alternative rulz", inca doo buc. Primu chiar are tema. :D

MesajScris: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 9:39 am
de Shaki
lol cubu, super tare numa k alea pot sa le fac shi io cu katzy in spatele blocului la ia :D

edit: vazut shi recomandarile voastre
scorched earth erotica - mindless gore, nu crek mai mananc pe ziua de azi.
satyricon - in afara de o gagik goala care danseaza spre sfarshit, da nu prea se vede clar (posibil sa fi fost shi cenzurata imaginea), niik deosebit
rock bitch - n-am gasit nimik demn de interes cautand cu cautarea asta...

MesajScris: Sâm Sep 02, 2006 9:52 am
de cubu
Pai luati-l si pe LeShark, poate faceti unul toti trei. :D

MesajScris: Lun Sep 04, 2006 6:07 pm
de Shaki
... e neinteresant :P

uitatziva la chestia asta. nu e videoclip, ci un fragment din documentarul "metal: a headbanger's journey", despre care o sa va povestesc dupa ce-l mai vad cel putzin o data... e dementzial... shi fragmentul asta e unu din cele cu mult haz :D :

MesajScris: Mie Sep 06, 2006 6:15 pm
de stefan
Ăsta e o făcătură, da' e căcător...

MesajScris: Sâm Sep 09, 2006 3:24 pm
de Shaki
dedicatzie pentru dana :D
sa nu-mi sara fanii iron maiden in cap, dar cand i-am vazut in floricele galbene era sa mor de ras:

MesajScris: Mar Oct 31, 2006 2:04 pm
de LeSharK
i've seen it all now.. really.. my gawd!

YouTube - Black sabbath paranoid emilio
YouTube - Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name Emilio
YouTube - Cradle of Filth Emilio
YouTube - Sepultura Refuse resist
YouTube - Slipknot sic

(niste copii din Brazilia canta melodiile alea.. ala mic cu tricou Pikachu e mortal!)

MesajScris: Dum Noi 05, 2006 1:17 am
de Cãrãmidã

MesajScris: Lun Noi 06, 2006 9:01 pm
de damned_soul
red hot chilli peppers - dani california.. sorta' funny, nu?