Never Winter Nights

Diablo, NeverWinterNights, Morrowind, Baldur's Gate

Never Winter Nights

Mesajde Game Over » Mar Aug 06, 2002 4:16 pm

Hai ca daca tot m-am apucat azi de facut subiecte noi pe RPG, hai sa-l fac shi pe asta ca vad ca nimeni nu zice nimik de el deshi s-a vandut in peste 1 milion de exemplare. Banuiesc ca, cauza este din nou cerintele de performantza a compurilor, sau poate ma inshel?!
Cel putzin pentru mine asha e. pt. ca cei de la Bioware nu au mai vrut sa faca suport shi pentru placile de la 3dfx, shi io' avand o placa video Voodoo 5 5500 64M am cam luat tzeapa shi la jocul asta ;P . Primul fiind normal Morrowind :rolleyes: . In prezent jocul s-a vandut (ce chestie) in peste 1.000.000 de exemplare shi pe forumul de la bioware, sectiunea NWN sunt inregistrati deasemenea peste nush cate sute de mii de utilizatori (uAu).

Deci, ... sa lasam vrajeala ... asta e .nfo-ul:
Neverwinter Nights is a new Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game that has been designed specifically for the online, multiplayer environment and also allows you to experience all the magic of pen-and-paper Dungeon-Mastering on your home computer! Using Neverwinter Nights' powerful and user-friendly Neverwinter Toolset, you can create and populate entire new modular worlds and stories for others to adventure in.
As an all-powerful Dungeon Master (DM), Neverwinter Nights even allows you to alter the plot, possess characters, and manage combat from behind the scenes, all in real time.
There are many different ways to enjoy Neverwinter Nights. In its simplest form, you can play Neverwinter Nights right out of the box as a Single-Player Game in the Official Campaign. In true BioWare tradition, the Official Campaign, which represents more than 60 hours of game play, is rich and epic, full of complex characters and surprise plot twists that will keep you glued to your screen until the wee morning hours. The Official Campaign is not limited to a single player. You can have your friends join your adventure at any time and the game will adjust for the larger number.
For all the strength of the single-player game, the world of Neverwinter Nights shines as a deeply engaging Multiplayer Game. Competitive modules have been developed, from simple arena matches to treasure races to team-based castle stormings. BioWare has developed additional modules and material for the Neverwinter Nights Community Site. More importantly,
each and every module in the Neverwinter Nights Official Campaign is written and structured to encourage the cooperative, party-based game play that makes pen-and-paper D&D so rewarding. But remember: just because you've finished the story doesn't mean the game is over.
Best of all, create your own worlds, tales, and adventures with our user-friendly Aurora Neverwinter Toolset and either host them yourself, make them available for download over the Internet, or establish them as part of a larger, persistent world where people can experience your handiwork around the clock.
More info at:
zbing zboing zobing
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Game Over
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Mesaje: 976
Membru din: Lun Mar 04, 2002 12:00 am

Mesajde AdevaRapper » Mie Ian 22, 2003 11:22 pm

Am mai spus si o repet: RPG-ul anului 2002!
Daca ramanem aici, aici ramanem!!!
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Junior Member
Mesaje: 1245
Membru din: Dum Dec 22, 2002 12:00 am

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