
discutii pe care nu stii unde sa le incepi, haz de orice caz; ca intre prieteni

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Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 1:22 am

- aparitia bolilor cronice pulmonare(bronsita, cancer)
- scaderea concentratiei de testosteron la barbati, avand ca efect feminizarea
- cresterea concentratiei de testosteron la femei avand ca efect masculinizarea
- scaderea cantitatii si calitatii spermei la barbati, diminuind astfel capacitatea de procreere
- cresterea riscului de infertilitate la femei si ciclul menstrual neregulat
- scaderea placerii sexuale
- dependenta psihica si instalarea rapida a tolerantei, care presupune un Mai vb peste cativa ani... statistic. Cred ca nu tre sa iti mai explic cum am ajuns la heroina!!!

3 CHESTIUNI DRAGA adirlz...:

adirlz scrie:Continua sa crezi in statistici.

(1) TU NU CREZI IN STATISTICI? Dar, informatiile date de tine mai sus in legatura cu asa-zilesele efecte pe termen lung ale M-nei DE UNDE SUNT? NU CUMVA SUNT STATISTICI? (Du-te si invatza-ti pentru restantze nu mai pierde vremea pe forum...)



Aaa... shi inca o chestie... nu fii foarte convins de cat scrie la sectiunea de "varsta" in profilul meu... ;-)
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Mesajde adirlz » Lun Apr 12, 2004 1:38 am

Prietene ... Heavystone!
1. Nu cred ca tu poti face deosebirea intre statistica si certitudine!!!
2. Nu cred ca mai sunt la varsta la care sa am restante... de orice fel!!!
3. Nu stiu daca vom mai vb peste cativa ani... dar tu sigur o sa-ti amintesti de acest dialog.... in cazul in care mergi pe drumul asta!!!
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Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 1:45 am

Mersi mult pentru sfaturi, frumos din partea ta sa-ti faci griji pt. mine desi nu ma cunosti :B... dar stai fara griji ca o sa fiu OK, si la anu si peste 2,3, 5, 50 de ani... sa ne fim sanatoshi! :B
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Mesajde adirlz » Lun Apr 12, 2004 1:51 am

Cum spui tu!!! Iarta-ma ca te-am batut atat la cap (kiar daca nu vrei sa intelegi)! Crede-ma ca nu imi pasa ce o sa faci in viitor, dar iti doresc sa fii bine!
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Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 1:55 am

adirlz scrie:... iti doresc sa fii bine!

Mersi, si eu tzie!:B
"Konna koroshkada dekiryno wa samurai dakeda... Oma e dakeda! "
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Inca ceva...

Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 2:03 am

Sa stii ca si yo-mi fac griji pt. tine;-)... ai grija cu ALCOOLU' cat bei, cum bei, ce bei... n-ash vrea sa vin sa-ti fac o vizita(cu un buchet de flori :o ...) la sectia de dezintoxicare... :p

Pace si prosperitate!
"Konna koroshkada dekiryno wa samurai dakeda... Oma e dakeda! "
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Mesajde adirlz » Lun Apr 12, 2004 2:14 am

Draga copile ... se vede ca nu vrei sa intelegi!!! Nu stiu de unde ai tras tu concluzia ca am probleme cu alcoolul... pur si simplu nu ai de ce sa te ingrijorezi pt mine!!! Si daca tii neaparat sa imi faci o vizita, mai bine o lasi balta. Explicatie: sunt usor influentabil si nu as vrea sa ma intorc in iad!!! Ma intelegi tu ... cat de cat!!!
Mi-am redeskis o veche rana... ooooooooooooooffffff ... e timpul sa ma odihnesc!
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Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 6:54 am

Mda, se vede ca ora tarzie si oboseala afecteaza judecata omului...
in sfarshit... eu n-am zis si nici nu credeam ca ai fii alcoolic... GLUMEAM... VERE!... in caz ca nu ti-ai dat seama...

Ziceam doar pt. ca ai mentionat intr-un post anterior ca preferi alcoolu'... iar pt. ca ai spus chiar tu ca esti "usor influentabil", tocmai de asta te avertizam doar... sa nu te lasi prea influentzat nici de alcool! :cool: :B

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Mesajde adirlz » Lun Apr 12, 2004 6:54 pm

Iar tragi concluzii pripite... nu vrei deloc sa inveti. Oricat de tarziu ar fi si oricat de obosit as fi, judecata mea nu e afectata .Singurul lucru care mie imi afecta judecata, era heroina... poate d-aia m-am lasat!!! Si treaba cu influenta... NU POT SA MA ABTIN!!! Dar macar realizez lucrul asta!
Ce vrei, sunt oameni tari (ca tine), si oameni slabi!!!
am depasit de mult varsta la care ma luam in bete cu altii..... aceste raspunsuri sunt date doar sa te faca sa deskizi ochii!!!
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Mesajde Heavystone » Lun Apr 12, 2004 10:08 pm

Deci n-am decat UN SINGUR lucru de spus tie si tuturor cititorilor acestui forum, etc..:

[size=167]NU VA DROGATI!!!! [/SIZE]

Shi cu asta am incheiat subiectu'... mai clar si mai la subiect nu se poate!

"Konna koroshkada dekiryno wa samurai dakeda... Oma e dakeda! "
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Mesajde tester » Mie Apr 21, 2004 7:50 pm

adirlz scrie:Pai...hai sa-ti spun un secret: tot ce spun aia la tv e 75% eronat ... si kiar stiu cum e... am lut vreo 3ani... dar tot nu stiu de ce. Oare o sa descopere cineva de ce continua toti sa ia?(si cade din start varianta cu dependenta, deoarece am avut si ajutor specializat si tot nu m-am oprit decat atunci cand ... m-am oprit... adica singur, fara ajutorul nimanui)!!!

Eu as zice ca tot ce vezi pe la TV e adevarat cu exceptia rarelor ocazii in care cunosti personal subiectul reportajului si realizezi ce departe de adevar este.

Pai cum cade din start varianta cu dependenta?, exact de aia continua sa ia pentru ca sunt dependenti. Si nimeni nu zice ca ajutorul de specialitate va functiona in toate cazurile suta la suta, sunt sigur ca procentul de reusita este mult mai mic.

Bine ca te-ai oprit singur, dar daca e vreun lucru sigur in legatura cu heroina este ca dependenta exista si apare destul de repede.Depinde de la persoana la persoana.Bun.

Acum in legatura cu treburile scrise de tine despre marijuana, sunt atatea idei gresite si lipsa de informare ca nu stiu de unde sa incep, n-am sa detaliez prea mult , mergi pe forumul de marijuana daca vrei.
Unul din cele mai intalnite mituri este urmatorul, si te citez "caci de la rahaturile astea , asa usoare cum ziceti voi ca sunt , ajungeti fara sa va dati seama la greutati mari (ex:morfina , hero...)si atunci huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!"
Eu banuiesc si sper ca vorbesti din perpectiva ta personala, ca fost dependent de heroina.

Deci eu as zice asa, cazurile in care consumi marijuana si de a doua zi decizi sa treci pe heroina sunt nu numai rare, dar si fara legatura. Pai e ca si cum ai zice ca ai mancat morcovi un an si de a doua zi treci pe heroina( e de la morcovi). Pai ce legatura are una cu alta? efectele sunt diferite, se consuma diferit, m nu da dependenta, H da, etc.

Ah unii spun ca vrei mai mult, mai high , sau alte prostii, pai zi-mi tu mie ai trecut de la heroina la LSd, sau la amfetamine, sau la crack cocain ?
Toate sunt din clase diferite si dau efecte diverse dar nu inseamna ca una te indeamna la alta. De ce te-ar indemna marijuana la heroina mai mult decat 2 beri, sau un pachet de snagov?
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mar Mai 04, 2004 2:33 am

If you want to find out actual information (aka, NOT the bullshit TV feeds to people!), try going to http://www.erowid.org and then click on Plants & Drugs. I think the biggest mistake people make though, is to include HARMLESS drugs in with the HARD drugs. Nobody has ever disputed that heroin is addictive, bad, etc. But where do people get off saying that things like cannabis, psilocybe (& copelandia) mushrooms, peyote, LSD, and MDMA belong in the same category as solvents, inhalants, PCP, cocaine (HCI & freebase), or opiates? Take the time to educate yourselves properly about these things. There is a lot of information out there, along with 10 million times more propaganda. For example, people believe that ecstasy is hallucinogenic. ??? seriously? Lately, even the US government has admitted to lying about ecstasy, and they have finally admitted to the public that it does not cause any hallucinations. It causes tachyardia I believe it's called, which is when your eyes kind of "wiggle" so your vision is a bit blurry. That is FAR, FAR removed from the mystical journeys on things like LSD, mushrooms, peyote, or DMT.
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Mesajde Heavystone » Mar Mai 04, 2004 5:36 am

420alldaylong scrie: ...things like cannabis, psilocybe (& copelandia) mushrooms, peyote, LSD, and MDMA belong in the same category as solvents, inhalants, PCP, cocaine (HCI & freebase), or opiates?

Well, hold on there bro, are you saying LSD and X are easy drugs??? NO WAY man,... I know people in Cali do a lot of drugs, but I would suggest you definitely STAY OFF Acid!!!!! I know a guy who jumped off a huge building while on acid, I know a chick who stabbed herself in the heart while on acid, I know a guy who pulled his eyeballs out of the sockets while on acid...!!

If you asked me, THE ONLY EASY DRUG IS Cannabis... even magic mushrooms are quite dangerous to a lot of people(with mental instability...)..

420alldaylong scrie: ...ecstacy....It causes tachyardia I believe it's called, which is when your eyes kind of "wiggle" so your vision is a bit blurry. That is FAR, FAR removed from the mystical journeys on things like LSD, mushrooms, peyote, or DMT.

As for X-pills, my friend, TACHYCARDIA = ABNORMALLY FAST HEART RATES, (cardia = heart, i.e.: cardio workout ;))

Don't mean to be an ass or anything, but it seems to me you're one of those teens enthusiastic about drugs&stuff(let me guess, 16yrs old?), but you should take it easy bro,... seriously... Even smoking weed 24/7, as you claim you do, is an extremely serious issue, especially if you're at that age...

We, over here, are mostly occasional smokers and most of all, responsible adults who avoid abuses under any circumstances... so,

Peace out, and be smart! ;-)
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Mesajde tester » Vin Mai 07, 2004 1:28 pm

420adl, about using marijuana while in Romania.

Smoking marijuana in Ro is a criminal offense, punished by jail and fines.

Try not to smoke in public, better get in touch with some1 who knows about this things.

If you do run into trouble, a certain amount of $$ could get you out.
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Sâm Mai 08, 2004 5:43 am

I hate to break this to you, but you don't know anyone that did all that stuff on acid. I guarantee you that you do not know a single person that has done LSD. If you knew ANYTHING about LSD and the chemistry involved in producing it, you'd understand. What you just named is the bullshit propaganda that the American Government pushes onto people. I'm not a teen, I'm a bit older than you, and I'm not ENTHUSIASTIC about drugs, I consider them tools to exploring oneself. Smoking weed is not a serious issue at all. I would like to point you in the direction of your hero, Bob Marley. Besides, if you're a weak person who can't handle themselves, you shouldn't be doing anything anyways. Mushrooms can be fun in low dosages, but I doubt anyone eats enough to have a mystical journey to other worlds AND doesn't know what they're doing. Besides, if you buy enough mushrooms to have journeys to other worlds, you UNDERSTAND that you need that many mushrooms to completely trip, and it's a decision you make and knowingly walk into. If you have psychological disorders or are just a straight out idiot, you should stay away from hallucinogenics. HOWEVER, that is NOBODY's decision but YOURS. And hey, if some morons die while they're doing drugs, the world is a better place for it, cause the average IQ of the entire planet just jumped 5 points.
Onto MDMA, it is HARMLESS. Try and say all you want about it, pure MDMA is HARMLESS. Ricaurte's MDMA research is not MDMA research at all, whoever supplied the doctor with the chemicals, supplied him with d-methamphetamine instead of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine... DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CHEMICALS? There's the pictures included AND labeled. The US government has CONTINUOUSLY LIED to the world about MDMA, and unfortunately you are one of the people who believes. The tachycardia happens because mdma is a CNS stimulant, however that doesn't mean that it is DAMAGING your heart. Of course, an even more powerful psychoactive CNS STIMULANT is overlooked everyday. CAFFEINE! It actually causes damage, it is addictive, etc. None of which MDMA is. It just so happens that of all the drugs I've done in my life, I've done MDMA the most. More than cannabis, lsd or mushrooms. And you know what, not a single brain cell is missing. I'm not retarded, I'm not a zombie, nor any of the things that the government says I will turn into if I touch MDMA a few times (which I just happened to have done more than a thousand times). Wake up bro, most "ILLEGAL" things are HARMLESS. Pure heroin is less toxic to your body than SUGAR. Does that mean that I am automatically going to start shooting heroin? Hmm? Tell me, man. Am I the mindless drug-addicted zombie the US government makes me out to be? Anything you name is only a phone call away, yet I choose to never call certain people, because what they have just does not interest me. Like heroin. I don't get it. People are SO dumb. All it is is a strong PAINKILLER. What is so fun about it? Staring at your shoelaces for 4 hours can be fun while you're on heroin, but if you're sober, I hope you realize how STUPID it is. Or cocaine. It is an ANALGESIC. Do you know what that means? It causes numbness wherever applied. Big god damn deal, your nose feels numb. I've done it like 100 times, and the last time I touched it was like 7-8 months ago. I haven't had any interest in it since then. Nothing bad happened, it just, it's boring! It's why I smoke weed every day, and on the weekends have fun with other things (still smoke weed though).
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Sâm Mai 08, 2004 5:52 am

on a note, because i just thought about it, i would like to refer to you to http://www.rhodium.ws such that you can look up the syntheses for LSD-25. As soon as you can understand what it takes to produce LSD, you will hopefully understand that unless you are the chemist that produces it, you will never, EVER in your life come in contact with real acid, specifically because the world's supplier is not around anymore, and so 95% of the world's supply has been gone since '98. Most of the time, when you get "LSD" from someone, it's SOMETHING ELSE. Most of the time, you get what's called "weak acid" which means you have to take like 5-6 hits, but 99% of the time it turns out to be PCP, not real LSD. Please understand how difficult it is to synthesize it, how perfect your technique has to be, and the huge number of super-difficult-to-obtain chemicals. Also, other conditions, like ONLY darkroom lighting is allowed, you must work in an environment without oxygen, also there are a few steps in the reaction where even heat is not allowed. Straight from the horse's mouth: "LSD is an unusually fragile molecule and some comments are in order as to its stability and storage. As a salt, in water, cold, and free from air and light exposure, it is stable indefinitely. There are two sensitive aspects of its structure. The position of the carboxamide attachment, the 8-position, is affected by basic, or high pH, conditions. Through a process called epimerization, this position can scramble, producing isolysergic acid diethylamide, or iso-LSD. This product is biologically inactive, and represents a loss of a proportionate amount of active product. A second and separate point of instability is the double bond that lies between this 8-position and the aromatic ring. Water or alcohol can add to this site, especially in the presence of light (sunlight with its ultraviolet energy is notoriously bad) to form a product that has been called lumi-LSD, which is totally inactive in man. Oh yes, and often overlooked, there may be only an infinitesimal amount of chlorine in treated tap water, but then there is only an infinitesimal amount of LSD in a typical LSD solution. And since chlorine will destroy LSD on contact, the dissolving of LSD in tap water is not appropriate."
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mar Mai 11, 2004 5:40 am

i want to add, because i was reading the rest of the posts, that:
LSD WILL NOT STAY IN YOUR SPINE. It is another stupid myth. ALL of the LSD that enters your body gets broken down and synthesized into other things, and ABSOLUTELY ALL of the LSD that enters your body is gone in 20 minutes.
more stupid myths:
MDMA causes Parkinson's. NO, it DOES NOT! MDMA research has never surfaced, because the government will not let ANYONE conduct research with it, other than themselves, and they put out false information. IE: Dr. Ricaurte's MDMA study (someone gave him methamphetamine instead of mdma, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, BIG DIFFERENCE, to use on the subjects). Truthful MDMA research will come from OUTSIDE the united states, possibly Switzerland. Honestly, almost everything that people know about MDMA that they learned from TV, newspapers, "friends", etc. is not true. Like I said, erowid is a good source of information, but something worth mentioning is that MAPS is conducting MDMA research RIGHT NOW. MAPS, yes MAPS, not the government. After 50+ years of oppressing MDMA, the truth shall be set free.
Peyote is eaten, not smoked. You must understand that you need a good 500mg of mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxy-íŸ-phenethylamine), which means a good 500 grams of cactus material (i think it's like 50 grams dried). Still, nobody's gonna smoke that much. It's mostly made into tea. It is right though, when you say it's NOT like psilocybes. psilocin is 4-HO-DMT (a tryptamine) whereas mescaline is a phenethylamine. IE: mescaline is chemically structured like adrenaline, whereas harmaline, another chemical found in peyote (a MAOI) is structured like a tryptamine (and therefore belongs to the tryptamine class, not phenethylamines...).
The vine that you're talking about is called Morning Glory, and its seeds contain LSA. Lysergic Acid Amide (or LA-111). It is 1/6th as psychoactive as LSD, etc etc. You can find out more about LSA in other places. In other words, it's a "SUBSTITUTE" for when you don't have the real thing. Also, LSA is needed in the synthesis of LSD (Duh!), but you don't use LSA extracted from morning glory seeds (as there's too many other alkaloids, and it's too much work to separate them!).
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Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mar Mai 11, 2004 5:57 am

there is no DAMAGING hallucinogen, at least not the ones I would touch.
DISASSOCIATIVES have been proved to cause damage, that is things like PCP (phencyclidine), DXM (dextromethorphan) and Ketamine (although there's conflicting ketamine research, some that proves it causes NO damage!). BELLADONNA compounds can very easily turn from "delirium fun" to "lethal fun". Either way, a 24-hour amnesia (where i don't know who i am, what i'm doing, where i'm going, etc.. it's what you're like under the influence of scopolamine and atropine) isn't on my list, so belladonna things are out.
NON-DAMAGING hallucinogens would be LSD-25, Psylocibin/Psylocin, Mescaline, DMT, and Salviorin A (found in Salvia Divinorum). DMT you would have to extract from plant material yourself, and is generally the hardest to find out of all 5, simply because there's no market for it. You either do it yourself, or leave it alone. DMT freebase is "LIKE" a 6-8 hour mushroom trip compressed into 10-15 minutes, and there is a technique to smoking it and a special pipe as well. Salviorin A is CRAZY and WEIRD, and i've done a lot of hallucinogens. Salvia is something for supremely special occasions. I don't wish armies of alien insectoids chasing after anyone, or your body turning to mist, or any of the things I experienced on salvia on anyone who's not ready for them. And I consider myself a pretty experienced psychonaut. 4 grams of mushrooms doesn't "phase" me.
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mar Mai 11, 2004 6:09 am

Heavystone scrie:Daca vrei o documentatie mai ampla a experientei.. citeshte "Alice in Tara Minunilor", stiu ca aparent e o carte pt. copii dar de fapt tot ce este, e o descriere a unei experiente cu ciuperci magice...

De altfel multi artisti de pe la inceputul secolului, in special pictori expresionishti si simbolishti foloseau Psilocybe in procesul de creatie.. Vezi picturi de-ale lui Van Gogh, Salvador Dali... daca vrei nishte impresii vizuale ale experientei...

Cooperativa de productie Canepa Vesela va ureaza Fum Bun! :U

Alice in Wonderland was written in the 1800s. The PSILOCYBE family of mushrooms was discovered in the 1960s as something being used by the Native Americans (and also synthesized, psylocin, in the 1940s by Sandoz). Do you see a few hundred years missing and mushrooms just straight out teleporting themselves back in time? In the 1800s, in England, the "drug" that was around was opium. I don't think you know ANYTHING about mushrooms or any other "DRUG" as you are so fond of calling them HEAVYSTONE, so you should just stay out of the "don't take shrooms cause they're bad, although i've never touched them" format.
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Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
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Mesajde Heavystone » Mar Mai 18, 2004 10:29 pm

I never said shrooms were bad, referring to Psilocybe's, I just said Amanita's were.. even though you might understand written Romanian, I think you don't understand it well enough... ;-)

Concerning Psilocybe's I was just raising awareness that yes, people whith psychological problems should not take them...
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Joi Mai 20, 2004 1:22 am

I just happen to be one of the people that thinks people with psychological problems (NOT DISORDERS! psychological problem would be something like alcoholism, psychological disorder would be something like schizophrenia) SHOULD take psychidelics, under the STRICT supervision of a psychiatrist who has ALSO done what he is going to administer to the patient, and have the psychiatrist act as a "guide" for patient. A guide for exploring the patient's mind, and also a friend that helps the patient deal with whatever problems arise.
just as an example: someone who is an alcoholic gets medical treatment with LSD. The alcohol addiction WILL manifest itself during the trip, and someone (a psychiatrist) is there to make sure that the patient "deals with it." It may manifest itself as an animal who is trying to hunt you, or some other metaphor like that.
as a personal example, i can tell you one time when i shroomed, my body just straight out refused to let me smoke weed. For some reason, the weed takes on this very weird taste when i'm shrooming. I'm also checking it out up close, and it just, it looks surreal sometimes, but sometimes it takes on this evil aura type of thing. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm just staring at a nug, and it's silently screaming "EVIL" in my head. I don't know why, but shrooms make it like that sometimes. For some reason, it's scary.

an added note: NO ONE ouside the Americas had ANY idea what psilocybes were, before the 1960s. Psilocin was synthesized in the 40s (or 50s) by Sandoz. Please explain to me how Van Gogh and others got their hands on magic mushrooms. On the other hand, what most of these people did get to enjoy is Absinthe. Van Gogh, Monet, Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe are some of the most famous absinthe drinkers.
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Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
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Mesajde Heavystone » Joi Mai 20, 2004 9:16 pm

Well, I might have been wrong about Van Gogh and psilocybes, but the thing is even though psilocybes were not officially recognized and the substances psilocybin and psilocin not identified yet, people in Northern Europe were aware of psilocybes before 1960 and were very remotely used, and called "the painter's mushroom". As a matter of fact what appear to be magic mushrooms are occasionally referred to in many Nordic legends (leprecons living in mushrooms, etc...)

As far as the author of Alice in Wonderland, I'm sure he was completely aware of Amanita's and using them since he describes that caterpillar smoking a hooka sitting on an Amanita Muscaria in his tale...
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Mesajde 420alldaylong » Vin Mai 21, 2004 7:53 am

yeah.. i actually have a blacklight velvet poster of that, but anyways... (the caterpillar & the hooka)
Caroll Lewis was LEGALLY taking laudanum (an opiate) under the direction of his physician, not recreationally.
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Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
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Mesajde lostCat » Lun Mai 24, 2004 7:45 pm

as vrea sa s
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Mesajde lostCat » Lun Mai 24, 2004 7:58 pm

as vrea sa stiu daca a incercat cineva lsd/acid
care sunt riscurile psihologice?
am observat ca sunt f. multe informatii pe net dar m-ar interesa trairile unui consumator (ce include acea "calatorie")
poate aveti un prieten sau pe cineva apropiat...
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Mesajde tester » Lun Mai 24, 2004 10:06 pm

citeste prin paginile anterioare, 420alldaylong si heavystone vorbesc de lsd. Cel putin la prima intrebare ai un raspuns.
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Mesajde whatever » Lun Mai 24, 2004 10:18 pm

deci god, L.S.D....

ce sa zic...senzatii uluitoare, cu batista in fata, cresteau munti din ea, orase, oameni mici, se naruia tot, iar se cladeau la loc, toate astea intr-un loc de 10 cm patrati. Senzatiile sunt fantastice, riscurile pe masura, nu neaparat psihologice, se poate intampla ca ceva to snap si you`re fucked up for life. Detaliez daca vrei altadata, acuma e prea tarziu.
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Mesaje: 2848
Membru din: Dum Feb 15, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mar Mai 25, 2004 4:22 am

you MIGHT have a bad trip, if 1) MOST IMPORTANT: You are AFRAID of LSD. If you are AFRAID of it, and you're AFRAID something might happen, DON'T TOUCH IT!
Mindset, setting, etc. ALL play a very important role. Do NOT ingest LSD if you are stressed, or are just trying to escape normal life. You will not have a good trip. LSD doesn't change mood, like MDMA, hence if you're stressed, angry, etc, they will be "translated" into the trip. If you're sad, the trip will have a sad connotation to it. If you're angry, you might become frightened. Understand that when ingesting LSD, your psyche is what will be affected. If you're arrogant, I would definitely suggest you stay away from LSD, as I've seen too many people humbled. You won't be mentally deranged, or retarded, or anything like that, but you will SEE things that will scare the fuck out of you. On the other hand, someone with nothing but love for the world, life, who is humble, etc, will be "enlightened". Basically, if you're a piece of shit individual, the drug will show you that in ways you won't like. (I'm not saying you are that kind of individual).
IF THE CASE IS WHERE SOMEONE IS FRIGHTENED, talk to them, try to get them to calm down. Say things like "it'll be okay, it'll be over soon, it's not real, etc." You do NOT want to get the authorities involved, because they give you anti-psychotics to "sober" you up. AKA, they pump you up full of Thorazine (also known as Chlorpromazine) and it's NOT the least bit nice. The only people who've ever reported "stuff" going wrong with them after taking LSD were people that were woken up with thorazine. This is a good page to read about it: http://www.erowid.org/pharms/chlorpromazine/chlorpromazine_info1.shtml
To give you a personal account, I don't think there are words that could quite put on paper the fantastiques I witnessed. I've had dosages from 50 to 500 mcg, so I've had anything from breathing walls all the way to alternate realities and shit. Only salvia has taken me as far as LSD, although it was a terribly alien trip. LSD is just another tryptamine, although a very potent one.
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Mesaje: 42
Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
Localitate: cali

Mesajde whatever » Mar Mai 25, 2004 11:30 pm

dude, i said if something snaps, you`re fucked up for life, i didnt say that if you just take L.S.D. you`re fucked up for life.
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Mesaje: 2848
Membru din: Dum Feb 15, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde 420alldaylong » Mie Mai 26, 2004 2:08 am

NOTHING is going to "snap". Stop spreading myths! That's what it is. A myth, and nothing but that. Started and propagated by the U.S. Government, who is nothing but a bunch of lying, fuckin drug dealers. I'd be more than happy to expand on that, but only if people want to hear.
People that "snap" are people without their drugs, drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, or people under the influence of certain drugs. To name them, so there's no confusion, people get agitated, confused, paranoid, violent, etc under the influence of PCP, Scopolamine/Atropine, Barbiturates, Cocaine (which i'm pretty sure isn't easy to get in Romania (Coke is different in that in itself it can make you paranoid, violent, etc. but ALSO in an indirect way, the same as meth), after being on meth for a few days (not sleeping for 3+ days has the effect of the paranoia, etc. This is an INDIRECT side effect of meth. It is NOT caused by the actual methamphetamines, but by the lack of sleep and food). There are also 2 psychidelic drugs that "scare" people, N,N-DMT & Salviorin-A, which are very quick acting (as soon as you put down the pipe, you're already fully in the middle of the trip), and the reason why people become afraid is because everything "changes" too quickly and the changes are too profound. To open your eyes and have reality distorted to the point where it becomes a whole another world is not something that people can cope with easily. However, unlike the moron druggies, psychonauts always take precautions. I always have someone 100% SOBER around, in case anything goes wrong. Again, that person needs to be someone you trust and someone who will know what to do in case of an emergency, aka be able to calm you down, reassure you it's not real, be able to take control of the situation in case the guy tripping gets out of hand. Junkies don't give a shit! They'll just shoot up and be happy. GIANT DIFFERENCE! People that are addicted and don't get their "medicine", that's the people that "snap". Hope this helps
Junior Member
Mesaje: 42
Membru din: Lun Mai 03, 2004 11:13 am
Localitate: cali


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