care este diferenta dintre black si death metal?

heavy metal, speed'n thrash, gothic, death...

Mesajde The_FrozenLord » Joi Iul 21, 2005 8:18 am

mey, nici una nu este black, chiar daca are influente. Un vocal mai ragusit nu schimba stilul muzicii. Vorbeam aici mai ales de instrumentatie, de mesaj etc.
Metalfan:Totusi, voi veniti cu acest „love metalâ€Â
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Mesajde piskeshu » Joi Iul 21, 2005 8:57 am

Una din diferente ie ca fanii black is mai prosti decat aia death. O asemanare: toti se imbraca f. urat.
Prezumtia de prostie se aplica tuturor !!!
"This used to be a fun house, but now is full of evil clowns..."
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Mesajde gaga » Joi Iul 21, 2005 11:07 am

deci pijkesh habarnist ca de obicei. uite la mihalache buze reci care shtie: black = camitza
semnatura fara culori si nestridenta
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Mesajde cubu » Vin Iul 22, 2005 9:30 am

Uite, miercurico, nu cred ca erai p-aci cand faceam lobby muzicii de calitate:

dano, era Gigi Buza rece, bre.
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Mesajde wednesday » Vin Iul 22, 2005 6:48 pm

absolut genial! :wow:

revenind la diferenta dintre led zep si jethro tull. in primul rand la jethro tull te izbesc elemtele folk, pe care eu nu le-am regasit niciodata la led zeppelin. pe cei din urma i-am ascultat mult mai mult si dupa ce am vazut un dvd cu ei am ramas destul de hipnotizata. jethro tull imi plac, insa nu ma pasioneaza...
i wish i could help, but i don't want to
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Mesajde Tailgunner » Mie Iul 27, 2005 12:05 pm

Deci daca tot e vorba despre black metal, un mic how-to, si dupa aia diferenta intre black si death va deveni evidenta: :D

Name your band

The crappier and sillier the name is, the better. If you can't think of any, just take a random string of consonants and throw in a couple of vowels. Stuff like "Tykundiwfjgd" or "Kngudytewbk" is excellent. If you can’t pronounce it, it’s a good name. Here's a list of superb, albeit already taken names:

Belphegor, Burzum, Mithotyn, Rakoth, Fimbulwinter, Grabnebelfürsten, Havohej, Himinbjorg, Ildjarn, Isacaarum, Akercocke, Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra, Myrddraal, Perunwit, Sort Vokter, Tsjuder, Kvist, Nidhogg and Vinterriket.

The important thing is that it must sound evil and underground. If you want an English name, it is recommended that you add “Lordâ€Â
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Mesajde Tailgunner » Mie Iul 27, 2005 12:06 pm

Song Titles

Just like your band name, these must be silly and confusing. Expressions like "Praising a Frozen Horizon Of Blazing Thrones" or "Between The Still Chant Into Satanic Hordes" are excellent. Always remember that bad grammar is good and “trueâ€Â
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Mesajde Tailgunner » Mie Iul 27, 2005 12:07 pm


Album Design

All albums you release must have a forest, preferably foggy or nocturnal or both, on its cover. This way people will understand that this is a black metal album. Of course there is also the option of blood-covered women in various positions, who are there to convince teenagers that you aren’t homosexuals. In that case you must be on the album cover yourself. The women must look lascivious and attempt to grab you, because that’s the only way you can make women pay attention to you. Don’t forget a healthy dose of pentagrams and inverted crosses, yourself wearing them, devil’s tail and horns, yourself wearing them, snow, menacing castles, bat wings, yourself wearing them, 666 and yourself.


Try to get the worst production possible. The rule in black metal circles is that a proper black metal recording must have horrible quality. The recommended recording device is an answering machine. It’s best to do the recording in a forest. Hide the answering machine under a tree stump and write your albums on CDs made of peeled birch bark. That adds “atmosphereâ€Â
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Mesajde Tailgunner » Mie Iul 27, 2005 12:08 pm


Of course you can say that you have been influenced by Darkthrone, Bathory or Mayhem, but so says every other black metal band. If you name as your main influences strange bands that nobody has heard of, then perhaps nearly three people will care. That’s a lot of people. It is also appropriate to always emphasize that the better records are the older, the "couple of early" ones, and that newer ones are sell-out and no longer elite. However, do not use the expression “older albumsâ€Â
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Mesajde SwanHeart » Mie Iul 27, 2005 2:28 pm

Am gasit si eu ceva incredibil de amuzant...Cele 101 reguli pentru a fi Blacker! A-)
1. Don't be gay.
2. Be "true".
3. All people who aren’t "true" are gay.
4. Be grim.
5. Be necro.
6. Be simultaneously grim and necro if at all possible.
7. Break things while being grim and necro.
8. Don't have fun at concerts. Stand around with arms crossed.
9. Repeat all above while denouncing organized religion in any form.
10. Never ever, EVER under ANY circumstances...
11. ...Listen to Peccatum.
12. When someone asks you if you enjoy the music of Mayhem, point out that you only enjoy the music of "the true" Mayhem. Maniac is gay.
13. Don't play with fuzzy things, excepting that by "play" you mean "burn".
14. Don't be Dani Filth.
15. Never, ever, under any circumstances utter the phrase "Kenny G slams, man."
16. Don't be Dani Filth.
17. When your mom tells you to take out the garbage tell her that you're too metal to remove refuse.
18. Run for it!
19. Sodomize a virgin whore.
20. Sodomize anything that is not male. (Fuzzy things look out!)
21. Make sure your album goes out of print about 3 years after its release... so it becomes 'cult'.
22. When in doubt, say "True Norwiegian Black Metal!"
23. If that doesn't work, blast beats can fill any silence.
24. Turn any cross you find upside-down.
25. Nipple twisting is not a blackmetal activity..
26. Write a cult, underground, grim and necro zine. Feature only interviews with bands no one has heard of, even "true" blackmetallers.
27. Never ever, EVER, EVER be open-minded.
28. Never write songs less than 15 minutes long and containing less than 15 adjectives in the title.
29. a) paint face. b) go in woods. c) act like troll.
30. Don't be Mortiis (or Dani Filth).
31. Don't wear white shoes after Labor Day.
32. Don't make jokes only your mom would get.
33. Don't make jokes.
34. When in doubt, scowl with eyes downturned.
35. Don't eat Marshmellow Peeps.
36. To producers of black metal albums: low end! If it doesn't hurt to listen to, it can't be "true".
37. Make sure that no less than half of the musicians on your album are "session" members.
38. When in concert, always growl names of songs so that they are imperceptible. This will ensure that anyone who doesn't have your "cult" LP won't get it.
39. Never play live.
40. When getting ready to go to a show, completely forget that the other people there are not going to the show to look at you.
41. Use barbed wire whenever possible. (Note: this assists in being both "necro" and "grim".)
42. When asked by a non true BMer what BM is, say something like, "BM is the raw essence of pure black evil in man", in any case, make sure that by the conversations end, the other person still has no idea what black metal is.
43. Drive one of your band members to suicide, and claim he died because of the "mainstream" "infecting" the "scene".
44. Reform with "old members" and release an album intended to produce commercial success.
45. When it flops say that you meant it to fail cause anything less wouldn't be "true".
46. Have a side project. Ensure that all other members of your band also have side projects.
47. Fill out the other slots in your other member's side projects as "session" musicians.
48. Record everything in the same studio with the same producer/instruments/equipment/etc.
49. Make sure your album cover never consists of more than three colors (color options allowed: grey, black, white).
50. Publicly state that your band is "non-religious", then use the word "Satan" over 400 times on your one-song thirty-minute album.
51. Never stuff your shoes to make them appear puffy and avoid the wearing of backwards baseball caps if at all possible. Red ones in particular.
52. Insist that music should never progress and that it should still sound the same way it did 9 friggin years ago.
53. Never say "friggin".
54. Never finish anything you start.
55. The word "Hail" is the only appropriate greeting whenever greeting someone "true".
56. If feeling especially true on a given occasion, try "Infernal Hails".
57. All logos must include illegible writing and at least one inverted cross and/or pentagram. This is non-negotiable.
58. When referring to sex with a Metal Chick use only the terminology "sticking my clouded frost-spire into her gates of attrition".
59. Design complex logo for your grim black metal band on binder paper in the middle of math class.
60. Accept every interview you're offered...then pretend that you really don't enjoy being interviewed.
61. Thoroughly enjoy Star Trek: The Next Generation.
62. Wait... scratch that last one. (See rule 1)
63. Never divulge to any outsiders the Exact Day of the Divine Arrival of the Massive Hoof. Instead, inform them that they should be ready to suck the Dark Lord's greasy @#%$ at any time.
64. Use the phrase "suck the dark lord's greasy @#%$" whenever possible.
65. If you ever find that you have somehow become a member of Hecate Enthroned, be sure to piece together a music video of scrap footage of yourself walking around in the woods at night looking evil. Only, instead of being night make sure it's the middle of the @#%$ day, and instead of looking evil, look dorky instead. (See also: rule 1)
666. Own hundreds of black metal albums, demos and bootlegs. Listen to approximately 8 of them regularly.
67. Humping a ceramic Virgin Mary in front of your uncle's house is not "pimping it" (unless you tell her you're done then blow in her face like a shotgun when she turns around).
68. Refrain from using keyboard smilies when communicating via the Internet. Single acceptable smily: -(
69. Why isn't the word "Northern" in your album title yet!? Get to it! Amatuers...
70. Spelling things correctly is neither grim nor necro.
71. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!
72. No matter where you're from, pretend you're from Norway and therefore 'true'.
73. Don't be Dani Filth. (I think that's clear)
74. All pets you own now will henceforth be known as "Crucifier". Any pets you own in the future will also be known as "Crucifier".
75. True black metaller: "Many of our dark hymns are influenced by the mighty Tolkien... You have not read the works of Tolkien!? Nerd. Wait a minute... It appears I am the nerdy one after all!"
76. @#%$, I'm talking to myself again.
77. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!
78. That's better, on with the interview!
80. Create inverted crosses in all possible instances. Suggested tools: Drum sticks, twigs, pool cues, pencils, etc. (See also "clouded frost spire")
81. Profess publicly that you are a Satanist and add that you are in touch with Norway's ancient Pagan past. Pretend that somehow those two facts make sense in conjunction.
82. Stick your dick in the mashed potatoes.
83. Don't make Beastie Boys references.
84. Don't make references.
85. Satanus. Huh huh huhuhuhuh.86. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh.
87. If possible, design the title of your album so that it consists of three completely unrelated words. Dimmu Borgir are the master of this (i.e. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Godless Savage Garden) but you may also want to refer to Immortal's "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism".
88. As we all know, women have no place in the homoerotic world of black metal, but if your girl friend still won't stop bugging you about wanting to be involved in your band, give her a lame spoken word part or something.
89. Never form a band containing you, your wife and/or girlfriend, and some gay looking guy. (See also: rule 11)
90. Go to bed when your mom tells you to.
91. If it's rare, it must be good. Order it immediately.
92. I will not add that as it is not metal enough.
93. Are you metal enough to be reading this?
94. Own every Darkthrone release. Listen to exactly none of them.
95. Own cult-as-@#%$ shirts of bands you not only own no releases of, but also haven't even heard.
96. Use the phrase "cult-as-@#%$" whenever possible.
97. Attempt to randomly throw the word "@#%$" during random segments of your songs. (Kindly refer to Attilla's work on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.)
98. In order to make your recording more incomprehensible and therefore more "cult", be sure to either select a singer who has only a tenuous grasp on the language to be sung. (Acceptable languages: Norwegian, Latin, Orcish.)
99. I'll tell you what your album lay out needs...Some titties.
100. And you know what else? How long since you acted like a troll? Pick up that makeup and fight, soldier!
101. You mean to tell me you read this whole thing when you could've have been prancing about in the forest with an axe? For shame! For shaaaaame!!


Don't be Dani Filth A-)
Without you... the poetry within me is dead! - Miss

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Mesajde gaga » Mie Iul 27, 2005 2:40 pm

Am gasit si eu ceva incredibil de amuzant...

de ce nu oi fi dat direct link-ul? nu de alta dar si linkul si citatul copy/paste a mai fost pus de nenumarate ori pe aici, de cate ori il "descopera" cineva.
semnatura fara culori si nestridenta
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Mesajde SwanHeart » Mie Iul 27, 2005 2:42 pm

pentru ca il aveam salvat mai demult in calculator si nu mai am nici cea mai vaga idee de unde l-am luat :P
Without you... the poetry within me is dead! - Miss

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Mesajde taca2206 » Vin Iul 29, 2005 9:55 am

Mai fratilor,
A pus omu' o intrebare si ati inceput sa pedalati unii mai pe drum, altii mai pe linga. Cubule, tu ai dreptate in principiu: sa o dezbatem noi ca d'aia e forum, da' acum hai sa ne uitam si ce zice unii care stie ce vorbeste, ca Wikipedia:

Death metal

Black metal

Prin urmare Venom sta la baza ambelor stiluri!

Personal, consider ca e mai important daca-ti place sau nu ce asculti si nu din ce curent/categorie face parte.
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Mesajde cubu » Vin Iul 29, 2005 10:37 am

taca, eu am mai citit chestiile astea, le-am recitit acum si tot nu sunt multumit. Am intalnit multi "teoreticieni" care, cand le-am dat sa asculte o trupa, nu au fost in stare sa o "clasifice" si, mai grav, s-o recunoasca. (Asta dupa ce am purtat discutii despre trupa respectiva). Ce am vrut eu sa spun mai sus e ca cineva care nu a ascultat bine cele doua genuri nu poate sa le deosebeasca asa usor, pe cand la alte genuri mai "comestibile", (vezi exemplele mele) chiar si cineva care le-a auzit doar de cateva ori, simte diferentele.
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Mesajde gaga » Vin Iul 29, 2005 10:44 am

taca, pentru ignorarea unei atentionari finutze dar serioase ai un avertisment:

sper ca de data asta ai inteles ca NU SE DORESC COPII ALE CELOR SCRISE PE ALTE SITURI CI DISCUTII ARGUMENTATE INTRE USERI. si pentru asta un simplu link este suficient.

semnatura fara culori si nestridenta
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Mesajde stefan » Vin Iul 29, 2005 6:09 pm

Mah, daca nu ma-nsel, s-a mai discutat pe tema asta si pe subiectul ala despre Samael ("Cui ii place Samael"), ajuns intre timp pe kterinca si aberatii :D. Eh, nimic nou sub soare...
subpolar homesick fane

"This here post might offend you some
If it doesn't it's because you're dumb"
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Mesajde cubu » Sâm Iul 30, 2005 10:33 am

taca2206 scrie:Personal, consider ca e mai important daca-ti place sau nu ce asculti si nu din ce curent/categorie face parte.

Corect. Din pacate e unii care vrea sa para "cat mai deschisi" si "mai lipsiti de prejudecati" si, desi nu le place nici unul din genurile astea doua, dau lectii de muzica pe unde apuca.
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Mesajde CoF » Mar Aug 02, 2005 11:31 pm

well m-am trezit si eu ca romanu foarte tarziu dar doresc sa punctez anumite pareri :D Children Of Bodom NU e black ba chiar e un Power/Speed si cu ocazia asta vreau sa lamuresc si o problema care ma deranjeaza mereu (cu riscul de a ma abate de la subiect)Cradle Of Filth, Children Of Bodom si Dimmu Borgir NU repet NU sunt aceelasi lucru cum spun foarte multi.CoF e un extreme gothic (black au fost doar prin perioada demo), CoB e power/speed cu voce de death, iar dimmu e un melodic Black Metal.
Un lucru care deosebeste black-ul de death sunt tobele foarte puternice si rapide precum si chitarile pe cand la death sunt ceva mai calme.vocile difera in general grohu e de black dar se intalneste si la doom. din punct de vedere tematic da majoritatea formatiilor de black prefera satanismul dar exista exceptii si e vorba de Immortal care canta despre un anume Blashyrk univers creat de ei..sau Negurí£ Bunget (Wiccan Rede va spune ceva?) dar prea bine si formatiile de Death au inclinatii spre satanism (vezi Deicide sau early Sepultura). anyway daca asculti cate ceva din fiecare iti dai seama care e black si care e doom...mai de inteles ar fii fost o problema intre death si doom...
Carpe Noctem!
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Mesajde wednesday » Joi Aug 04, 2005 12:13 am

ioai!!! nu baga is doom-ul in toata discutia asta...doom-ul este lent in primul si in primul rand! si daca este sa se confunde cu ceva...atunci cu gothicul. :(
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Mesajde khellina » Joi Aug 04, 2005 6:55 pm

cum sa se confunde mai doomu cu gothicul??!? sau cu deathul?!?!?!
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Mesajde diablo_pECi » Joi Aug 04, 2005 8:06 pm

khellina itzi spun io n-are rost...pana la urma meaculpa tot va avea dreptate...(am mai citit shi yo p-aici :D)...chiar ma distreaza cand mai vad vreunu nou...ah ce controverse...ce dileme...
nu a zis ca se confunda...a zis ca se apropie mai mult de gothic decat de death...parerea mea
sigur nu intereseaza pe nimeni semnatura asta
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Mesajde wednesday » Joi Aug 04, 2005 8:38 pm

da, asta ziceam...
oricum discutiile astea despre nuante -> doom/death death/doom gothic/doom doom/gothic doom/black black/doom death/black black/death tind sa devina jenibile... propun sa lasam clasificarile in plata lor. :)
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Mesajde Vladik » Vin Aug 19, 2005 5:48 am

[quote="Tailgunner"]It’s best to do the recording in a forest. Hide the answering machine under a tree stump and write your albums on CDs made of peeled birch bark. That adds “atmosphereâ€Â
every morn' and every night
some are born to sweet delight

every morn' and every day
some are born to endless pain
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Mesajde sphere in darkness » Dum Sep 18, 2005 10:28 am

[quote="The_FrozenLord"]Diferenta vine in primul rand din structura muzicala: deathul se bazeaza pe multe riffuri, si cam atat. tobele sunt in cel mai pur stil heavy/thrash. Blackul in schimb are ritmul foarte alert, de ex bitul d la orice orga dus la extrem ca viteza. La capitolul chitara ei folosesc cel mai des traforaj pe ultimele corzi dak ati observat. La capitolul mesaje e clar: blackul cu satana, deathu cu nemortii lor. ca voce s-a mai spus, unii rag altii zbiara.

ok,nu_s chiar atat de afona in"domeniul"asta.dar am si io o intrebare:dak blackul ii ku satana de ce in death intalnesti melodii "antichrist"(sepultura,slayer)?
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Mesajde wednesday » Dum Sep 18, 2005 1:03 pm

slayer nu e death...apoi chestia cu black-satana death- undead este doar o inca una pripita...
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Mesajde The_FrozenLord » Dum Sep 18, 2005 9:45 pm

mda, salyer e thrash...
thrashu era si ala cu satana mult de tot: sepultura, slayer, celtic frost...
Metalfan:Totusi, voi veniti cu acest „love metalâ€Â
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Mesajde sphere in darkness » Mar Iul 04, 2006 8:34 am

de cand e celtic frost thrash???????????celtic frost suna cumva ca si o combinatie de cof,obituary(ca tot iti place),darkthrone.....
A nightmare released a terrible disease
Looking behind si...
Mai bine sa-mi fie rau decat sa-mi para rau!!
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Mesajde wednesday » Mar Iul 04, 2006 10:27 am

pune mana si asculta, e thrash cu oarescari influente black...
celtic frost canta din 84, deci n-au cum sa semene nici cu darkthrone nici cu cof nici cu obi, din moment ce activeaza dinaintea lor!
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Mesajde sphere in darkness » Mar Iul 04, 2006 10:40 am

mea culpa!!!nu da vina pe mine,ci pe asa-zisii fine...
A nightmare released a terrible disease
Looking behind si...
Mai bine sa-mi fie rau decat sa-mi para rau!!
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sphere in darkness
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Mesajde painkiller1991 » Joi Aug 03, 2006 5:40 pm

pe scurt habar nu aveti cei ala black sau death ! daca nu stiti nu va bagati
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