F(r)aze antologice din filme

sub lumina lanternei magice

Mesajde Cristy » Sâm Sep 04, 2004 10:43 pm

Addams Family Values (1993)

[Pugsley hits a bird during archery practice]
Becky Martin-Granger : It's an American Bald Eagle!
Gary Granger : Aren't they extinct?
Wednesday : They are now.

Nanny: Now, I've had it up to here! Where is that baby?
Wednesday : Which part?

Pugsley : We don't hug.
Gary : Oh, you're just shy.
Wednesday : We're not shy, we're contagious.

Ce scenariu marpha .. :)
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Mesajde theOffender » Mie Sep 08, 2004 7:39 am

cred ca un film care este plin de fraze superbe este heat

Neil McCauley (DeNiro): He knew the risks, he didn't have to be there. It rains... you get wet.

Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino): I don't know how to do anything else.
Neil McCauley : Neither do I.
Vincent Hanna : I don't much want to either.
Neil McCauley : Neither do I.

Richard Torena : I could get killed for telling you this shit.
Vincent Hanna : You could get killed walking your doggie!

Vincent Hanna : You know, we are sitting here, you and I, like a couple of regular fellas. You do what you do, and I do what I gotta do. And now that we've been face to face, if I'm there and I gotta put you away, I won't like it. But I tell you, if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow, brother, you are going down.
Neil McCauley : There is a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down? Cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. We've been face to face, yeah. But I will not hesitate. Not for a second.

Eady : You travel a lot?
Neil McCauley : Yeah.
Eady : Traveling makes you lonely?
Neil McCauley : I'm alone, I am not lonely.

Justine Hanna : You prefer the normal routine. We fuck and you lose the power of speech.

Vincent Hanna : So you never wanted a regular type life?
Neil McCauley : What the fuck is that? Barbeques and ballgames?

Vincent Hanna : My life's a disaster zone. I got a stepdaughter so fucked up because her real father's this large-type asshole. I got a wife, we're passing each other on the down-slope of a marriage - my third - because I spend all my time chasing guys like you around the block. That's my life.
Neil McCauley : A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Now, if you're on me and you gotta move when I move, how do you expect to keep a... a marriage?

Justine Hanna : You don't live with me, you live among the remains of dead people. You sift through the detritus, you read the terrain, you search for signs of passing, for the scent of your prey, and then you hunt them down. That's the only thing you're committed to. The rest is the mess you leave as you pass through.

Vincent Hanna : I'm angry. I'm very angry, Ralph. You know, you can ball my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to. But you do not get to watch my fucking television set!

Alan Marciano : Why'd I get mixed up with that bitch?
Vincent Hanna : Cause she's got a great ass... and you got your head all the way up it!

Vincent Hanna : I gotta hold on to my angst. I preserve it because I need it. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be.

Van Zant : What are you doing?
Neil McCauley : What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone.
Van Zant : I don't understand.
Neil McCauley : 'Cause there is a dead man on the other end of this fuckin' line

Justine Hanna : I may be stoned on grass and Prozac, but you've been walking through our life dead.

Neil McCauley : I do what I do best, I take scores. You do what you do best, try to stop guys like me.

Justine Hanna : But you have to be present like a normal guy some of the time. That's sharing. This is not sharing, this is leftovers.
Vincent Hanna : Alright, so what I should do is, uhm, come home and say "Hi Honey, guess what? I walked into this house today where this junkie asshole just fried his baby in a microwave because it was crying too loud, so let me share that with you."

Vincent Hanna : Who? Who? What are you, a fucking owl?

Justine Hanna : In a way, you're a party to this.
Vincent Hanna : Oh yeah, I made Ralph fuck you because it makes me feel good.

Albert Torena : Where's your empathy, brother? It's a substance abuse problem.
Vincent Hanna : Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my motherfucking time.

Vincent Hanna : Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses, a woman's ass, something comes out of me.

Vincent Hanna : You saw a guy on the street, who's an ex-con?
Richard: That's right
Vincent Hanna : Well, I am over-fucking-whelmed.
what is freedom of expression? without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist - salman rushdie
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Mesajde Cristy » Lun Sep 13, 2004 7:11 pm

The Butterfly effect
Kayley's Dad: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!
Evan : Been there, done that.

Evan : Thumper , what's the time ?
Thumper : Think you're smart ? *beep* you , frat boy ! (Faza asta a fost super tare .. tradus a fost ceva de genul : Sa te sparg la mufarina , bulache ! ) =))
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Membru din: Joi Iul 08, 2004 11:00 pm

Butterfly effect

Mesajde Rated X » Joi Sep 16, 2004 1:06 am

In butterfly effect a doua scena a intalniri dintre tata si fiu, cand Evan incearca sa afle cum sa indrepte lucrurile. Cand am vazut asta pt prima data am simtit "fiorul".

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Mesajde Cristy » Dum Sep 26, 2004 5:12 pm

My precious ~a
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Mesajde matzaa » Dum Dec 05, 2004 2:32 am

lol..da..my precioussssssssssssssssss...sau era o faza din terminator3 cand arnold ala io zis la unu ''talk to the hand'' sau ceva de genu'creca faza era atunci cand ducea nush ce sicriu cu arme sau numai tin io bene minte..da cam asha ceva era
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Membru din: Lun Noi 29, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde matzaa » Dum Dec 05, 2004 2:37 am

sau mai era o faza din scary movie3 cu fata aia monstruletz care vine sai o moare pe aia..si una dintre ei o inceput sai zica la fata ceva de genu''te intelegem cai trecut prin ff multe..ca mama ta nu te iubea.si ca nai avut parte de familie etc..)si dup aia cica se vede o lacrima curgand pe obrazu fetei monstruletz si dintro data ii luminata si se schimba intrun inger..si aia incepe sa zica''multzumesc ca matzi scos de sub vraja blestemului..va sunt recunoscatoare bla bla''si una intreaba''really'' da dintro data fata monstruletz se schimba din nou cum era si zice''neeeeeeeeee im just screwing with ya''..sa mor ceam ras la faza asta..fain ce sa zic
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Mesajde ValiEnte » Lun Dec 20, 2004 6:41 pm

in city of angels ,cand se arunca nicholas cage bupa un bloc,si directorul il filmeaza lent din spate
in matrix reloaded cand intra smith sa se bata cu neo.. ~y
Istoria incepe sa se razbune...
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Membru din: Joi Sep 16, 2004 11:00 pm

Mesajde theOffender » Mar Dec 21, 2004 6:41 am

Bad Santa. Billy Bob Thornton joaca rolul lui Santa, Tony Cox e un elf.

Billy Bob Thornton: You know, I think I've turned a corner.
Tony Cox: Yeah? You fucking petites now?
Billy Bob Thornton: No, I'm not talking about that. I beat the shit out of some kids today. But it was for a purpose. It made me feel good about myself. It was like I did something constructive with my life or something, I dunno, like I accomplished something.
Tony Cox: You need many years of therapy. Many, many, many fuckin' years of therapy

Lauren Graham: Do you like children?
Billy Bob Thornton: Fuck no! Do you think I'm some kind of pervert?

Bernie Mac: You got some lip on you, huh?
Tony Cox: Yeah, well these lips were on your wife's pussy last night. Ought to dust that thing off every once in a while!
what is freedom of expression? without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist - salman rushdie
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Membru din: Lun Iul 19, 2004 11:00 pm

Mesajde Aliosha » Lun Ian 17, 2005 5:56 am

[Chris and Paulie just botched a hit on a Russian gangster, and are lost in the woods. They call Tony, and get a bad reception]
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Listen to me, this guy was a Russian green beret. He was in the ministry of the interior or something. He single-handedly killed 16 Chechen rebels. Be fucking careful.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: All right.
[hangs up]
Christopher Moltisanti: What did he say?
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: He said the guy killed 16 Czechoslovakians, and he was an interior decorator.
Christopher Moltisanti: Interior decorator? His appartment looked like shit.

Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri: The world really went downhill, since 9/11. You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Who did what?
Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri: You know, the middle east. The end of the world.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Nostradamus. Quasimodo's the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri: Oh, right. Notredamus.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Nostradamus and Notre Dame, that's two things different completely.
Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri: It's interesting that they'd be so similar, though. You know, I always thought "Ok, you got the hunchback of Notre Dame. But you also got your quarterback and your headback of Notre Dame".
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Notre Dame's a fucking cathedral!
Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri: Obviously, I know. I'm just saying. It's interesting, the coincidences. What, you're gonna tell me you never pondered that?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: No!
"Against modern football."
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Mesajde vali » Lun Ian 17, 2005 8:20 am

lumea se uita la sopranos :))

Paulie: You wanna be Santa Claus?
Bobby: No, i can't
Paulie: Why not?
Bobby: I don't know how
Paulie: Yes, you do. You ask them what they want for christmas, you give them a little present and thats' it
Bobby: No
Paulie: The boss of this family says you're Santa Claus. You're Santa Claus. So shut up about it.
Tony: C'mon, doctor, five minutes
Doctor: You know where the emergency room is and I've just finished a 18 hour shift.
Tony B: Any gunshots or broken kneecaps?
John: I'm at the hospital getting my yearly check. I've been waiting for this fucking doctor for an hour. Come in the city tonight. We'll sit down
Tony: No offence, John, but i have an IQ of 140. It's been tested.
John: Ok. Come by the house tomorrow.
Tony: Come on, John!
John: You thing i'm gonna give u amazze with Jeanie upstairs? And Tony, alone! I'm not having Phill or anyone else.
Dr Melfi: I've let myself be charmed by a sociopath.
some people deserve to die
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Mesajde nocturna » Lun Ian 17, 2005 10:10 am

din cauza de Shawshank Redemption, care a fost re-reluat de TVR1:

Red: Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
Red: These walls are kind of funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, gets so you depend on them. That's institutionalized. They send you here for life, that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyways.
Red: You're gonna fit right in. Everyone in here is innocent. Heywood, what're you in here for?
Heywood: Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me.
Red: (narrating) I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.
Andy: (on Red's harmonica playing)...You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's a - there's a - there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch.
Andy: That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you.
Boggs: Now, I'm gonna open my fly and you're gonna swallow what I give ya to swallow. And when you swallow mine you're gonna swallow Rooster's cause ya done broke his nose and I think he oughta have something to show for it.
Andy: Anything you put in my mouth you're gonna lose.
Boggs: Naw, you don't understand. You do that and I'll put all eight inches of steel in your ear.
Andy: All right. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar.
Andy: Maybe you should try a new career.
Tommy: What's that?
Andy: I said, since you don't have much success as a thief, you should try a new career.
Tommy: Oh, yeah? Well, what do you know about it, Al Capone? What're you in here for?
Andy: Me? Lawyer fucked me. Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that?
Andy: I had to go to prison to become a criminal.
"Sunt un om. Mi se pare ca e de ajuns"

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Mesajde vali » Dum Ian 23, 2005 10:23 pm

the sopranos - 212 - the knight in white satin armor
richie aprile si junior conspirau sa il omoare pe tony. junior schimba foaia si ii spune lui tony ca richie incearca sa il omoare.
bada bing. tony se intalneste cu silvio, the consigliere
(metallica-the memory remains pe fundal)

silvio: what's up, T ?
tony: my future brother in law has caused a serious problem.
silvio: how serious?
tony: he is not satisfied with the current leadership. he wants to have me popped.
silvio: that motherfucker!
tony: now i have to decide what to do about it.
[silvio face 2-3 pasi si se gandeste o clipa]
silvio: i generally don't think there's anything to gain by keeping him around.
tony: get it done.
some people deserve to die
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Mesajde Oribilul Mosh » Mar Feb 01, 2005 12:34 am

Desi a fost mai mult decat o drama, Million Dollar Baby a avut si cateva momente umoristice, in special datorita personajului interpretat de Morgan Freeman, un fost boxer acum trecut de 60 de ani...care lucra ca ingrijitor la o sala de antrenamente.

Mai jos dialog intre Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) si Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Morgan Freeman) :

Frankie il gaseste pe Scrap...descaltat si cu picioarele pe biroul sau....

Frankie : Unde-ti sunt pantofii ?
Scrap : Nu sunt in picioare.
Frankie : Ai gauri mari in ciorapi.
Scrap : A, nu sunt chiar atat de mari.
Frankie : Nu ti-am dat bani de unii noi ?
Scrap : Astia sunt ciorapii de dormit.Le place sa aiba aer noaptea.
Frankie : Si de ce-i porti in timpul zilei ?
Scrap : Pentru ca cei de zi au prea multe gauri in ei.
Frankie : Daca iti mai dau bani, iti iei altii noi ?
Scrap : As fi tentat, dar nu as putea sa spun cu siguranta.
IEZECHIIL 25.17: Voi săvârşi asupra lor cumplită răzbunare prin pedepse grozave şi vor cunoaşte ca eu sunt Domnul, când voi săvârşi asupra lor răzbunarea mea.
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Mesajde Cristy » Sâm Mar 26, 2005 7:54 pm

Idle Hands [ 1999 ]
Anton: Hey, I didn't kill anyone on purpose, okay!
Mick: Yeah well we weren't in hell! I mean there was this bright white light at the end of a long tunnel, right, and there was these chicks' voices, and that music...
Anton: Music?
Pnub: Yeah kinda uncool music, like, Enya. And these chicks' voices they were saying "Come to us, come towards the light".
Anton: So what happened?
Mick: We figured, fuck it, I mean it was really far!

Mick: I'm gonna go call 911. What's the number?

Mick: [to 911 operator] There is something wrong with my friend, I think he smoked some nutmeg or something.

Anton: We're gathered here today... um... because you're all dead.

Mick: [holding an electric carving knife] Look at me! Look at me! I'm Leatherface!

Pnub: Why would we go to hell? We're not bad, we're not exactly good or anything but atleast we don't go around killing people!

Anton: Everybody go home there's a psycho killer here! I cut off my hand, and now it's gonna kill you all!

[after the anticlimactic destruction of the hand]
Mick: That's it? That's it? No explosions, no hellfire, no -
[screeches demonically]
Mick: I mean, no, I'm glad everybody's all right, but... that was weak.

Pnub: As usual, marijuana saves an otherwise disastrous day.

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Membru din: Joi Iul 08, 2004 11:00 pm

Mesajde v1n3ri » Sâm Mar 26, 2005 11:10 pm

Nu mai stiu filmu'. Ceva cu un politist...Ideea e ca era tare faza aia cu "Do You Feel Lucky, Punk?". Poa' stiti voi de ce film e vorva :).
Doar doua lucruri sunt infinite: universul si prostia umana. In legatura cu universul nu sunt sigur.
E o onoare sa fiu ignorat de gabuba.
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Membru din: Lun Noi 29, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde vali » Dum Mar 27, 2005 3:51 am

e vorba de dirty harry, clint eastwood
some people deserve to die
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Mesajde The Tzar » Lun Mar 28, 2005 10:47 pm

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

*Winston: Charles, get the rifle out. We're being fucked.


*George Costanza : It's not a lie, if you believe it
-No one’s bigger idiot than me


*Robert Rebadow: Just 'cause I talk to God doesn't mean I'm crazy.

*Augustus Hill: Remember when your high school history teacher said that the course of human events changes 'cause of the deeds of great men. Well, the bitch was lying. Fuck Caesar, fuck Lincoln, fuck Mahatma Gandhi. The world keeps moving cause of you and me, the anonymous. Revolutions get going cause there ain't enough bread. Wars happen over a game of checkers.

*Augustus Hill: Death is certain. Life is not.
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Membru din: Lun Dec 13, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde Thug_01 » Mie Mar 30, 2005 3:47 am

Mie imi plac toate frazele rostite de Kramer, dar mai ales asta:

"I see no Changes, I wake up in the morning and I ask myself / Is life worth living should I blast myself"
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Membru din: Lun Mar 21, 2005 12:00 am

Mesajde danecu » Joi Apr 14, 2005 8:51 pm

Hasta la vista baby,I'll be back(unele din putinele replici ale lui Arnold din Terminatorul lui Cameron),
yipeekiya mother fuckers(Bruce Willis in DieHard 2,cand arunca bricheta aprinsa spre dara de benzina lasata de avionul cu teroristi care decolase....superb)
fuck the fucking fuckers
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Membru din: Dum Mai 30, 2004 11:00 pm

moving still-pictures

Mesajde sol » Mie Apr 27, 2005 5:25 am

I'm a sucker for key-scenes unde cuvantul, daca exista, e contrapunct. Mozart dictand lui Saglieri recviemul, sacul cu var rasturnat peste corpul alunecat din sicriul care mai trebe si altdat... La vita e bella colectie de asemenea faze, la plesneala cavalcada pe calul verde, Pisica alba-pisica neagra, doar ca aici Bregovici pluseaza si el, oricum e fara cuvinte, Al Pacino si Michelle Pfeifer si-n spatele lor oblonul tras al florariei care inunda scena... escalada pe nasul unuia dintre tipii de pe Muntele Rushmore, partida de sah de pe scena rulanta in timpul unei urmariri din fratii Marx, finalul din Andrei Riublov, cand ajungem la opera si explodeaza culoarea ... jumatate din scenele lui Tarkovski sunt mute iar celelalte spun cu totul altceva decat imaginea: cuvantul contrapunct in arta filmului ma atrage mai mult decat replica declaratie, pentru asa ceva aven netul dar si acolo...
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Mesajde vali » Sâm Mai 14, 2005 8:01 am

seinfled, sezonul 4, the implant
teri hatcher - and by the way, they're real and they're spectacular!!
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Mesajde bhuttu » Sâm Mai 14, 2005 1:21 pm

Postu' asta e in plus, da' uite una simpatica din ultimul film ep care l-am vazut, After The Sunset.

O Salma Hayek mai buna decat am vazut-o oriunde altundeva, intorcandu-se de la lectiile de tenis:
"My teacher says I have the best backside he's ever seen."
"That's backhand."
If there's a war, we'll all fight!
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Mesajde Cristy » Mie Iun 01, 2005 5:26 pm

Cateva din citatele mele preferate dintr-un film excelent , Sin City
Marv: [narrating] Walk down the right back alley in Sin City, and you can find anything...


Marv: I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.


[a grenade lands at his feet]
Dwight: And everything seemed to be going so well.


Marv: What if I'm wrong? I've got a condition. I get confused sometimes. What if I've imagined all this? What if I've finally turned into what they've always said I would turn into? A maniac. A psycho killer.


Dwight: It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying, sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.


John Hartigan: An old man dies. A young girl lives. A fair trade. I love you, Nancy.


Marv: It's going to be blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back !
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Mesajde Amaterasu » Mie Iun 01, 2005 6:57 pm

replica din second Hand - capodopera romanului filosof:

- Daca esti bun, nu esti neaparat si prost...

, apoi cei doi protagonisti schimba 3 sec priviri pline de subinteles (ma asteptam din mom in mom sa apara Stef Banica JR cu "Simti?!").. si cam asta e scena.
Sunt ura falselor feline, surprinse-n perne adormite...
Oderint dum metuant.
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Mesajde mikutzul » Mie Iun 01, 2005 7:59 pm

"Averea dumitale domnita, doua buzisoare, doua tatisoare"
Ilarion Ciobanu si Florin Piersic
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Localitate: kinky land

Mesajde vali » Dum Iun 19, 2005 9:42 am

We got to find a donor. Someone has to die for Mike to live. I'm his father, it's me.

John Q, 2002
some people deserve to die
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Mesajde bhuttu » Lun Iun 27, 2005 9:03 pm

O replica din clasicul Cold Mountain :) care s epotriveste bine cu starea mea de zilele astea intr-un fel ciudatel:
"He always smiles, he means nothing by it. And I'm telling you, there is nothing in this world worth a smile"
Brendan Gleeson catre Ray Winstone. Frumos!

Sunt la ananghie, si tot nu ma gandesc la Dumnezeu. Ma gandesc la prietenii mei. La Dumnezeu ma gandesc in restu timpului. :)
If there's a war, we'll all fight!
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Membru din: Dum Apr 21, 2002 11:00 pm

Mesajde vali » Mar Iul 19, 2005 7:29 am

the sopranos, sezonul 2, eps 12

tony - those who want respect, give respect
ritchie - see, he just told you to shut the fuck up...and he told me to go fuck myself.
some people deserve to die
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Mesajde vali » Sâm Iul 23, 2005 2:18 pm

sin city, 2005

kil him, marv. kill him good!
some people deserve to die
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