
De-asa vremi se-nvrednicira cronicarii si rapsozii...


Mesajde Sargon » Joi Iul 01, 2004 5:48 pm

Bem, eu sou brasileiro, moro no Brasil e tenho 20 anos de idade. Meu nome é Cleber. Gostaria muito de aprender romeno por isto me inscrevi neste fórum, acho que o contato e ficar lendo as mensagens podem aumentar meu vocabulário em romeno e me ajudar a aprender a lí­ngua. Só que eu praticamente ní£o sei nada de romeno, por isso estou aprendendo aos poucos, mas se puderem me ajudar, agradecerei muito.
Ok! Valew a todos! Algumas coisas eu já sei, como lí­ngua em Romeno que pude entender que é limba, e sim e ní£o que seriam da e nu. Fora outras palavras que a gente acaba compreendendo por também ser uma lí­ngua latina!
Now, I go to say some thing in English:
My name is Cleber and I live in Brazil. I have 20 years of age and I always wanted to learn to speak Rumanian. Therefore I am here. I do not know practically nothing of the Rumanian language, but I am made use to learn to the few. I would adore if you could help me and would be very grateful.
Thank you!
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Mesajde pacha » Sâm Iul 03, 2004 9:57 pm

Salut boierule,
care e problema?Cum te putem ajuta ?(como te pudemos ajudar ?)
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Mesajde Sargon » Dum Iul 11, 2004 11:57 pm

Vocíªs conhecem algum site ou livro para que eu possa aprender Romeno?
Algo Romeno-Portuguíªs?
Queria mesmo aprender a falar Romeno, se puder me indicar algo, ficarei muito grato.
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Mesajde piskeshu » Lun Iul 12, 2004 11:25 am

If you want so bad, I could help you learn romanian. For only 200 USD, I will send you the complete package of "Learning Romanian in one week". Send me a p.m. for more details.
Prezumtia de prostie se aplica tuturor !!!
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Mesajde stefan » Mar Iul 13, 2004 11:04 pm

Boa tarde,

eu nao penso que existe em Romania um site para aprender a lingua romena por estrangeiros. Voce pode tentar OK, that's just about what I could make of my portuguese, and I had to look up two words in a dictionary... So, what I wanted to say is you are more likely to find books that can be ordered on the Internet on this, rather than sites, and Amazon would be a good place to start. Especially if you know english. You are more likely to find books for learning romanian written in english rather than in portuguese.

If you want English-Romanian dictionaries, there are some online, just google for "roman englez".
subpolar homesick fane

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Mesajde nocturna » Mar Iul 13, 2004 11:18 pm

deci ce n-am intzeles io, cine ie boa tarde asta? :D
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Mesajde tester » Mar Iul 13, 2004 11:26 pm

lol vezi daca nu stii limbi straine,
a dat si stefan binetze omului cu buna seara. :D
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Mesajde stefan » Mie Iul 14, 2004 12:20 am

Nocturno, nush prea bine, cre ca e frate cu rasdaq, ala de-l cauta nusce tanti sa-l bage la puscarie.
subpolar homesick fane

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Mesajde nocturna » Mie Iul 14, 2004 8:59 am

pai io credeam ca-i un fel de sherpe boa mai intarziat asha. deh, ce-tz ie shi cu francejii ashtia. :D
"Sunt un om. Mi se pare ca e de ajuns"

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Mesajde eyewitness » Mie Iul 14, 2004 9:08 am

hehehe, nu jtia fane cand si unde ii vor fi folosituare orele de portugheza unde-si pierdea tinpu in serile friguruase de iarna in loc sa studieze cu prietenii din lirica daneza :D
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Mesajde gabuba » Mie Iul 14, 2004 12:11 pm

saracu' om daca citeste discutia asta ce-o sa creada? ca l-am facut la buzunare? :D
- S-a strans toată lumea?
- Toţi in păr!
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Mesajde tester » Mie Iul 14, 2004 1:40 pm

uiei, daca intelege astea se va descurca lejer pe teritoriul dacic.
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Mesajde eyewitness » Mie Iul 14, 2004 1:44 pm

teritoriu dacic care fie vorba intre noi si rigla de suflet ie leaganu civilizatiei ieuropene si locu de bash(t)ina a stramosului ieoropean, nu?
If you want to be a hippie, put a flower in your peepee
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Mesajde memetshot » Mie Iul 14, 2004 1:47 pm

Unde stramosii lumii au folosit pentru prima uara un prezervativo (santeleaga si portughezobrazilianu ( ceva) vulcanizato spartus
I'm sorry, but the position of annoying, incoherent talking animal has already been taken
meropi, ramane cum am stabilit
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Mesajde tester » Mie Iul 14, 2004 1:57 pm

beton ~p

shh ca acuma intra cu vreo clona sa ne zica, cum i-am colonizat noi pe brazilienii ajtia, si ca de fapt d-aia se bucura el cand iau aia cupele. Brasil (sa inteleaga si omu ceva)
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Mesajde eyewitness » Mie Iul 14, 2004 2:02 pm

sigur ne gaseste iel un linc obscur unde se argumenteaza ca burebista ,dupa ce a ars viile si a dat-o pe bere caraiman sh-a trimis fiu cel mezin pe amazon sa le futa pe aborijene ca tarabostencele nuastre ierea cam frijide de la berea caraiman
If you want to be a hippie, put a flower in your peepee
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Mesajde tester » Mie Iul 14, 2004 2:12 pm

sau a dat tezaurul tzarii pentru sponsorizarea lui columb, pentru a se gasi raspunsul la eterna intrebare, e pamantul rotund, si daca da , e gaurit la poli?
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Mesajde pnic » Mie Iul 14, 2004 2:18 pm

Ie gaurit neica, habarnai. Pai pe unde palaria mea sa treaca axa de rotatie, trebe acolosha un lagar radial-axial la polu sud, altu , se poate si numa radial la polu nord. Faceti mishto de bietu sulica fara sa aprofundati stiintific problema.
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Mesajde tester » Mie Iul 14, 2004 2:21 pm

am uitat de axa, tu itzi dai seama cata vaselina trebe? Fara ajutorul extraterestrilor si al astrologilor ne-am opri pur si simplu.
Rehab is for Quitters
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Mesajde Sargon » Joi Iul 15, 2004 10:50 am

Obrigado pelas respostas, se bem que ní£o entendi metade delas, ainda, já que agora eu encontrei um site para aprender Romeno e já comecei, logo poderei entender vocíªs melhor. Para ajudar, gostaria de pedir se ní£o for demais, que me indicassem uns bons cantores ou grupos de "muzica" romena para eu procurar e ouvir. Agradeí§o e podem responder em romeno, francíªs, inglíªs ou portuguíªs que eu me viro pra entender.
I found some sites to learn Rumanian, in English. I will go to try to learn now with the aid of them.
I also want to make a question, that singer, band or Rumanian group of music, you could indicate so that I can hear some good music in Rumanian?
Je vais faire une question, de cette fois dans Franí§ais aussi. Quel chanteur, chanteuse, bande ou groupe de musique roumaine, vous pouvez indiquer pour que je puisse entendre quelque musique bonne en roumain ?
Thanks, Merci, Obrigado!
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Mesajde Oribilul Mosh » Dum Iul 18, 2004 7:03 pm

Hello, my brazilian friend. Please , be nice ...and traslate into English following lyrics. It's from a melody that I like it very much and all the romanian like it.
Many thanks.
Your friend, Gabriel from Titan , Bucharest, Romania

Já sei namorar
Já sei beijar de lí­ngua
Agora só me resta sonhar
Já sei aonde ir
Já sei onde ficar
Agora só me falta sair

Ní£o tenho paciíªncia p´ra televisí£o
Eu ní£o sou audiíªncia para solidí£o
Eu sou de ninguém
Eu sou de todo mundo e
Todo mundo me quer bem
Eu sou de ninguém
Eu sou de todo mundo e
Todo mundo é meu também

Já sei namorar
Já sei chutar a bola
Agora só me falta ganhar
Ní£o tenho juí­zo
Se vocíª quer apto em jogo
Eu quero é ser feliz

Ní£o tenho paciíªncia p´ra televisí£o
Eu ní£o sou audiíªncia para solidí£o
Eu sou de ninguém
Eu sou de todo mundo e
Todo mundo me quer bem
Eu sou de ninguém
Eu sou de todo mundo e
Todo mundo é meu também

Tí´ te querendo
Como mingúem
To te querendo
Como Deus quiser
To te querendo
Como te quero
To te querendo
Como se quer
IEZECHIIL 25.17: Voi săvârşi asupra lor cumplită răzbunare prin pedepse grozave şi vor cunoaşte ca eu sunt Domnul, când voi săvârşi asupra lor răzbunarea mea.
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Mesajde stefan » Dum Iul 18, 2004 8:38 pm

Refrenul e simplu:

N-am rabdare ca sa ma uit la televizor
Nu sunt ??? pentru singuratate (<audiencia> are mai multe sensuri, n-am gasit unul sa se potriveasca)
Sunt de nicaieri
Sunt din toata lumea si toata lumea ma iubeste mult (ultimele 2 versuri se repeta)

Prima strofa zice ceva de genul:

"Stiu deja sa ma indragostesc
Stiu sa sarut cu limba (sa bag limba-n gura, na)
Nu-mi ramane decat sa visez
Stiu deja unde sa merg
Stiu deja unde sa stau (locuiesc?)
Nu-mi mai lipseste decat sa plec"

Si a doua:
"Deja stiu sa ma indragostesc
Deja stiu sa lovesc (ca sa nu zic "sutez") mingea
Nu-mi mai lipseste decat sa castig
Nu am discernamant (?)
Daca tu vrei sa fii apt in joc (furculision!)
Eu vreau doar sa fiu fericit"

Daca mai revine baiatu' din Brazilia, poate ma caznesc sa fac si varianta engleza. Ce-i asta, vreun imn al futebolistilor din Brasil?
subpolar homesick fane

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Mesajde pacha » Dum Iul 18, 2004 10:27 pm

Sargon ,mon fils
Si tu parle le francais et l'anglais tu n'as pa besoin d'apprendre la langue roumain.A l'aide de cettes deux langues tu pourais parler avec n'importe qui ,sur le vieux teritoire des dacs.
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Mesajde Oribilul Mosh » Dum Iul 18, 2004 11:26 pm

Merci frumos, stefane !
Melodia e din reclama de la zapp. O melodie la umbla si prin discoteci acum.
Tribalistas - Já Sei Namorar
IEZECHIIL 25.17: Voi săvârşi asupra lor cumplită răzbunare prin pedepse grozave şi vor cunoaşte ca eu sunt Domnul, când voi săvârşi asupra lor răzbunarea mea.
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Oribilul Mosh
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Salut, Traductions....

Mesajde Sargon » Mie Iul 21, 2004 8:19 am

Je veux apprendre Roumain parce que j'ai intéríªt dans des langues et non seulement pour pouvoir me communiquer dans le Romíªnia. Premier j'ordonne la traduction dans Franí§ais, que plus je suis habitué.
Later I will place the translation in English. I asked for good musics in Rumanian and your orders a Brazilian music to me that I heard very here in the last year. But, all good.

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Je Sais Déjà Flirter

Mesajde Sargon » Mie Iul 21, 2004 8:25 am

(Dans Portugais, comme en Roumain, s'utilise peu de "Je" ; si la traduction était littérale serait: Déjí  sais flirter)

Je sais déjí  flirter
Je sais déjí  embrasser de langue¹
Maintenant, il ne me reste plus qu’í  ríªver
Je sais déjí  oí¹ aller
Je sais déjí  oí¹ rester
Maintenant, il ne me reste plus qu’í  sortir
Je n’ai pas de patience pour la télévision
Je n’ai pas d’audience pour la solitude
Je suis de personne
Je suis de tout le monde
Et toute le monde m’aime bien
Je suis de personne
Je suis de tout le monde
Et tout le monde est aussi a moi.
Je sais déjí  flirter,
Je sais déjí  repousser² la balle
Maintenant, il ne me reste plus qu’í  gagner
Je n’ai pas de juge
Si tu veux ta vie en jeu
Je veux est íªtre heureux
Je n’ai pas de patience pour la télévision
Je n’ai pas d’audience pour la solitude
Je suis de personne
Je suis de tout le monde
Et toute le monde m’aime bien
Je suis de personne
Je suis de tout le monde
Et tout le monde est aussi a moi.
³Je t’aime comme personne
Je t’aime comme Dieu le veut
Je te veux comme je t’aime
Je t’aime comme il se veut.

¹Difficile trouver une traduction pour cela, c'est qu'au Brésil, il y a la ‘Beijo de lí­ngua’, qu'est le baiser oí¹ un sent la langue de l'autre dans la bouche.
²Ici le mot est ‘chutar’. Je ne sais pas la traduction correcte dans Franí§ais. Ce serait ‘kick’ ; dans Anglais.
³Dans Portugais, ‘Tí´’ est une abréviation pour ‘Estou’, que signifie ‘Suis’.
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Mesajde Sargon » Mie Iul 21, 2004 10:42 am

Is complicated to translate this music for the English, fine. Mainly because in Portuguese many words and verbs exist that only have translation approached for the English. As for example, "namorar". Namorar in Portuguese is a verb that it means to start one namoro or to be in one namoro (to have one girlfriend, boyfriend)
Namoro is a relationship, that precedes the engagement.
To be “namorando” somebody, does not mean to be loving this person, therefore the translation of namorar to love is incomplete.

¹Now I know to love (court)
Now I know to kiss with tongue
Now I'm only left to dream

I now know how to go
I now know how to stay firm
Now I only have to part

Don't have patience for television
I’m not audience for solitude
I belong to no one
I belong the whole world
and the whole world wants me fine
I belong to no one
I belong the whole world
and the whole world is mine also

Now I know how to court
Now I know to kick the ball
Now I only have to win
I dont have judgment
If you want whistle in game²
I want to be happy

Don't have patience for television
I’m not audience for solitude
I belong to no one
I belong the whole world
and the whole world wants me fine
I belong to no one
I belong the whole world
and the whole world is mine also

I am wanting you, like nobody ³
I am wanting you, like God would
I am wanting you, like I want you
I am wanting you, like you to want

¹ I delayed to decide me between “now” and “already”. Here also the commentary fits of that in Portuguese "I" (Eu) is used little, a literal and impossible translation in the English would be: “Already, know how to court.”
² Two versions exist, for me the correct one are of the whistle, to another one would be this: “If you want life to be a game”. “If you want whistle in game”, it means: if you want rules in game, in the case of music, the game of the love, of the desire.
³ There, to want is with the meaning to desire, to like, to possess.
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Membru din: Joi Iul 01, 2004 5:00 pm
Localitate: Brasil

Mesajde stefan » Sâm Iul 24, 2004 7:23 am

Sargon, I can't seem to understand the second line of the first verse, what would the guy mean by "I'm not audience to solitude"? Anyway, I think you meant "Now I only have to depart" (or something similar, no?).

I've provided the romanian translation - the chorus first, then the two verses. I left the final part (with "To ...") out, since I didn't understand it. Thanks for enlightening me. I don't remember you asking for good romanian music, but anyway, are you interested in lyrics or music? I could try and translate some Romanian lyrics for you, you can pick one from here:
subpolar homesick fane

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Mesajde Sargon » Dum Iul 25, 2004 11:57 am

Sal Stefan!

I will try to explain, for you, what mean the second line of the first verse.
"Eu ní£o sou audiíªncia para solidí£o".
"Audiíªncia", in Portuguese, is the soma of peoples who watch one program of television determined or station of radio.
For example, we say that one television program has much "audiíªncia", when it is watched by many people. When many televisions are joined in this program.

This phrase wants to mean that when we watch in the television, either seeing a film romantic or a novel, we are alone in the sofa, in house.
As the author of music says, I do not have patience to see television, because I do not want to be plus one to be alone. I do not want to be audience for the solitude, or either, I do not want to be alone in front of the TV.

I wait that I have helped. Thank you very much, for indicating me where I can catch lyrics. I will give one looked in lyrics. Later, I will download of the Net those that I think it is pretty and interesting. You he would advise some to me in special?
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Membru din: Joi Iul 01, 2004 5:00 pm
Localitate: Brasil

Mesajde stefan » Lun Iul 26, 2004 12:26 am

Well, I had kind of figured that out, eventually. In Romanian, "audienta" is the same as "audiencia" in Portuguese, but I probably took the line literally at first.

I don't know if you can find much Romanian music on the Internet, but you have some links on this forum:

Unfortunately, only one of the links (maybe two) work, but you have there some traditional Romanian music to listen to. If you want to try DC++, you might want to check out Romanian hubs. I don't know what bands/artists to recommend, it depends a lot on your tastes.
subpolar homesick fane

"This here post might offend you some
If it doesn't it's because you're dumb"
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