A murit Richard Burns

Forum dedicat sporturilor mecanice.

A murit Richard Burns

Mesajde whatever » Lun Noi 28, 2005 7:49 pm

Am aflat ieri ca fostul campion mondial la FIA World Rally din 2001, englezul Richard Burns a decedat in urma unei tumori pe creier. Nu mai urmaream raliurile de multa vreme, dar Burns era pilotul meu preferat pana prin 2002 cand ma mai uitam, si am ramas tare intristat cand am auzit tragica veste.

Aici e comunicatul de pe site'ul sau oficial (http://www.richardburns.com)

"It is with very great sadness that we must announce the death of Richard Burns, the 2001 FIA World Rally Champion. Burns, who was diagnosed with an astrocytoma, a form of brain tumour, in November 2003 passed away last night Friday 25th November peacefully. His partner Zoe, family and close friends were at his bedside.

From the outset Richard knew that the odds were heavily against him and yet he fought his illness with bravery and good humour. Having undergone both chemotherapy and radiotherapy he was able to leave hospital in summer 2004. For a while his health showed signs of improvement but then after six months it once again began to decline. Determined not to give up, he opted for surgery earlier this year. This alleviated some of the symptoms of his illness and enabled him to remain active. At Castle Combe in August he attended a parade of the rally cars that he drove throughout his career and was touched by the warmth of the reception he received. However there was to be no miracle and in recent days he lapsed into a coma.

The media, friends and fans are asked to respect the family’s privacy at this time. There will be a private funeral and instead of flowers the family would ask that donations be sent to Cancer Research. Anyone who would like to send messages should address them to the memorials pages on this website. http://www.richard-burns.co.uk/memorials

The date of a memorial service will be announced shortly. "

Richard Burns, Age: 34
Born: Reading, Berkshire – 17 January 1971

Odihneasca-se in pace.
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Membru din: Dum Feb 15, 2004 12:00 am

Mesajde MiG29 » Mar Noi 29, 2005 3:46 pm

pacat de el.Si mie mi-a placut mult de Richard, tot atunci cand ma uitam la WRC, mai ales cand a fost pe Subaru.

The Earth is full.GO HOME!
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Mesajde maxx1nsane » Mie Noi 30, 2005 12:03 am

Odihneasca-se in pace. :(
FX47 - wish | more
Can U feel it?...I don't think so...
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Mesajde V@lentino Rossi » Vin Aug 04, 2006 9:21 pm

ohhhhh goooooddddddddd :( ... Dumnezeu sa-l ierte! :-< numa vesti proaste!
V@lentino Rossi
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Mesaje: 110
Membru din: Vin Aug 04, 2006 9:19 pm
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Mesajde nbm » Vin Aug 04, 2006 10:51 pm

bai, omule, din ce ceruri ai picat? tu te-ai uitat la data la care a fost scris necrologul?
acush se face anul...
GOD must love STUPID PEOPLE. HE made SO MANY!!!
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Mesajde V@lentino Rossi » Vin Aug 04, 2006 11:01 pm

dar eu abia m-am inscris pe forum! :-| oricand e bine sa pomenesti un om! ;) .. nu conteaza ziua sau ora! :-?? ... eu am ziso din suflet! ... pt mine inca mai concureaza... chiar are un joc pe calculator cu numele sau! :-| crek stiati asta! :) :D
V@lentino Rossi
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Mesajde baixinho© » Sâm Aug 05, 2006 10:20 am

Rossi, nu mai dezgropa threaduri pe care nu s-a mai scris de luni de zile, indiferent de motivul pentru care postezi. ce sa inteleg acum, ca te vei duce pe threadul dedicat trupei Beatles si o sa trantesti un "Dumnezeu sa-l ierte pe John Lennon"?

care stie sa sparga conturi de yahoo si are nevoie de nejte banutzi, sa-m dea pimeu. da sa nu vina cu programe d-alea de sa trimit vechiul cont + noul cont si noua parola la nuj ce adresa ca-l injur de mama. (imi asum responsabilitatea acestui anunt)
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Mesajde V@lentino Rossi » Sâm Aug 05, 2006 3:43 pm

nup! sorry .. dar nu aveam unde sa ma descarc! :-?? atata tot! ... :-/ oke am inteles!
V@lentino Rossi
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Mesaje: 110
Membru din: Vin Aug 04, 2006 9:19 pm
Localitate: Pe circuit!

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