How evil are you?

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How evil are you?

Mesajde diablo_pECi » Vin Feb 24, 2006 1:48 pm

dupa cum am vazut testele astea ie popolare asha ca uite inca unu shanume cat de malefic ejt

uite shanume linku

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

The Devil
Desent human being
Going to Hell
25% bine de jtiut ca am potentzial
sigur nu intereseaza pe nimeni semnatura asta
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Mesajde Shaki » Vin Feb 24, 2006 1:59 pm

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Desent human being 67%
Saint 63%
The Devil 21%
Going to Hell 17%

sunt sfanta, fac soft sex shi o sa ma sinucid. deci nu face-tzi k mine :D
aliatzi, right? :D

A little girl went out to play, lost in the marketplace as if half-born...
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Mesajde sin ella » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:03 pm

dar desent ce-nseamna ca io n-am mai auzit pana acum? sau o fi fost facut testul de rusi :zambet: ?
sin ella
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Mesajde Weet-weet » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:11 pm

Adauga la lista si "purly" "amuzment"...

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Desent human being 58%
The Devil 33%
Going to Hell 29%
Saint 17%

Lol sunt doar decenta si prea putin sfanta.. nimic nou.. Dar credeam ca am mai multe sanse sa ma duc in iad, lol; daca ma mai si sinucid, poate am o sansa ~p
Anti pro-ana
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Mesajde Arthemis » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:22 pm

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Desent human being


The Devil




Going to Hell


sunt o sfanta! :a:
I've got PMS and a gun, don't push it!
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Mesajde eyewitness » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:33 pm

ce se-nghesuie fetele la testu asta sa-si demonstreze cat de sfinte sunt. fetelor, nu va mai obositi cu testu, va spunem noi, sunteti dracu...gol :D
If you want to be a hippie, put a flower in your peepee
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Mesajde sin ella » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:35 pm

eu de aia nici nu l-am mai facut. n-am nevoie de vreo pacatoasa de confirmare :zambet:
sin ella
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Mesajde nbm » Vin Feb 24, 2006 2:49 pm

bre, am pierdut cinci minute din viatza sa aflu ca sunt 71% desent.
wtf is desent?
GOD must love STUPID PEOPLE. HE made SO MANY!!!
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Mesajde h0va » Vin Feb 24, 2006 3:06 pm

sunt bunatatea intruchipata..datzi'm nishte stelisht sa'i strang de gat :)

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Desent human being




Going to Hell


The Devil


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Mesajde kahlan » Vin Feb 24, 2006 3:57 pm

etete la mine:

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.



Desent human being


The Devil


Going to Hell


Deci ajtia minte.
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Mesajde BLACK_MOON » Vin Feb 24, 2006 4:07 pm

You are human.You care about other people........

Desent human being : 79%
Going to hell : 50%
The devil : 46%
Saint : 33% pare ca sunt a little davil :rau: lol.
Zâmbetul este o lumina ce se arata la fereastra chipului si vesteste ca inima e acasa.
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Mesajde Sică » Vin Feb 24, 2006 4:54 pm

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Desent human being


Going to Hell

The Devil
bani nu sunt un scop, sunt un mijloc.
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Mesajde whatever » Vin Feb 24, 2006 5:16 pm

You scored as The Devil.

You are pure evil, your focus is on yourself no matter what and every now and then you will even go out of your way to put others in pain just for fun.

The Devil

Desent human being

Going to Hell


deci sa va feriti de mine :D Si desent cred ca trebuia sa fie decent ?!?
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Mesajde cubu » Vin Feb 24, 2006 7:42 pm

Deci vaz ca doar io si sormea estem un fel de sfinti p-aici. La egalitate cu human being, ce-i drept. Nu stiam ca-s asa de treaba. :D

You scored as Desent human being.

You are human. You care about other people and you care about yourself. You just live your life and enjoy it.

Saint 79%
Desent human being 79%
Going to Hell 50%
The Devil 17%
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Mesajde The_FrozenLord » Vin Feb 24, 2006 8:03 pm

You scored as The Devil.

You are pure evil, your focus is on yourself no matter what and every now and then you will even go out of your way to put others in pain just for fun.

The Devil
Going to Hell
Desent human being

Mwahahahahhaha frozenlordu ie rau :hades:
Metalfan:Totusi, voi veniti cu acest „love metalâ€Â
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Mesajde o_tzestoasa » Vin Feb 24, 2006 8:22 pm

ajtia cu testul ie nebuni...imi zice ca ma sinucid, ca fac sex nush de ca sunt de treaba...minte! toti minte!

Desent human being 79%
Saint 63%
Going to Hell 50%
The Devil 25%
am carapacea mea, sunt pionier...
"probabil poza ta, din rama ti-ar sopti...stii? nu esti ce-mi doream sa fii" Ion
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Mesajde Titina » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 12:15 am

You scored as The Devil.

You are pure evil, your focus is on yourself no matter what and every now and then you will even go out of your way to put others in pain just for fun.

The Devil

Desent human being

Going to Hell


Hm....shi knd ma gandesc k l-am fakut am pus nimik la intamplare...:) nu prea e de bine,nu kredeam k is kiar asha de rea :))
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Mesajde Sică » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 12:44 am

titina, cand ne intanlim ? de mult voaim sa cunosc diavolul :D
bani nu sunt un scop, sunt un mijloc.
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Mesajde diablo_pECi » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 1:33 am

shaki...m-ai dezamagit...duar 21%...chiar aveam sperantze de la tine...shi mai zici ca ejt shi uite adevaru :D:
sigur nu intereseaza pe nimeni semnatura asta
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Mesajde MiG29 » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 1:38 am

pai cun putea sa nu ies io cu aia rai?:D
You scored as The Devil.

You are pure evil, your focus is on yourself no matter what and every now and then you will even go out of your way to put others in pain just for fun.
The Devil
Desent human being
Going to Hell
The Earth is full.GO HOME!
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Mesajde furnicaParazita » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 1:52 am

am aproape egalitate perfecta la nominalizari:
the Devil:33%
Desent human being:33%
Going to hell:29%

si totusi am cornitze.hmm.ori sunt eu proasta si testu asta de fapt e facut f bine ,ori din nou io sunt proasta rau si d fapt cand imi calculeaza rezultatele ajtia imi fac o analiza pisicologica trasnet si in concluzie:citez '' it's a metaphore''.deci,asadar si prin urmare,ca sa nu va mai plictisesec :evil is all around us,si in human being si in saint si evident si in hell.i'm bitch,i'm a lover,i'm a child,i'm a mother,blablabla i'm a sinner,i'm a saint ,vorba profundului cantecel.hmm
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Mesajde incoherent » Sâm Feb 25, 2006 2:34 am

deci dupa o intrebare tampita de Tie Break s-a hotarat
You scored as The Devil.

You are pure evil, your focus is on yourself no matter what and every now and then you will even go out of your way to put others in pain just for fun.


The Devil

Desent human being

Going to Hell


E gresit testu.Am scris ca-mi plac catelusii.
Gigi Becali e idolul unei generatii
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Mesajde baixinho© » Dum Feb 26, 2006 10:43 pm

deci, cine m-ai deschide asfel de treduri, iş-i i-a ban.

care stie sa sparga conturi de yahoo si are nevoie de nejte banutzi, sa-m dea pimeu. da sa nu vina cu programe d-alea de sa trimit vechiul cont + noul cont si noua parola la nuj ce adresa ca-l injur de mama. (imi asum responsabilitatea acestui anunt)
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